Tears Fairy

Chapter 1722

Chapter 1722

The temple is the largest force in the spirit world, and its action is even faster under the death order of the clone.

The avatar gave the order to the commander of the Shenshan Legion, and the commander of the legion immediately sent [-] soldiers from the Tianmu God General to Shang Yunzong.

The God of Heavenly Eyes is the number one general under the command of Shenshan's coach, and he holds the order to wipe out Shang Yunzong's Tianyuan monks.It took only three days to reach the North Sea.

Although Shang Yunzong cannot be compared with the temple, it is the largest sect in the North Sea.As soon as the Tianmu God general led the heavenly soldiers from the temple into the North Sea, Shang Yunzong got the exact news that the temple was coming for Shang Yunzong.

The temple is a terrifying behemoth in the spirit world.Knowing that the temple is coming for Shang Yunzong, how can the suzerain Ye Chengtong be able to hold on?

The temple strongly eradicated the Tianyuan monks in various sects.Ye Chengtong is the master of the sect, and he already knew that Shang Yunzong would not be able to avoid it.I just didn't expect it to come so soon.

The atmosphere in the Chongyun Hall was tense, the patriarch Ye Chengtong glanced at the crowd in the Chongyun Hall and asked:

"The temple is coming towards our sect aggressively. Everyone is talking about how our sect should deal with it?"

The question of the suzerain Ye Chengtong involves the chief elder of the sect.The suzerain can ask, but no one will make such a head.

Seeing that everyone was silent, the suzerain Ye Chengtong frowned and swept everyone away with displeasure.When he glanced at the great elder of Shang Yunzong, he seemed to understand something?
The corner of his mouth trembled slightly.That's right, for a moment, he completely forgot that Gong Qing, the great elder of Shang Yunzong, was a cultivator of Tianyuan.

After Gong Qing came to the Chongyun Palace, he sat silently until the eyes of the suzerain Ye Chengtong swept over him, and his brows raised a little.

The power of the temple is too strong, Gong Qing knows in his heart that Shang Yunzong can't resist the temple at all.Although the suzerain Ye Chengtong was asking everyone.To Gong Qing's ears, he was asking Gong Qing.

Gong Qing raised his eyebrows and remained silent. He was the backer of the descendants of the monk Tianyuan in the Shangyun Sect.He can't panic or dare to panic, he can not fear death himself, but he can't ignore his descendants.The more dangerous the situation was, the more he had to hold his breath.

The suzerain, Ye Chengtong, knew that if Shang Yunzong didn't want to fight against the temple, the only thing he could do was to ruthlessly expel Grand Elder Gong Qing and other Tianyuan monks from Shang Yunzong.It was the Great Elder who voluntarily withdrew from Shang Yunzong's gate.

The suzerain has always cherished his reputation, even though the army of the temple was already overwhelmed, he did not force the Great Elder Gong Qing.

Seeing that the army of the temple was about to arrive, the suzerain took a deep breath.But Shi Taiqing, the second elder under the seat, couldn't do it. Seeing that the suzerain didn't let Gong Qing back out of the gate wall, he couldn't hold his breath for a long time.

There has always been a gap between him and Gong Qing.At this time, Gong Qing was still sitting firmly like a mountain.He couldn't help standing up now, he first bowed his hands to the suzerain Ye Chengtong, and then asked Gong Qing in a cold tone:
"The Great Elder is from Tianyuan and also the Great Elder of Shangyun Sect. The sect is in danger now, what does the Great Elder say?"

Gong Qing glanced at the Second Elder Shi Taiqing with an indifferent gaze.He stood up and bowed his hands to the suzerain Ye Chengtong, then took a step forward, looked directly into the eyes of the suzerain Ye Chengtong and said in a deep voice:
"The suzerain is the master of a sect, and Gong Qing is just the great elder of the Shangyun sect. The sect is in danger, so the suzerain will not complain about choosing Gong Qing."

Gong Qing knew very well that he and the Tianyuan people in Shangyunzong were about to face a desperate situation.

If it was just him, he would ask to join the sect as soon as he didn't need the sect to embarrass him. However, he was not alone, he could not impulsively extinguish the hope of the Shang Yunzong Tianyuan people, even a fraction of hope.

He couldn't leave Shang Yunzong by himself.Only let the suzerain choose.

(End of this chapter)

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