Tears Fairy

Chapter 1682

Chapter 1682

The blood thunderstorm flew out of Feng Tianyu's hands like lightning.It hit the weakest barrier in this world.

Feng Tianyu snorted softly, "Explosion!"


In the sea of ​​flames, as the lingering sound of Feng Tianyu's soft drink fell, the black star that was burning in flames, and there was a big explosion that made everyone in the world terrified.

When the blood thunderstorm hit Black Star's weakest barrier, there was a rumbling explosion.

The tyranny of the blood thunderstorm blasted a large millstone hole that ran through ten miles at the weakest barrier of Black Star.

Seeing that Black Star's barrier had fulfilled his wish, a hole the size of a millstone was blasted out by a blood thunderstorm.Feng Tianyu immediately decided in her heart.

The Demon Flame Sea of ​​Fire, which was fighting with Huo Shi'er, suddenly revealed two blood-red fire eyes, and it was about to rush out of the cave when it saw the wind and rain.Immediately, the sea of ​​fire burst into fierce flames.

Feng Tianyu heard a violent crackling sound of flames, looked back, and saw the ferocious flames of the magic fire suddenly rushing towards her crazily.

The wall of fire built by the flint cracked in an instant, and it seemed that the solid wall of fire was about to collapse.Feng Tianyu's heart skipped a beat.He frowned, and the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand was about to blast towards the ferocious flames of the demon fire.

"Master, let me come!"

When Huo Shi'er saw that his master successfully blasted a hole, his eyes lit up immediately, and just when he was about to jump on Feng Tianyu's shoulder in excitement, he saw his master flashing the sword in his hand.

Huo Shi'er was taken aback, only then did he notice that the demon flame was violently rushing towards him.Hurry up to stop Feng Tianyu from drawing his sword.

The battle of playing with fire is its home field, how can it work for the master!

Feng Tianyu smiled, and she stopped as she said, only to see Huo Shi'er twitch her mouth, and suddenly swiped her small hand in front of her, a purple flame shot out from under her hand, and the flame instantly superimposed on the wall of fire that was built before. .

The wall of fire, which was about to collapse, was superimposed with three times the power of the fire source of flint.The originally three-foot-high fire wall was not only repaired instantly, but also increased the thickness of the fire wall.


Just at this moment, the raging magic flame caused the sea of ​​flames to flow backwards.A burst of fire collided with fire, and the wall of fire made a rumbling sound that resounded through the sky.

Huo Shi'er looked at the fire of gods and demons that could barely be stopped.There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Feng Tianyu no longer has any worries, when Huo Shi'er jumps on her shoulder.She immediately took steps and walked towards the hole leading to another world.

Because she has used up her feet when she strides.Her footsteps seemed to be slow, but they were fast, so Feng Tianyu only took two steps to reach the other side of the entrance of Mopan Cave, which was ten miles away.

"Master be careful!"

Huo Shi'er stood on Feng Tianyu's shoulders, because out of the cave was another world.It is worried about the dangers of the unknown world, so its spirit is always on high alert.

Feng Tianyu stepped out of the cave one step at a time, and it discovered the danger that suddenly appeared in the place surrounded by clouds and mist.It reminded Feng Tianyu that when he opened his mouth, a rocket shot forward.

As soon as Feng Tianyu exited the cave, Fang Maibu landed in another world.He heard Flint's wake-up call.

Feng Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and in the next moment, there was a long sword that flowed with lightning in her hand.

A rocket is powerful enough to pierce clouds and crack rocks.The flames of the rockets tore through the thick clouds.

Feng Tianyu looked up, and what he saw was the high mountains and dense forests where the clouds and mist had dispersed.A giant mang hidden in the clouds and mist.Just when it suddenly rushed towards her fiercely, it was also forced out of its original shape by the rocket attack fired by Flint.

Feng Tianyu heard Huo Shi'er's timely wake-up call, so he looked up, and saw a giant mang in the giant forest spitting out ice arrows to fight against the rockets.

(End of this chapter)

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