Tears Fairy

Chapter 1725

Chapter 1725

When the temple sent the Tianmu God General to Shang Yunzong, he smelled something unusual.He immediately gave up the business of the refining shop and began to pay attention to Nantong Fangshi.

Although it seems inevitable that the temple soldiers offend Shang Yunzong, it is unusual to cross Qingxuzong.Feng Tianna has always been meticulous in his work.It quickly occurred to me that the temple might be aimed at them.

Thinking of this, Feng Tianyu boldly issued a secret order to Wuqing through Fengzi No.[-].

Since the establishment of the Ruthless Adventure Group, they have been leading tasks in Shang Yunzong to earn immortal stones.In addition to earning fairy stones, every team is also growing in the completion of tasks.

Ruthless, he is a cold-hearted person, and he has long felt that the actions of the temple are not right.Therefore, almost as soon as he received Feng Tianyu's secret order, he issued an assembly order to the Ruthless Adventure Group.

Gong Qing led more than 300 people to Nantong Fangshi.The Ruthless Adventure Group has quietly and intensively begun to assemble in secret.

When Xing Wuming stepped into Nantong Fang City, Gong Qing and his party also entered Nantong Fang City.And Ruthless has already gathered all the members of the Ruthless Adventure Group who are on missions in Shiligou outside Fangshi.

Feng Tianyu has been operating in Nantongfang City for a long time, and he is also the master of formations. He has secretly connected a contact mirror to all the mirror light formations in Nantongfang City.

As soon as the temple sent troops to Shang Yunzong, Feng Tianyu activated the invisible mirror in the secret room of the refining shop.He has been staring at the mirror for three days, but he didn't find anything different in Nantong Fangshi.He is a calm person, and he will not be careless just because there is no abnormality.

It was also because of his calmness and wisdom that Feng Tianyu discovered him as soon as Xing Wuming entered Nantong Fang City, because he paid too much attention to Xing Wuming, and Gong Qing and his party were ignored by him.

Just when Feng Tianyu found out about Xing Wuming, Xing Wuming who entered Nantong Fang City also seemed to feel something.He stared at the mirror in Nantong Fang City and smiled evilly.Feng Tianyu was stared at by Xing Wuming's evil smile, and his hairs stood on end.He suddenly retracted his gaze, and just as he retracted his gaze, the invisible mirror exploded with a bang.

Feng Tianyu's expression froze suddenly, and he suddenly raised his hand, and a little fire appeared on his fingertips.

Under the firelight, a line of black air could be seen writhing like a long insect in the air.Feng Tianyu's eyes turned cold, and the fire light from his fingertips turned into a violent purple fire dragon.

"go with!"

Feng Tianyu let out a low shout, and the fire dragon suddenly burst into flames, roaring and pounced on the black air worm.

ji ji ji ......

With a piercing strange cry in the air, the black worm quickly faded away under the flames of the purple dragon.

Xing Wuming found that the sliver of real magic and all illusions he had cast suddenly disappeared into nothing.His eyes looked straight at Feng Tianyu as if he could penetrate all obstacles.

He suddenly hooked his lips into a smile, turned around and walked straight to the third brother's crafting shop when Feng Tianyu felt a creep.

Mao Qinghong led Gong Qing straight to the third brother's crafting shop.

"The Great Elder will arrive after passing this Changsheng Street!"

Seeing that it was about to arrive, Mao Qinghong couldn't help but said to Gong Qing with a beaming smile.

Hearing this, Gong Qing's heart immediately felt relieved. When he walked out of Changsheng Street, he suddenly felt a dark aura rushing towards him. When he raised his eyes suddenly, he saw a handsome young man walking towards him.

Gong Qing's heart shuddered, he found that the purpose of the handsome young man in front of him was also aiming at the third brother's crafting shop.

He is at the peak of human immortality, and he is only one step away from ascending to the immortal world.In the spiritual world, if there is no oppression by the temple, his strength is enough to deter one side.

At this time, he was facing Xing Wuming, and he immediately felt that Xing Wuming's cultivation level was not inferior to his.He stopped and raised his hand to stop Mao Qinghong from moving forward.

(End of this chapter)

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