Tears Fairy

Chapter 1390

Chapter 1390
At this time, ten miles away from the imperial city, Luochuan and Fengying who were as embarrassed and speechless as Zhang Yu were escorting tens of thousands of members of the Bai family into the imperial city.

Luochuan's No. [-] Fengzi couldn't get in touch with Fang Wu, who was undercover in the imperial city, and was furious for a while.Fortunately, Fengying's No. [-] Fengzi contacted Feng Wuxin.

"Brother Wuxin, I am Fengying, and I am escorting the Bai family into the imperial city under the orders of my master.

Luo Chuan and I have already escorted people outside the imperial city.Tell me, what happened to the imperial city blockade?Why didn't I get notified beforehand.

The master is still behind.

Brother Wuxin, the master doesn't know anything about the imperial city either! "

Fengying thought, if the master knew about it, how could he not know them?

How did he know that because of Xing Wuming's disruption, Feng Tianyu's grand plan went awry.

Because of this big deviation, the virtuous king Feng Tianyu had a big accident in this big plan.Feng Tianyu worried too much.I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to inform them.

Even Yang Yong who was following her, Feng Tianyu was in no hurry to tell him.How could she have time to tell him?
Yang Yong didn't know why Feng Tianyu left suddenly.He and Wang Guoguangneng successively entered the imperial city before the imperial city was sealed off, and it was a coincidence that they were chasing the wind and rain.

"Fengying, don't ask why? Because the matter cannot be explained clearly in a few words. I can only tell you that this plan was planned by the master.

It's just ahead of time now.

There is one more thing to tell you, master, she has already returned to the imperial city, and just yesterday, she chased Xing Wuming out of the imperial city!
What you and Luo Chuan have to do now is to stabilize the Bai family, and make sure they don't notice anything?
Three days later, you escorted them into the imperial city.You must remember Fengying, don't let the Bai family have a different heart at this time.Come out and disrupt the situation at this time! "

"I...beep beep..."

Fengying was shocked, the task that Feng Wuxin threw him was too stressful.

You know, the ancestors of the Bai family were intimidated by their master.The ancestors of the Bai family were willing to let go of their immortal journey and enter the imperial city.

Now the imperial city has been blocked for three consecutive days.The Bai family are ghosts and ghosts.How are they going to stabilize them?

If they have a heart and then have an objection, disagreement.He and Luo Chuan led two thousand monks in Yang Yong's half army.The resistance of tens of thousands of people in the Bai family could not be suppressed at all.

However, Feng Wuxin was too ruthless, and ended the call as soon as he finished speaking.He couldn't even raise his objections.

Fengying had no choice but to tell Luochuan the truth through voice transmission with her spiritual consciousness.He hoped that the two of them could discuss one and a half ways if one person counts the short and the other counts the long.

But they didn't know that in the Bai family, when the two of them had a headache and were trying to find a way, two restless members of the Bai family sneaked out.

Just half a quarter of an hour ago, two members of the Bai family entered Xiangyang City, which is the closest to the imperial city.

The two members of the Bai family stayed away from the repressed group for a while.At this time, the two were not under the control of their clansmen, and the relaxation and joy in their hearts could be imagined.

They happily walked into the bustling Sunny City.After entering the city, he walked into the bustling and bustling streets with the crowds.

The crowd is in full swing, what are many people discussing?At first, the two Bai family members didn't pay much attention.

Until the topic of the fifth princess was everywhere, it finally caught their attention.

Isn't the fifth princess the same as Feng Tianyu, the fifth princess of the dynasty who wants to give them the Bai family's triple extermination gift? "

This discovery shocked the hearts of the two Bai family members, and they didn't even feel their hearts beating like thunder.The two looked at each other, already listening to the heated discussions of the people nearby.


I only heard someone curious about the baby's questioning.

"You said... the fifth princess really went to a different place after an unknown enemy?"

Some people laughed, showing off the known facts and saying:
"That's still fake! Yesterday, there were undercover enemies in the Imperial City who attacked Tianfu Tower. It is said that the wise king Feng Tianyu unfortunately died in the big explosion in Tianfu Tower."

Someone said in disbelief, "This... is absolutely true!"

"Hey! It's a pity that King Xian died young!"

Some passers-by shook their heads and sighed after hearing about it!
When the two members of the Bai family heard this, they still wanted to go shopping.After the two glanced at each other, they immediately followed the way they came, and hurried out of Xiangyang City all the way.After leaving Xiangyang City, he returned to the temporary residence ten miles away from the imperial city, where the Bai family members lived.

In the spatial hut where the ancestors of the Bai family lived temporarily.The ancestors of the Bai family were drinking tea with the seven elders of the Bai family in a leisurely manner.

"We have an urgent matter to report to our ancestors."

The two Bai family members who came back in a hurry, because they felt that the matter was too big, they rushed in without waiting for the steward who waited outside the space to inform them.

They didn't rush in in a regular manner, and the ancestors in the space hut didn't have much reaction.However, the seven elders of the Bai family who drank tea with the ancestors of the Bai family.There was an unhappy look on his face.

Without waiting for the seven elders of the Bai family to scold them angrily, the ancestor of the Bai family took a step ahead, raised his hand to stop the seven people from getting angry and said, "Don't get angry and scare people, wait until they come in to see what they say?"

"Yes, ancestor!"

When the ancestor of the Bai family said this, the seven elders of the Bai family had no choice but to quench their anger.

At this time, the two members of the Bai family who broke in had already knelt in front of the ancestor of the Bai family, and carefully reported to the ancestor of the Bai family, complementing each other, what they heard in Xiangyang City.

"Bai Haijiu, what you said is true? Xiangyang City is really discussing this matter?"

The ancestor of the Bai family was not calm anymore. He leaned forward and looked straight at one of them.The seven elders of the Bai family couldn't sit still anymore.A look of ecstasy flashed in their eyes.

This is definitely an opportunity for their Bai family to turn around. It must not be missed, and it will never come again!

The seven elders looked crazy, and asked the ancestors of the Bai family in unison.

The ancestors of the Bai family knew that this was what the seven elders of the Bai family wanted him to make a decision on the fly.

However, Feng Tianyu did not die, maybe only Feng Tianyu died.If he took advantage of the situation and turned back this time.

The Bai family is already in Feng Tianyu's roster, it's good for the Bai family to take advantage of the chaos and win, but what if they lose?

Once Feng Tianyu came back, their Bai family really had no room to turn around.

Reverse or not?

This is a matter of betting the entire Bai family. Can he and the seven elders really be independent?

The ancestor of the Bai family frowned without realizing it at this moment. He raised his head and glanced at the seven elders of the Bai family who were full of madness.

How they longed for freedom!
And freedom, he wants more, doesn't he?

If Tongtianyan hadn't been destroyed, he would have rushed into the Yuanli Realm immediately.It's just that Tongtianyan was destroyed.His journey to immortality was also interrupted.

The ancestor of the Bai family sighed secretly in his heart, and then solemnly said to the seven elders of the Bai family:

"Are you really sure you want to gamble the fate of the [-] members of the Bai family with the sky at this last step?
Can you and I really not bet on behalf of tens of thousands of people from the Bai family?Do you want to ask them if they are willing to be the bargaining chip in our gamble? "

The ancestor of the Bai family hesitated. In this world, he has reached the pinnacle of his life.He really didn't want to bear the karma of life and death of tens of thousands of people.

(End of this chapter)

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