Tears Fairy

Chapter 1413 The Reversal of Guangyuan City

Chapter 1413 The Reversal of Guangyuan City
Because, 90.00% of the people in Guangyuan City are descendants of monks from Tianyuan Continent.

Because of this, the temple in Guangyuan City has been suppressed.Today, with the deterioration of the relationship between the two parties.

Guangyuan City's stubborn and unyielding resistance had already reached the point where the temple could no longer tolerate it.

Ke Jixin is the commander of the temple. This time, in front of the God Lord, he was sealed to attack Guangyuan City. He wanted to use decisive strategic methods to complete the task of cleaning up the remaining evils of Tianyuan.

This is the responsibility of his operations department.

But now, Hu Xingye, the envoy of light sent by the temple, obviously didn't pay attention to his proposal.This made it difficult for him, as the siege general, to step down in front of the public.

He fought for seventeen days in this protracted battle, and the intense three days after that made him even more anxious.

Because, not only did the temple still fail to defeat Guangyuan City.Moreover, there are hundreds of thousands of wounded soldiers in the temple.

Compared with Guangyuan City, this kind of injury has not reached the data of [-] enemies and [-] self-injuries.

But the prerequisite for victory is that the casualties of the temple are still half of the casualties of Guangyuan City.This is enough to shock everyone in the temple.

When the number of wounded soldiers in Guangyuan City increased to 10,000+, the divine soldiers of the temple now also injured tens of thousands of people, which is very rare in the history of the temple's battles.

It can even be said that this attack on Guangyuan City was the most they paid for the temple, and it was the only one that exceeded their imagination too much.

At this moment, Ke Jixin felt dissatisfied with Hu Xingye.This is what Hu Xingye, who was also worried that the siege battle would fail in the end, did not think of it.

Hu Xingye is the supervisor of the Guangyuan City this time.He has to consider far more than the main officer Ke Jixin.

He asked for everyone's opinions, and he also wanted to take advantage of them before they showed signs of defeat.While respecting their opinions, take advantage of the situation to share the same responsibility with them.

If they attack the city to the end, once they fail, the consequences of this failure will be shared by these high-level officials.

As for General Ke Jixin's proposal, he agrees. The problem is, he doesn't want to face the dissatisfaction of the Ministry of Justice after returning to the temple after losing the battle.

The chief general, Ke Jixin, is a reckless man with no plans.Since I don't understand his way of doing things, I just think that he doesn't support his suggestion.

In fact, Hu Xingye did not object to Ke Xingye's proposal.It's just that he didn't want to offend the Interrogation Department by himself.Therefore, he turned his attention to everyone in the parliament.

"This... we are now in a dilemma. The responsibility lies in the fact that the information given to us by the Investigation Department does not match. The strength and wealth of Guangyuan City are beyond the evaluation of the Investigation Department.

If something goes wrong, we don't need to cover it for them, let us bear the pressure of the temple! "

Quartermaster Zhong Shanyue couldn't resist Hu Xingye's gaze from the supervisor Guangming.When other people bowed their heads to avoid it, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and express the same opinion as the chief general Ke Jixin.

He also believed that they were half responsible for their unfavorable start, and the Interrogation Department also had to bear half.

The words of quartermaster Zhong Shanyue immediately caught the eyes of the chief general Ke Jixin.He set his sights on the supervisor again.

At this time, the supervisor Hu Xingye nodded slightly to the chief general Ke Jixin.Ke Jixin heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, Hu Xingye, the military supervisor, turned his attention to the military counselor who was in charge of writing the report and went straight to the temple.

"Counselor Shen, Chief General Ke's proposal, my supervisor agrees. You and Quartermaster Zhong Shanyue will discuss this matter!"

The chief general Ke Ji believed in such a small proposal, yet he put so much thought into it.The purpose is to have someone like Zhong Shanyue, the quartermaster, who has a background in the temple, to do it.

In this way, if the war is unfortunate, it will be estimated by yourself.In the end they really lost.He also pulled the Interrogation Department to share the consequences of the defeat.

The grudge was already born, and the chief general Ke Jixin did not get rid of the grudge because the supervisor Hu Xingye finally agreed to his proposal.

It is a taboo for military strategists to discord between generals, and it is also the same reason for discord between the chief general and the supervising army.And that's just the beginning.

Outside Guangyuan City, the temple continued to attack the city day and night.Guangyuan City first had [-] golden fragrant fruits donated by Feng Tianyu.Later, countless charity donors joined the charity donation team to defend Guangyuan City.

The army of monks defending the city has no worries.Fighting is more calm and confident.As long as the monk soldiers were not killed in battle at that time.

With the Jinxiang Dan refined from Jinxiangguo, the injured monks only need a short rest.It can be restored to perfection in the magical effect of Jinxiangdan's medicinal power.

This means that the strength of their defenders has not been consumed, but has been maintained.

Because of this, the siege of the temple was doomed to fail in the end.

city ​​wall.

"I am City Lord Lu Mingda, and I want to announce good news to the warriors of Guangyuan City.

Our Guangyuan City already has the strongest ally!

Her name is Feng Tianyu!
She has donated 20 golden fragrant fruits to us.It is estimated that at least [-] Jinxiang Dan can be refined.

What does the Jinxiang Dan refined from Jinxiangguo represent? You know as much as I do!

This is the condition for us to win!
First, there was the donation proposal from Fairy Fengtianyu, and then countless enthusiastic allies made charitable donations.Now Guangyuan City has the resources to fight for a long time.

Let's cheer up and fight!We will win in the end! "

The city lord went to the city.Immediately divided the consciousness into thousands of strands, and told everyone the good news that came one after another.

Half of the sergeants defending the city knew of Feng Tianyu's generous charitable donation when the wounded returned to the front line of the city.

It was precisely because these people knew about this that the attack became more stable and calm.Don't underestimate this calm battle, it is not important to the current battle situation.

At this time, word of mouth and first-heard monk soldiers.Hearing the personal announcement of the city lord, this proves that it is true that the wounded return to the front line and the charitable donations introduced into the army are true.

They were excited in their hearts, but rationally they did not cheer.

It's just that when everyone confronts the enemy, they strike harder and harder.

Feng Tianyu didn't know that the Lord of Guangyuan City would make her famous.She has gained a lot of friendship from the First Army of the Anti-Japanese War in Guangyuan City in the charity donation.

Now it is even more famous in the first-line army.

"Master, now the wounded have the miraculously effective Jinxiang Pill, and it is no longer necessary for the wounded to be drawn by master's exercise.

It's fine for Tuer to take care of it here, you'd better go back to the tent and rest for a night! "

Seeing that the sky was getting dark again, Jun Moqian knew that it was getting late again. In the past few days, he had already understood some of the master's habits in detail.

For example, the master loves food, for example, the master sleeps normally like a mortal.At this time, he saw that the master was sleepy again.

Immediately assume the responsibility of the master group.Persuade the master to rest.

Is this a disciple who has something to do?

Right, looking at the sincere apprentice, Feng Tianyu blinked her eyes, agreeing with her opinion, so she smiled warmly at the apprentice and said:

"Okay! If there is anything difficult to solve, you can use Feng Zi No. [-] to inform the master!"

"Master, don't worry! The apprentice understands!"

Jun Moqian saw that Master got up after listening to his persuasion, and he immediately agreed to Master very loudly, so that Master could truly feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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