Tears Fairy

Chapter 1675

Chapter 1675

Tie Ci'er only felt a shock in his mind, it used the Blood Sacrifice against the Gods and Demons, and it had already consumed more than half of its blood, and it seemed that it was only one step away from the last step of its second Gods and Demons against the Heavens.

Unexpectedly, Udada would cry out at this critical moment, ruining its blood sacrifice.

Once the blood sacrifice was interrupted, it not only made its internal injuries worse.What made it even more crazy was that it was hard to move even if it was crushed and imprisoned by Feng Tianyu's fingers.

It roared unwillingly, it wished it could tear the human in front of it!
Feng Tianyu ignored its roar, and continued to use Taiyin Finger to crush it with mind power.How could Tie Ci'er be Feng Tianyu's opponent, after several struggles, he was unable to resist, and finally could only prostrate in humiliation.

Its eyes were bulging, red as blood, it glared at Wudada hatefully, Wudada's heart trembled, he didn't dare to look directly at Tie Ci'er's vicious eyes.

Just when it looked away to look at Feng Tianyu, Tie Ci'er suddenly smiled ferociously.

It's not over yet, and it hasn't lost yet.

With the power of unparalleled laws, Feng Tianyu strongly imprisoned Tie Ci'er's whole body's spiritual power, and its body couldn't bear the crushing force of Feng Tianyu's majestic power. Rainy feet.

If Tie Ci'er is the energy displayed on the surface, it will be completely honest this time.

Obviously Tie Ci'er's strength is not just as simple as what outsiders see.

From the very beginning, Tie Ci'er was stubborn and wanted to prevent the queen ant from leaving Black Star.Now Feng Tianyu defeated it with just one move.

Tie Ci'er's pride would never allow it to fail so miserably.The shame of defeat completely made the proud Tie Ci'er lose his mind.

It chose to fight to the death to maintain its dignity.

The tyrannical Tie Ci'er finally went to the extreme in a daze.

After Tie Ci'er grinned ferociously, it stroked its heart reverently with its paws.The sharp pointed armor pressed directly on the heart.

Tie Ci'er began to have words in his heart, and its heart beat rhythmically, which coincided with the sacrifice of gods and demons that it silently chanted in its heart.

Sue the Lord of Gods and Demons!

With the blood of his heart, the servant ignited the fire of the demons in his heart, burned the light...welcome the darkness...

Suddenly, its heart became ruthless, and it exerted all the strength that had been concentrated for a long time.

The sharp armor of the claws pierced into the heart, and took advantage of the situation to draw a hole in the heart.Wisps of bright red heart blood overflowed from its chest cavity.

The blood flowing out of the chest has begun to blacken as it prays silently.Its heart has turned from red to black.

In its blood-red eyes, a trace of black mist can be seen upon closer inspection.


Lord of gods and demons, please grant me the powerful power to kill the enemy.

The servant wishes to be loyal with his heart...with his thoughts as sincerity...with blood as a guide...with his longevity as a sacrifice...to open the gate of heaven...through the way of demons...the supreme soul sacrifice!

I am willing to use my spirit and soul to sacrifice to the gods, demons and saints!

Tie Ci'er's rhythmic heartbeat coincided with the sacrifice of gods and demons in his heart.

Tie Ci'er has always maintained a prostrate posture, and the body changes that it performs to perform the sacrifice of the gods and demons are all covered and hidden by its huge body.

Tie Ci'er fell into the devil's way, and his mad desire to kill was blazing.Its demonized heart is so tyrannical that even its soul is roaring.

Without the blood and flames of battle, this world has long since returned to its original obsession with darkness.

And Tie Ci'er's sacrifice continued.

... I beg the sage of gods and demons, to bestow upon you powerful powers of gods and demons, and to kill your powerful enemies.

Tie Ci'er has been restrained by the wind and rain, yet Wu Dada is still afraid of Tie Ci'er.After Feng Tianyu found out, he couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.I couldn't help but look at it curiously.

Also because of her momentary curiosity, she relaxed her original vigilance.At this time, Tie Ci'er silently read the last word.

(End of this chapter)

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