Tears Fairy

Chapter 1650 The Battle of Sudden Attack

Chapter 1650 The Battle of the Sudden Attack ([-])
"younger sister……"

Feng Tianqing was so suddenly pulled by Feng Tianyu, she was startled and was about to turn her head.The elder brother who was facing her with a tense face pulled him to him.

"elder brother?"

Feng Tianqing just asked her brother her own question with a puzzled expression.At this time, she felt a wave of terror, which was beyond the overwhelming pressure she could resist.

Feng Tianqing suddenly stiffened her back, and the warmth on her face instantly turned into ice.Is this because there are strong enemies ready to pick the soft persimmons?
"There is a strong attack!"

Feng Tianlei's explanation also rang in Feng Tianqing's ears at this time.At the same time, he held a sword to protect her behind him.

"Sister, you and fourth brother, Xiaojie wait and see first. I'll go help Yu'er."

Just as Feng Tianqing was about to walk out from behind her elder brother, Feng Tianlei already gave Feng Tianqing instructions with a heavy face.


At this time, Feng Tianyu had already drawn out his sword, and with a wave of the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword, with just one move of Wentian Sword, he blasted out the purple-robed cultivator who was hiding in the void and attacked Feng Tianqing.

The purple-robed monk appeared from the void with a fierce face, and with his appearance, 12 more people were exposed behind him.

The thirteen evil spirits of the temple?
Feng Tianyu's eyes narrowed slightly, because the temple was the sect's great enemy, and she had already gained a deep understanding of the light and dark forces in the temple from the information collected from the secret door of Tianyuanzong.

And the thirteen evil spirits of the temple, but the mana in the temple of the spirit world can reach the sky.It is said that each of their thirteen evil spirits is a person comparable to the god master of a temple in the spirit world.

"Feng Tianyu, you are really powerful! It's just that this is the spirit world, so you, a person from the lower domain, cannot be rampant."

The boss of the thirteen evil spirits in the temple was blasted from the dark to the bright by the wind and rain.He was proud all his life, and he was too self-confident.Therefore, he didn't think he was forced out by Feng Tianyu.It was caused by his being too careless for a while.

This directly made him misjudge Feng Tianyu's strength.It led to the end of the reputation of the Thirteenth Sha I in this battle.

"The spirit world is the common domain of every monk. It does not belong to the temple, nor does it belong to you. Your temple can dominate the spirit world. If this fairy has this strength, so what?

Spirit world?How about you can't help this fairy?snort!You have to have this ability to make it! "

The wind and rain came to the spirit world, and they came to the temple.They came up first, which just happened to allow her to cut off the branches of the temple first.

"You...you really have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth!"

The boss of the thirteen evil spirits in the temple was so angry that his breath was unstable for a while.Angry in his heart, he suddenly waved to Twelve Ao who was behind him.

"Let's go together and kill her with a blast!"

He didn't want to compete with Feng Tianyu for the advantage of words, and he wanted to use the overlord's way of the thirteen evil spirits of the temple to completely suppress Feng Tianyu's arrogance.

Heavenly Killing Blast is the most famous killing technique of the thirteen evil spirits of the temple.

Following the order from the boss of the thirteen evil spirits in the temple, the thirteen people joined hands with their swords at the same time. Thirteen people with thirteen swords, the giant swords are like pillars and swords reach the sky.


The sky seemed to be pierced by thirteen swords in an instant.The sky began to faint.With the rumbling sound of the collapse of the sky.The thirteen swords of the sky are divided into swords.

One divides into two, two divides into four... Under thousands of divisions, the entire sky is already a forest of swords connecting the sky and the ground.There is also the irresistible impact of the turbulent flow of space fragmentation.

The forest of swords all over the sky began to turn, slowly turning into a giant ferris wheel of swords, thousands of giant swords turning around.At this time, only the cold light of the sword blade flashed in the sky, and the thunderous thunderous rumble was left.

The thirteen evil spirits of the temple have a great reputation, and wind, weather and rain can be regarded as seeing is believing.This brutal killing technique came out.I knew that the thirteen evil spirits of the temple really lived up to this reputation.


At this time, Feng Tianyu swiped the sword in his hand, Ziji Leilong breathed out the sword energy, and a purple light instantly lit up in the dim space.

(End of this chapter)

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