Tears Fairy

Chapter 1668 Killing

Chapter 1668 Killing ([-])
Tie Ci'er watched his army turn from strong to weak.He immediately felt a burst of Qi and blood flow, and his eyes changed from golden black to dark red.

At this moment, a burst of violence suddenly burst out in his heart.This violent air ruthlessly corroded his sanity.

He seemed to have forgotten his fear, his eyes were red and fierce, and he stared directly at Feng Tianyu angrily.At this time, there was only one thing left in his heart that drove him crazy, the voice that wanted to tear up Feng Tianyu was constantly clamoring.

By killing this human, she wanted to abduct the queen ant and wipe out the enemies of the black ant clan.

He, Tie Ci'er, is the general of the ant clan and the guardian of the ant clan.Whoever is bad, he can't be bad.He must kill her......

He must not allow this human to meet the queen.Even death will tear this human being apart.

Tie Ci'er gritted his teeth and was cruel.He suddenly cast a fierce light.I saw him bending over.When the tall body leaned forward to the ground.He has turned into a huge black ant as tall as an elephant.


Tie Ci'er let out a roar.The huge body became bigger again.Its eyes were as round as copper bells, and it bent down to gather strength, and launched a second attack on Feng Tianyu.

woohoo hoo...

There was a gust of wind, and Tie Ci'er jumped straight into the wind and rain.The sharp claws on the body are even more shining.I saw bursts of spiritual power bursting out, shooting out iron claws and sharp hooks to attack the wind, sky and rain.

Tie Ci'er is worthy of being the top powerhouse of Black Star.Its full attack has attracted the power of heaven and earth.Faced with this kind of attack, even though Feng Tianyu is a human immortal, he dare not take it lightly.

Tie Cier's ninth-order peak strength is already the peak strength in Black Star.However, its combat power still belongs to the combat powerhouse who fights by leaps and bounds.

Seeing Tie Ci'er's attacks overwhelming.Feng Tianyu could feel that it was cutting towards her with a sharp killing intent as if it were real.

Facing the overwhelming attacks.Feng Tianyu frowned unhappily.It seems that Tie Ci'er must kill them all here.She glanced at Udada, who was covered in scars all over her body.

Thinking of the Queen Ant's secret letter, as soon as she pointed in the void, the air suddenly stagnated.Tie Ci'er's sharp blow actually stopped for a moment.

Feng Tianyu suddenly flew up.Taking advantage of this breath, he easily escaped Tie Ci'er's attack this time.

Tie Ci'er saw that his attack was about to fall on Feng Tianyu.Unexpectedly, Feng Tianyu's menacing move failed with just one finger.

His pride has already made him lose his original reason.One move failed, his originally dark red eyes turned blood red with anger.

With a roar, his arms suddenly shook to the sky.With this effort, his elephant-like body doubled in size.

Just as Tie Ci'er roared again and again and continued to change his moves to attack Feng Tianyu for the third time.

Feng Tianyu had already flown into the air and distanced himself from Tie Ci'er.

Tie Ci'er bowed his waist and exerted strength, and after it roared, its huge body slammed into Feng Tianyu like a meteorite iron bullet.

The wind and rain are always cautious, knowing that the lion must do his best to fight the rabbit.

Even if she was fighting against Tie Ci'er, the ninth-rank black ant, she wouldn't really underestimate it.

Seeing that Tie Ci'er was attacking without fear of death, she flipped her palm and decisively showed her Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword.

I saw a purple light light up, and in an instant, there was a muffled thunder in the sky.

Feng Tianyu clenched the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand and swiped it forward. The sword in his hand, at the moment of the muffled thunder, quickly met Tie Ci'er who was attacking fiercely.

With lightning flashing in her mind, the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword she struck out immediately turned into a dragon facing the wind.


Tie Ci'er was shocked by Ziji Thunder Dragon's long roar.At this moment, the Ziji Thunder Dragon raised its head, and its huge claws had already slapped Tie Ci'er's huge body first.

(End of this chapter)

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