Tears Fairy

Chapter 1612

Chapter 1612

Seven days later, Xu Chongyang borrowed the teleportation from the Skynet Array, and he brought all the family members he planned to pick up, and none of them were left behind, into the Tianyuan Secret Realm.

After entering the Tianyuan Secret Realm, they waited in the secret realm for another three days, and only three days later, the Tianyuan Secret Realm opened.Brother Xu Chongyang quietly returned to Fengfu in Guangyuan City with the whole family of the Feng family.

The day when Xu Chongyang took everyone back to Fengfu.Xing Wuming also entered Guangyuan City on that day.

Xing Wuming had already registered in Guangyuan City because of the wind and rain.As soon as he entered the city, the spies of Guangyuan City discovered him.

After Fu Zhengtong got the news that Xing Wuming had entered the city.Immediately attached great importance to it, and made full preparations for Xing Wuming's massacre in Guangyuan City.

To say that Guangyuan City's overall combat power is sufficient, it is better to say that Guangyuan City's defense is strong.As long as the enemy attacked Guangyuan City from outside, they never succeeded.

Xing Wuming is Feng Tianyu's most dangerous enemy in Guangyuan City.

Xing Wuming has evolved from a hypocritical villain at first to a great demon king who almost caused Feng Tianyu to lose his life.

This transformation of Xing Wuming's Dao and Demon not only gave Feng Tianyu a sense of crisis and urgency.It made her worry about his vengeance.

Before Xing Wuming used tricks frequently.Now he has become a real devil, powerful, arrogant, small-minded, and will take revenge.

She may not be afraid of him, but what about Guangyuan City and Tianyuanzong!There are always times when she can't take care of it!

There is such a big danger that is everywhere, how can Feng Tianyu not arrange a backup?

She asked the formation division to build a one-way teleportation formation in Guangyuan City.It can directly lead to Tianyuanzong at the foot of Qianling Mountain.

Feng Tianyu left a warning in Guangyuan City, if she was not there in Guangyuan City, she would find Xing Wuming.Guangyuan City can be abandoned, but none of the people in Guangyuan City can be abandoned.

Feng Tianyu knew Xing Wuming well, and knew that if he entered the city, he would definitely try his best to deal her the most fatal blow, causing her the most pain, the pain to the point of fascination, and to achieve the goal of disturbing her mind.

What could make her feel so pained?Didn't he just destroy everything about her right in front of her?

Guangyuan City, the central square, where her statue is.If she is Xing Wuming, she will choose to live in a restaurant in the center of the city.

Once the patience for waiting is lost, the slaughter starts from the central square.Right in front of her statue, destroy her efforts and cut off the foundation of Tianyuanzong.

Feng Tianyu first asked the formation division to secretly set up a deceiving formation in the central square.Afterwards, three blood thunderstorms were sealed on the Deception Formation.

Lie Tianzhen can deceive Xing into the battle without life and sense.To lie to Tianzhen, he only needs to stun him for half an hour.Those who stayed behind in Guangyuan City could safely evacuate from the teleportation array.

All of Feng Tianyu's arrangements, Fuzhengtong is secretly implementing them one by one.

As Feng Tianyu expected, Xing Wuming really lived in the Wangxian Tower in the center of the city after entering the city.

However, Xing Wuming did not slaughter the city as Feng Tianyu thought.Instead, he contacted Yuan Tong who ascended from the Phaseless Realm to the Spiritual Realm.

Xing Wuming was strongly recommended by Yuantong to the temple, and he returned to the temple as the predecessor of the Tianyuan Continent Temple, the Taibao of the Hunter Alliance, and became the temple of the main temple of Yuanli Realm.

Fu Zhengtong was also in the process of Xing Wuming's series of actions.Secretly transferred half of the city's people.

The day after Xu Chongyang returned to Guangyuan City with his grandfather and his family, Zhengtong, who had heard the news, received the news secretly from the City Lord's Mansion and quietly sent it to Tianyuanzong.

Xing Wuming deliberately used Guangyuan City to surrender, but never exposed himself.He has been waiting for the divine soldiers sent by the temple.Prepare after their attack fails.He showed his talents again and practiced the combination of inside and outside to break the city.

Because of Feng Tianyu's warning, because Xing Wuming is invincible.The mansion is giving the temple an empty city.

When he finally withdrew.He also used the backhand left by Feng Tianyu to detonate the blood thunderstorm that was sealed in the hidden formation. When Guangyuan City was destroyed, it also killed [-] soldiers in the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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