Tears Fairy

Chapter 1524 Uneven Taihe City

Chapter 1524 Uneven Taihe City
The wind and rain got off the dragon carriage, and rewarded the coachman casually.Then he walked towards Guanghui Restaurant.

"Da da da da da..."

"Shut up!"

When Feng Tianyu walked towards Guanghui Restaurant, the sound of horseshoes behind him stopped when the coachman yelled.

Feng Tianyu didn't look back, because she knew that the owner of the dragon carriage was the monk in blue who had rescued her when she entered the city.

The blue-clothed friar was also very smart. He saw Feng Tianyu and didn't intend to delve into his case or motive.It is also wise to temporarily keep a certain distance from the wind and rain.

Whoever wants to enter the restaurant can enter it, not because of their own suspicion of others.It can stop people.

Besides, the friar in blue didn't care about her.At least not now.

Therefore, Feng Tianyu was not displeased because the monk in blue went into a restaurant with her.

She is her, he is him.

It's not that Feng Tianyu doesn't want to know, what is his motive for doing this?She couldn't find the truth about this kind of thing even if she asked.

Rather than listening to an ambiguous or half-truth statement.She didn't need to ask.Let him have more opportunities to be close to himself.

As long as he doesn't ruin her affairs, it's not good for her to show his minions.They fight well in the nest, which can only benefit her.

Feng Tianyu didn't take advantage of the people in the temple to seek convenience for her.If that's what she figured she'd use.

But obviously not.

The friar in blue came together by himself.

Although it seemed like a coincidence, Feng Tianyu never believed it.

Why should she get involved with such a person who obviously used her scheming to her.It's his business that he doesn't deal with the temple.She can rely on her own ability to deal with the temple.There is no need to really cooperate with him.

Therefore, he made it clear that he did not deal with the temple.Just to know who she is?Want to use her?
She said that she didn't want to get involved with the people in the temple.Two, I don't want to put a person from the temple who seems harmless to him by his side.

In this way, there is no need to have too much intersection with each other, just be a familiar stranger!
The friar in blue didn't know Feng Tianyu's inner thoughts.He followed Feng Tianyu to live in Guanghui Restaurant, it seemed that he really only came to stay in the restaurant.

Only the next day, Feng Tianyu left Guanghui Restaurant.He also didn't mean to look for Feng Tianyu.

And after Feng Tianyu left Guanghui Restaurant, he didn't follow her anymore.

Feng Tianyu knew that he would definitely show up on the way to the temple.

This is also because of the wind and rain, the six senses are extremely sensitive.In order not to be fooled by his hand.

However, the friar in blue was so sensible, Feng Tianyu still gave him a high look.

After leaving Baoguang City, the next stop she was going to was Taihe City.

Baoguang City's strict investigation of the female cultivator has alerted Feng Tianyu. This time, when Feng Tianyu turned around, he had changed his appearance into a simple male cultivator.

It also completely changed his breath.

This kind of wind and rain, she will appear in front of the blue-clothed monk again.He never thought of recognizing her again.

Taihe City.

After a day of wind and rain, they finally arrived at Taihe City.Arrived just before closing the city gate.

The captain of the guard guarding the city saw that she was a male cultivator, so he didn't do much investigation.After Feng Tianyu handed over the spirit stone for entering the city.Just let the wind and rain into Taihe City.

Just when the wind and rain entered the city, a large spaceship in the sky carried the gods from all directions.Flying over Taihe City.

Feng Tianyu looked up, with her eyesight and the power of her soul, she saw the spaceship flying by in the night sky.There are god emblems representing the temple.

The temple really left early?
However, they were still one step too late!Guangyuan City and Tianyuanzong's first line of defense.As early as today, when it was getting dark, the city was over.

The Guangyuan City army guarding the line of defense had already arrived at the frontline posts.Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Feng Tianyu's simple face.

The lord of Taihe City is Zejin, an expatriate disciple of the temple.

The city lord's mansion was heavily guarded at this time, and under the lights in the city lord's mansion, a monk in blue was holding a jade slip and looking at it on the main seat.

He is the monk in blue who has met Feng Tianyu several times
And the city lord of Zejin was respectful, bowing his hands and standing in front of the table of the monk in blue.After a long time, he asked Zejin:

"Among the people who entered the city today, did you really not find her?"

Zejin replied in a respectful voice: "Return to the master, until the gate of the city is closed, no one has entered the city!"

"It seems that her methods are far more powerful than I thought!
But, for me now, the more powerful she is, the better!
Zejin, how true is your news? "

The monk in blue was playing with the jade slip in his hand, and when he reached the end, he suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"Return to master, the news on the jade slip is [-]% true!"

"The monk union... well, you did a good job this time!"

Seeing Zejin's affirmative expression, the monk in blue suddenly smiled.By the way, I praised him.This made Zejin, who was standing respectfully, couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

If this is the case, this is the unexpected and the greatest good news.

Without him in the temple, there is no need for the temple to exist.

The originally bright eyes of the monk in blue suddenly darkened.

Feng Tianyu is a sword he is optimistic about, but the edge of this sword is too sharp.He couldn't control her at all.

Also, if he could really control her.He doesn't have to fall from the altar, and exists like a mouse.

Now, it's time to make Bai Guang restless!There is also black light... Thinking of black light, the monk in blue couldn't help but darken his eyes.

As long as the temple of the spirit world doesn't fall down, this guy is probably going to die with him forever.He sighed secretly.Annoyed, he kneaded his eyebrows.But what can you do about it?

Feng Tianyu, who lived in Wangxian Tower, knew that the monk in blue would not just disappear automatically.However, it is also true that she really didn't find him today.

Feng Tianyu frowned, and later, she touched her face and felt relieved.

How could this guy appear in her sight if he couldn't recognize her?

Feng Tianyu arranged a formation in the room to reassure her.Only then did I rest assured to sleep.She's been fine all night.

The City Lord's Mansion was different, this night was very restless.

Black light relies on its own secret tracking technique.Finally, after entering Taihe City, he found a trace of the person he was going to kill.

As long as he finds a little trace, he has the ability to magnify infinitely.When it was nearly midnight, he finally found a more obvious trace of this person in the City Lord's Mansion.


"Qingfuqi, you can't escape!"

Following a tyrannical Taoism, it exploded in the side hall of the City Lord's Mansion.It was the angry sound of Heiguang gnashing his teeth.

In the main hall, Zejin has just entered a good state of cultivation.He was so startled by the bombing outside that he almost bleed out.

He clutched his aching chest and flew out of the main hall.

Under the moonlight, a black light flew over the city lord's mansion.Suddenly, I saw a person running out of the main hall in a hurry.When he was about to make another move.

"Zejin pays homage to the Black Light Envoy!"

Outside the hall, there was only black light, and Zejin did not find the figure of his master.Suddenly secretly relieved.Say hello to the black light in the sky.

"Zejin, this envoy is asking you that the escapee from the temple, Qiong Fuqi, is hiding here with you. Why didn't you report it?
Your behavior is no different from that of a traitor!Zejin, are you guilty? "

(End of this chapter)

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