Tears Fairy

Chapter 1638

Chapter 1638

Song Siming has always felt that what the Dark Palace Sect lacks most at the moment is the importance it attaches to Feng Tianyu and Tian Yuanzong.

The dark palace gate is too contemptuous of wind and rain, which will make the dark palace gate fall into dire straits.

Therefore, no matter what, he will use You Zhan's failure to magnify and stimulate the Dark Palace Gate.He hoped that after this defeat, the Dark Palace Sect could re-evaluate Feng Tianyu's strength and value Tian Yuanzong.

The strength of Feng Tianyu can make the Dark Temple Sect, which makes murder a living, end in defeat with almost annihilation of the entire army again.This unprecedented fiasco was a great shame to the entire Dark Temple Sect.

Song Siming didn't whitewash the peace for the Dark Palace Gate. In order to expand his influence in the Dark Palace Gate, he would only make things worse.

Song Siming returned to the Dark Palace Gate in a mess on purpose, and immediately went to the main hall of the Dark Palace Gate to discuss matters.Outside the meeting hall, without hesitation, he rang the danger drum outside the main hall, which had not been heard for a long time.

The drum beat three times in a row, and the senior officials of the Dark Temple Gate did not dare to underestimate it, and they rushed over at the first sound of the drum.The master of the dark palace gate was the last one to come.

"Disciple Song Siming sees the sect master!"

Seeing that everyone who was supposed to be there was present, Song Siming hurriedly knelt down to meet the sect master first.The door master glanced at him, waved his hand and said, "Say it! Why do you want to beat the drum of danger?"


Song Siming responded, suppressing all emotions in his heart.The mission he participated in failed again, and he was a sinner plus a class.The sect master didn't let him get up, so he was clearly punished.He could only kneel like this.

"The disciples beat the crisis drum, because there is a big crisis to report. Brother You Zhan of the Blade Team, and nine other senior brothers of the Blade Team. They have been killing Fengtian after the assassination of Shurasha, the killer of the Palace of Shura. The whole army was destroyed in the battle of Yu.

If the disciple narrowly escaped death, Feng Tianyu didn't bother to kill the disciple, otherwise..."

All the people in the company died, and he was the only one who survived. If there is no inside story, who would believe it?

Song Siming can only deliberately belittle himself, and his selfishness only paves the way for his greed for life and fear of death.Other than that, he has no reason to justify himself.

He started talking about the destruction of the Asura Palace, and then reported it with emotion, especially the whole process of their killing mission.

When Song Siming talked about every twist and turn in the battle situation, he focused on the strength of wind and rain.

In the end, he also claimed that You Zhan's killing mission would fail, not because they were not strong enough, but because the people they must kill were too terrifying.

Song Siming did not witness You Zhan's miserable end, but he could completely imagine it.

Listening to Song Siming's words, he deliberately emphasized the power of Feng Tianyu.Everyone present at the Dark Palace Gate, except for the sect master, looked as usual.other heavyweights.They all frowned.

Is Feng Tianyu really as Song Siming said?So powerful that the Dark Palace Gate is unkillable?
The nine elders of the Dark Temple Gate looked at each other in blank dismay.If it was only Song Siming's initial failure, they could think that he was exonerated for his mission failure.Deliberately exaggerating the power of Feng Tianyu.

However, right now, there is Shura Temple at the gate of the Dark Palace, the destruction of Shura Ao's killer team, followed by You Zhan's Blade Team with ten dead and none alive.

At this time, it is difficult for them to ignore the wind and rain.Their gazes looked at the door master on the high seat in unison.

Shi Chenglian, the leader of the Dark Palace Gate, is a very conceited person, don't look at him sitting on the main seat of the main hall, listening to Song Siming with a serious face.

Anyone who thinks he's listening is seriously mistaken.

He has been listening to Song Siming, and he has always believed that Song Siming's defeat against You Zhan is exaggerated.

Moreover, he was sure that Song Siming's exaggeration was to highlight the strength of Feng Tianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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