Tears Fairy

Chapter 1693

Chapter 1693

Feng Tianyu waited until her sister restrained her sharpness and put away her dharma body before walking towards her with a smile on her face.

"Sister is indeed a fighting genius. She was crowned the God of War in this battle. Sister, your God of War has successfully advanced to the next level. With my sister's current strength, your combat power is enough to fight against late-stage immortals."

"Sister, sister will finally not be your burden!"

Feng Tianqing smiled softly, stretched out his hand to shake hands with his younger sister, and said with mixed emotions in his heart while being happy.

She and her brothers followed in her younger sister's footsteps.It's just that the younger sister's growth is too monstrous, they want not to fall behind, the blows and hardships involved, only they themselves know.

Today, she finally got affirmation from her sister, and she finally felt the clear sky through the clouds and mists.The long-standing depression in the chest cavity dissipated.The whole person immediately became more confident.

Feng Tianqing smiled like a flower, and looked at Feng Tianyu softly with a gentle smile.Feng Tianlei and the others who were in the portable space were stunned for a moment when they saw the bright smiles of the two sisters.

"Sister, let us go out!"

Feng Tianxing was the first to yell to come out, Feng Tianyu chuckled, and put his hand on his waist to make room for him.Brother and sister Feng Tianlei, Ji Xiaojie, and the thirteen evil spirits of the temple immediately flew out of the space like stars shining.

Everyone surrounded the sisters who smiled and frowned for a while, Feng Tianlei looked at his sister Feng Tianqing with a sense of urgency and said with a smile:

"Sister Qing'er has advanced to another level. If my brother doesn't work harder, he will be surpassed by Sister Qing'er."

"That's right! Brother, you have to work hard!"

Feng Tianqing was taken aback when he heard this, but before he could respond to his elder brother, Feng Tianyu was already teasing his elder brother.

"Come on? Yes! Come on, big brother must come on! Hahahaha..."

Feng Tianlei looked up at his little sister, and saw that she was blinking her eyes mischievously towards him.My heart couldn't help but I couldn't help laughing out loud.

Feng Tianxing on the side looked enviously at his sister who was promoted to the first level in World War I, couldn't help reaching out and tugging at her sleeve, and said softly to Feng Tianyu:
"Sister, no matter how dangerous my brother is in the future, he will never enter my sister's personal space again."

When Feng Tianyu saw her brother's serious expression, her heart was shocked. She looked into her brother's eyes and put away her smile. She nodded solemnly and said, "Okay!"

After her sister's results in this battle, seeing what her brother said, Feng Tianyu finally realized later that she had made a mistake of being too protective of her brothers and sisters.

If monks do not experience danger, how can they grow?

Because of the current situation, in case of danger, Feng Tianyu will protect his brothers and sisters behind him.Over time, this becomes a habit.

It was the same when she came out this time. She subconsciously forgot about her brothers and sisters, who had already grown into her supporters.

Brother and sister came out this time to advance and retreat together with her.She will send her brothers and sisters into the portable space when she encounters unforeseen danger.

If it wasn't for Feng Tianqing, she would really be reluctant to give up this chance to fight, and would stay by her sister's side.There will be no promotion this time.

At this time, Feng Tianlei and Ji Xiaojie also looked at Feng Tianyu.After they entered the space after listening to Feng Tianyu's words, they discovered this problem.

It's just that the explosion from the enemy's bombing formation came too fast, and they didn't react until they were shocked.At this time, Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianqing have followed the enemy to fight.

"In the future, let's work together! Fight together!"

Feng Tianyu had sensed his mistake, seeing them looking at him, he couldn't help smiling, and stretched out his jade-like little hand to make a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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