Tears Fairy

Chapter 1567

Chapter 1567
The reality is too cruel, and accidents always happen when we are expecting a family reunion.well!All I want now is for our little Yu'er to be safe and well. "

At the end of Feng Zhizhi's speech, he lost the mood to read the battle report for a while.

"Yun'er, let's go to the Imperial Garden for a walk!"

In order to understand the worries in his heart, Feng Mingzhi put down the battle report in his hand.Stand up from the throne.He picked up Liu Yun'er who was sitting beside him.

The couple just walked out of the hall holding hands.

"Aunt Huang, Uncle Huang! Where are you going!"

Feng Mingzhi took Liu Yun'er by the hand and just left the gate of the main hall.They met Liu Qingqing who was looking for them head-on.

"Qingqing, didn't you follow your sister Qing'er to the Heavenly Kingdom of the Western Regions? At this time, why did you come into the palace at this time!"

Liu Yun'er held up her niece and daughter who saluted the couple.He asked Liu Qingqing suspiciously.

Feng Mingzhi also looked at Liu Qingqing questioningly.

"It's like this. Didn't my mother find out and not let me go when I was about to leave? In the end, Sister Qing'er waved her hand. Then Younger Sister Qingqing should stay in Black Rock City!

I'm afraid I won't agree, what else to say, I have a big task at home.It happened to take good care of the royal uncle and aunt for her.

It is said that my cultivation base is high, and I can still protect the rear of the old imperial city.

My mother won't let me go, and Sister Qing'er said that again, what else can I do?This is not to stay in the old imperial capital and serve as the guardian of the metropolis. "

After Liu Qingqing finished answering the question, she supported Liu Yun'er and asked the imperial aunt and his wife:
"Uncle Huang, Aunt Huang, where are you going?"

Liu Yun'er looked at her husband tenderly, then smiled gently at her niece and said:

"I'm feeling a little depressed, so I want to go to the Royal Garden with your uncle Huang to get some fresh air and relieve my boredom!"


Liu Qingqing let out a groan, and couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

She wants to follow to the Imperial Garden!I also feel the two-person world of the emperor's aunt and the emperor's uncle.Will be disturbed by myself.

"It's just right that Qingqing is here! Your aunt and I are going out for a walk.

Qingqing happened to help me go to the Mingji Hall to watch the military report.After sorting out the notes, put the important ones on the case.

In this way, it will be much easier for me to come back and look at it! "


When Liu Qingqing heard this, her shoulders suddenly collapsed, and after blinking her big eyes, she comforted herself in her heart.

She must have heard it wrong!
"Qingqing, you heard me right. Uncle Huang will entrust you to read the military report."

"Uncle Huang, you... hey! All right!"

Liu Qingqing really wanted to say, Uncle Huang, why are you so unkind?
However, Yijian Fengzhi looked worried.I resigned myself to being unable to speak out.

Liu Qingqing didn't expect that Feng Zhizhi, who has always been honest and kind, has now learned to catch the young man of his nephew in his later life.

Moreover, from her Liu Qing's expression, she was able to pierce her momentary fantasy in time.

Feng Zhiming will catch Liu Qingqing to be a strong man.All because he thought of his missing little daughter.My heart is completely messed up.

At this time, he couldn't rest assured to read the battle report and military situation on the front line.

Although Liu Qingqing is young, she has been with Feng Tianyu for a long time.It can also be regarded as well-informed.

He asked her to read some military reports, but it was still hard for her.Because of trust, Feng Zhizhi did not have any psychological burden in arresting her as a strong man.

In fact, Feng Zhizhi prefers to join the army to participate in the war than government affairs.

His cultivation base is already in the stage of distraction, and when he was down and out in his early years, he often did tasks outside with his wife to support the family.

Therefore, cruel battlefield killing is not difficult for him.

However, he is now the emperor of Tianfeng Dynasty!How can he ignore government affairs?He could only envy his father in his heart.

Because the father only hangs the name of the Supreme Emperor.He can use his identity to pressure him and ask him to give him a legion to lead the rebellion.Fighting against the Heavenly King Feng Tianlei's main army, they launched a campaign of encirclement and suppression against the Daqing Dynasty of the Bai family.

Feng Zhizhi thought of the Daqing Dynasty of the Bai family.There was another heartache in my heart.Does he not know that he is incompetent?Or the Bai family is too deceitful.

He never dreamed that he had already hid in the Bai family in the deep mountains and lakes.

Even though he will use his fourth brother Feng Mingda to plot against his dynasty.If it weren't for the Bai family's century-long plan.This caused the Tianfeng Dynasty to be turbulent and unstable.

If his dynasty was stable, how could his sons and daughters, one by one, not return home due to the stable and turbulent dynasty as soon as they came out of the ancient battlefield.

How could their family reunion be so obvious, yet so far away?Watching the dejected Liu Qingqing walk into the Mingji Hall.

Feng Mingcai was in a depressed mood, and walked towards the imperial garden with Liu Yun'er hand in hand.

The Bai family established the Daqing Dynasty in the center of the regime of the Tianfeng Dynasty, and established the dynasty after retreating to the Northern Territory.

The success of the Daqing Dynasty, Bai Zizai, was after the ancestors of the Bai family returned home and gave him power.With the temptation to rule half of the country, the master of the ten halls of the temple, the master of Jing Hao hall, voluntarily joined forces.

Because the two parties shared their interests, the temple fought together with the million troops formed by the Bai family with a combat power of one hundred ten times.

The strength lies there, and they easily ruled the entire central region.

However, after all, Tianyuan Continent is a great country of cultivating immortals ruled by Tianfeng Dynasty for hundreds of years.

With the rise of the Daqing Dynasty, he can use high-end combat power to force himself to suppress the Central Territory and surrender for a while.

However, relying on the alliance with foreign enemies, the Bai family ruled the first regime, which was not accepted by the monks of Tianyuan.

The surrender at this moment is just that people are in Cao Ying and their hearts are in Han.Among the city lords who forcibly bowed their heads, is there any city lord who didn't turn against Feng Tianlei when Feng Tianlei swung his army from the north to the central region?
Because in their hearts, only one dynasty has ever been recognized.That is the Tianfeng Dynasty.

This is also the biggest reason why Feng Tianlei can be so powerful after launching the counter-insurgency war.

In the Daqing Dynasty, there were a hundred great powers with temples.

However, there are 66 Mahayana powers of the Tianfeng Dynasty after summarization.

Moreover, Feng Tianlei's brothers and sisters are all Mahayana monks, and there are three of them in the imperial dynasty.

Plus Liu Qingqing, Ji Xiaojie, Xu Binger, Fang Xiaocui, Nangong Mei.

There are also those Nangongmei clansmen who have returned from the ancient battlefield.

In addition, there are dozens of subordinates who are loyal to Feng Tianyu's old department.There are more than a dozen members of the Xu family army, and more than a dozen Mahayana powers in the space world.The five heavenly kingdoms of the Western Regions.

These are all Tianyuan Continent, the high-end combat power that has flourished.

This kind of high-end combat power is enough to compete with the temple's hundred and ten Mahayanas for a while.

Regardless of the fact that there are more Mahayana monks in the temple than Tianfeng Dynasty.However, they didn't dare to really compete with the Mahayana monks in Tianyuan Continent.

In Tianyuan Continent, their cultivation was suppressed by the Dao of Heaven in this world.In real battles of the same level, because they were suppressed by this way of heaven, they would not be able to win against the monks of the same level of Tianyuan who were fighting with them.

Moreover, this world simply cannot afford the battle of hundreds of people in the Mahayana period.Once this great war really breaks out, the entire Tianyuan Continent will be shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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