Tears Fairy

Chapter 1468

Chapter 1468

"A frog in a well deserves to be called proud?

Building a house and castle is an invincible sect?
It turned out that the Dharma Venerable still didn't believe that there would always be such idiots in this world.Now, meeting you two frogs in a well.This Fa Zun can't believe it or not. "

There was no change in expression on Feng Tianyu's calm face.However, Zhengtong of the City Lord's Mansion showed a gloomy expression.

But he saw that the wind and rain were so calm.The anger quickly calmed down.

"Frog at the bottom of the well?"

Feng Tianyu smiled, the more he despises them, the better it will be for them.

So what if they are so numerous now?
She alone is enough to handle them, even...

"Aren't you a frog in a well?"

His Holiness looked at Feng Tianyu with disdainful eyes.Laughing at her in a sarcastic tone.


Feng Tianyu chuckled, and when he raised his hand, the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword jumped out of thin air.

"Ding Ding!"

Feng Tianyu flicked the sword with his hand, and the sound of Ziji Leilongjian's sword was clear and clear, and it also carried a terrifying coercion.

"If it is not, then use it to verify your words!"

"Dragon Rebellion!"

"Hang on high..."

Feng Tianyu's sword rose against the dragon, and purple thunder dragons had come out from under the sword.

With the improvement of Feng Tianyu's cultivation base, once her ultimate move Long Ni is released, it is no longer the power of the half-step human immortal stage.

The group of dragons suddenly appeared, and only Long Wei Haohao remained in the world.As the group of dragons ended their formation on their own, this piece of heaven and earth has been strongly suppressed by Haohao Longwei.

How can this be?

Fa Zumba felt that the mana was not running smoothly, and he was shocked and terrified, and his eyes suddenly shrank when he looked at Feng Tianyu.

For the five hundred monks behind him, Yuan Long's mocking expression had turned from shock to horror.

Haohao Longwei came under strong oppression, and they could only use their spiritual power to resist.But the fact that their spiritual power was running slowly made them tremble uncontrollably.

At this time, they looked at Feng Tianyu with nothing but shock and fear.Where is the arrogance and arrogance that he had when he laughed at Feng Tianyu and the others earlier?
While the dragons were singing to the heavens, sweat was dripping from their foreheads.They are all trying their best to resist the Haohao Longwei that the dragons are overwhelming.

Their bodies can no longer straighten up, and they are bending downwards in resistance!
"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

His Holiness had already gone from being shocked to being terrified.Deep down in my heart, I couldn't restrain it anymore, and despair gave birth to the confusion of life.

He is a half-step immortal monk.They have all been restrained by the coercion of the dragons under the Fengtianyu sword.

The operation of his spiritual power has been sluggish and slow due to restraint.Who is behind him?Can he not be restrained by the Haohao Longwei born from the Fengtianyu Sword?
He was shocked and terrified.

He didn't need to look back at all, he knew that there were booming sounds behind him one after another.It was they who couldn't resist the Longwei that had solidified between the heavens and the earth, and fell to the ground from the sky.

This was just the beginning of their misfortune, and soon, Fa Zun's original face of despair.His expression changed again.His pale face was turned to ashes at this moment.He couldn't hold on any longer.

Around them, when they tried their best to resist Longwei, they didn't know when there was a circle of fire around them, surrounding them.

This is a sky fire beyond this world, and it is no longer something they can contend with.

If they can find out early, they may have a chance of escape.

In a moment of carelessness, they have lost the hope of escaping.

Now, life and death are no longer up to them.Because the circle of fire in the sky, which was enough to wipe them out, gave birth to small circles of fire, enclosing them one by one.

Fa Zun closed his eyes in despair.

He thought with regret that just a moment ago, he was still the mighty Dharma Venerable who looked down on the world.

The next moment, he became the prisoner of a frog in a well whom he mocked and despised.

Between life and death, he can no longer make decisions on his own.

If he dies, he can resist the circle of fire that binds him, so that in a moment, he can be wiped out.

However, if he goes one step further, he will have a lifespan of 10 years. How can he be willing to die?
He was reluctant to die, so only Zhuang Fengtianyu survived.

The City Lord's Mansion Zhengtong has always known that the wind, weather and rain who have already cultivated in the immortal stage are very strong.

He only knows that the wind and rain are very strong!

Now, from being worried, he has witnessed the power of Feng Tianyu's sword.

This in-person shock made him unable to calm down for a long time.At this time, more than 500 members of the monk union who saw the unkind comers were all arrested.

At this time, he worshiped Feng Tianyu besides worshiping him.

More than 500 powerful monks from the monks' union managed to catch them with one move amidst the wind and rain.

Are all immortal monks so strong?Or is Feng Tianyu too monstrous?
Feng Tianyu is just such a sword move!

The city lord's mansion is in the midst of excitement and excitement, but more doubts about the authenticity of reality.

"The Lord of Fucheng! You are still wandering in the sky! Think about it, are these people imprisoned in Tianyuanzong, or are they brought back to Guangyuan City?"

Feng Tianyu knew about his own sword, which made the city master think too much.He had to divert his thoughts aloud.

"Oh, this one! Just listening to the fairy!"

Fu Zhengtong came back to his senses, what could he think about?It is the most correct thing for him to listen to the fairy.

It's just a matter of paying homage to Fu Zhengtong who worships wind and rain.Where do I have my own ideas at this time.

He was so excited that he no longer regarded himself as the city lord.

What is a Santo?Is synonymous with aggrieved.

Although when he took over as the city lord, he had already taken on a completely new look, with the wind and rain, the aggrieved earlier has long been a thing of the past.

However, now, what he expects is that the time for him to become a member of the Tianyuan Sect will come sooner.

Seeing that he was so excited that he had forgotten his identity, Feng Tianyu couldn't help but smiled and said, "Listen to me!"

"Yes, Fairy, I listen to Fairy!"

The City Lord's Mansion is nodding heavily.

Fu Zhengtong's affirmation showed that he had voluntarily abstained from voting.Feng Tianyu nodded secretly, but Guangyuan City still needs him to preside over it.

What he expects will come true soon, but she can't meet his expectations yet.

Feng Tianyu didn't say these things, she believed that he was a person who cared about the overall situation.

Fuzhengtong's current cultivation base is only in the early stage of Mahayana Dzogchen.There is still a long way to go to the Yuanli Realm.

At the beginning of the founding of the sect, the future Tianyuanzong will have her as the suzerain.

After the situation in the Zongmen stabilized, she had to hand over the Zongmen to Fu Zhengtong.Now he takes the post of city lord.At the end of her tenure, she has rich management experience and just happened to take over the position of her suzerain.

She is relieved of such a transition.The future Zongmen Youfu is with you.She also doesn't have to worry about the growth of her apprentice Jun Moqian.

Fu Zhengtong naturally didn't know Feng Tianyu's plan.If he knows that Feng Tianyu is this idea, just as Feng Tianyu is optimistic about it.

He will also agree with the overall situation.Because, Tianyuanzong and Guangyuan City have long been a family.

Tianyuan people have Tianyuanzong, Guangyuan City is a city of Tianyuanzong.Wherever he is, he has the same identity that he should be proud of.That identity is something to be proud of.

I am from Tianyuan Continent.

"The foundation of Tianyuanzong has been laid, and the Zongmen's resident has also been built.

These people came to congratulate me in person today, it was the time when our sect was established. ...

Founding a mountain and establishing a sect?
(End of this chapter)

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