Tears Fairy

Chapter 1458

Chapter 1458

"One hundred and sixty million!"

Through her spiritual sense, Feng Tianyu watched the two of them leave the venue.At this time, the bidding of the auction continued.

It's just that there were only three people insisting at this time, and one of them was Gong Changqi, the head of the monks' union she was already familiar with.

There are three people bidding, and Feng Tianyu will not participate at this time.She is waiting for the person who persists until the end.


"One hundred and sixty million!"

After Gong Changqi bid 8000 million.The auction hall fell silent for a while.No one answered and followed the bidding.

"The VIPs in the VIP Room No. 41 bid 8000 million yuan. Immortal spirit is a rare treasure that cannot be found, but there are still VIPs who continue to bid!"

As soon as the bidding time fell silent, the beautiful monk who presided over the auction immediately spoke up.

This kind of human immortality has always been rarely seen in the auction world. The Gaoyang Auction was lucky enough to receive this kind of human immortality, which is more than a treasure, for auction.It is a blessing for Gaoyang City itself.

It has a sensational effect in Yuanlijie.It directly pushed the reputation of Gao Yang Auction to the peak.

And they who preside over the auctioneer Xianqi will eventually become famous in the auction world because they preside over the auction this time.

This will also be a peak in their auction career.

They have set new highs in this auction.As for the most exciting human spirit, its price is more worthy of their painstaking auction.

"Two hundred million!"

The loud shouts of wind and rain caused the two beautiful monks who presided over the auction.Almost screamed from excitement to excitement.

Feng Tianyu bent her lips and smiled, and as soon as her bidding fell, Gong Changqi's face turned pale.His limit is [-] million.

The voice that made him feel like a nightmare now called out a sky-high price of [-] million.He is bound to win the immortal spirit, what will he use to bid for it?

Feng Tianyu had known about Gong Changqi's net worth, although he couldn't say it was very accurate.However, there is also a number of frames in there.

As long as she has enough spirit stones, she believes that Gong Changqi will eventually survive the risk.

"Two hundred and five million!"

The palace chief had a bitter face like a widow concubine, and called out the limit price he could bear again.

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

Feng Tianyu easily bid another high price.

Feng Tianyu drank tea relaxedly, Gong Zhangqi was about to collapse on the chair.At this moment, his face was pale, and his gloomy eyes were fixed on the window that was closed by Feng Tianyu at this moment.

If he could, he really wanted to rush over and tear Feng Tianyu into pieces.

But he can't, now that Feng Tianyu has bid, if he doesn't continue to bid.He will lose the immortality that he is bound to gain.

He has no time to wait.If the person who appeared this time was immortal, he would have missed it.He couldn't wait for a second chance.

How to do?
He must not let go of this opportunity.He can't wait anymore.

Thinking of his longevity, he finally decided to take the risk.

He is the president of the monks' union. In addition to his own wealth, he also controls the wealth of the monks' union.

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

Gong Zhangqi, the president who decided to use the wealth of the monks' union, once again stood upright and made a firm bid.

Feng Tianyu continued to follow the bidding.

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

Fengtianyu's spiritual stones cannot be counted in pieces, nor can they be counted in buckets.Her wealth, in the end, is that Gong Changqi owns a monk union.He is also unable to fight the wind and rain.

It's just that Gong Zhangqi didn't understand this point, so he risked a lot to bid with Feng Tianyu.

To bid at an auction, one must be able to pay and bid for a successful auction item.If there is no ability to pay for a successful auction item.

Once this kind of thing happens, the black-clothed envoys who maintain the auction world will let this person be wiped out in ashes without a place to bury him.

No one in Yuanli Realm has yet challenged the authority of the envoy in black.

Gong Changqi believed that Feng Tianyu didn't have the courage.

He's making a tit-for-tat bid with Feng Tianyu, and he has the wealth of a monk's guild at his disposal.Wind and rain did not.

He used the wealth of the monks' union, as long as it didn't cross the line.He can slowly fill in the embezzled part afterwards.

It is absolutely impossible for Feng Tianyu to push him over the line.So, he boldly continued to bid:
"Two hundred and thirty million!"

Feng Tianyu calmly followed the bidding and said:
"Two hundred and thirty million!"

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

At this time, Gong Changqi, who made a bid, frowned.This 1000 million 1000 million bid.Although he is sure that he can weather the storm.

However, Feng Tianyu's subsequent bidding actually made him start to doubt his life.

The further he got to the back, he somehow felt flustered!
He is flustered about using public funds!

He is bound to win the spirit of immortality!As for the consequences of getting what you want?He dare not think now.Because when he thinks about it, he will not have the courage to fight against wind and rain.

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

Feng Tianyu continued to follow the bidding.

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

At this time, there was a glint of water between Gong Changqi's forehead.But the bidding has to go on.

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

"Three hundred million!"

Feng Tianyu's black eyes were dim, and she continued to bid.He is determined to let the person who is bound to win go into exile from now on.

"1000 million!"

Gong Changqi gritted his teeth, if he hadn't trusted the auction.They all think that Feng Tianyu has no money to bid, and is purely pretending to be a big head.

"2000 million!"

There was no need to think about Feng Tianyu's bidding, and almost every bidding was followed when the palace chief's strange words fell.

"3000 million!"

When Gong Zhangqi called out 3000 million and [-] million, he couldn't help but raise his sleeve and wipe his forehead.

"4000 million!"

At this time, Feng Tianyu's arrogance in bidding made everyone in the auction hall feel.It was as if she didn't hesitate every time she bid a sky-high price.

It was as easy as if the price she bid was ten or eight spirit stones.

Although Feng Tianyu didn't show up, everyone's eyes were fixed on the window of No. 36 VIP room.

"5000 million!"

There was no other way to think of it, Gong Changqi could only endure all his emotions and continue to cheer up and bid with Feng Tianyu.

"9000 million!"

Feng Tianyu suddenly raised the price, determined to raise the price to a new high.

Gong Changqi either gave up the bidding, or only had a asking price of [-] million.

"Four hundred million!"

When Gong Changqi called out [-] million, he felt not only hatred for Feng Tianyu, but also fear.

Such a rich nun.Her background...

Gong Zhangqi didn't dare to think deeply.

This is completely aimed at him.In terms of the human immortality that he is bound to win, fight with him in the bidding for spiritual stones.

He even thought about it, but he couldn't remember where he had offended Feng Tianyu, a female cultivator.

He didn't know where Feng Tianyu was a monk, and he didn't know, did he accidentally offend her?
In fact, Feng Tianyu has just come to Yuanli Realm.He didn't even have the chance to meet Feng Tianyu.How could he offend her?
How could he know?
Feng Tianyu is so obviously targeting him, is he completely venting his anger for Guangyuan City?

Shouting a price of [-] million has already made Gong Zhangqi over the limit.

The resources and wealth of the monks' union are being consumed and flowing every day.And the president, Gong Changqi, misappropriated it privately.

Because of his misappropriation of the resources and wealth of the monks' union, there will be a big hole.

(End of this chapter)

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