Tears Fairy

Chapter 1728

Chapter 1728

It was a matter of everyone's wealth and lives, Feng Tianyu was not only firm in his determination, but also decisive in his orders.The 3 people on standby were assembled and soon boarded the treasure ship.

Feng Tianyu was the last one to board the treasure ship.With Feng Tianyu leaving, it is estimated that he will be insulated from this land.

It is impossible to say that Feng Tianyu has no nostalgia for Nantong Fangshi.He has lived a prosperous life in Nantong Fang City for so many years.One can imagine how heavy his heart was once he was forced to flee.


After Feng Tianyu gave the order to sail, he took a final look at Nantong Fangshi with deep eyes.Turn around and go to the inner cabin.

Ruthlessly took the order, and waved at the helm of the cabin.The treasure ship quickly lifted off the ground.

Feng Tianyu's order was too urgent, and when the waiter Changfa left, he only had time to draw an arrow on a piece of bluestone.Just tell Mao Qinghong the direction they are walking.But there is no time to draw an end mark.

"Qing Hong, have you found it?"

"Only find half, only the direction without the end."

When Gong Qing led the crowd to Shiligou, Feng Tianyu and his party had already flown away from Shiligou.Gong Qing's heart sank instantly.We can only pin our hopes on Mao Qinghong.

Mao Qinghong looked around, but only found an arrow mark on a piece of bluestone.Seeing the interruption when drawing the arrow, Mao Qinghong saw that this was the direction Feng Tianyu and the others were walking just now.What is interrupted is the end.

Gong Qing frowned, Xing Wuming gritted his teeth in anger, they all knew that in this situation, if they couldn't catch up with Feng Tianyu and the others this time.I'm afraid there will be no trace of them anymore.

How to do?
Xing Wuming glanced at Gong Qing, suppressed the irritability in his heart, and reminded:
"If there is an aircraft, hurry up and chase it!"

"Yes, hurry up!"

Gong Qing nodded, and took out a medium-sized spaceship from the space storage ring.

Because of the rush of time, as soon as Gong Qing's spaceship landed, everyone rushed up.Finally, Gong Qing followed the direction given by Mao Qinghong, started the spaceship and chased towards Longkoufang City at high speed.

After Xing Wuming left a mark, he followed Gong Qing onto the spaceship, because he acted carefully, and everyone hurriedly boarded the spaceship.His little move was not noticed.

Gong Qing's spaceship was very fast, and it flew over Longkoufang City in less than half an hour.Fortunately, he had a deep friendship with Mo Beihai, the chief elder in Longkoufang.Almost as soon as his spaceship entered the sky above Longkoufang City, he received a thousand-mile voice transmission from Mo Beihai.

Mo Beihai had been asked by Gong Qing in advance to help pay attention to the large aircraft flying over Longkoufang City.If you find it, tell him right away.

Feng Tianyu thought that no one would know his impromptu decision on where to go.After the spaceship flew out of Longkoufang City, his tense mood immediately relaxed.At this moment, Long Yue's heavy voice sounded outside the cabin door.

"Third young master, I found something during my inspection, and I need you to make a decision."

"What's the matter? Come in and tell me!"

Feng Tianyu opened the hatch, only to see a person following Long Yue.He frowned, knowing that things were not simple.After a closer look, it was discovered that it was the waiter of the third brother's crafting shop with long hair.

"Long hair, you are the one to tell the third young master what you have caused!"

As soon as Long Yue entered the cabin, he shouted at the long hair with his head down.The long hair fluttered for a while, and then he straightened his neck and looked at Feng Tianyu.

"The Dong family has nowhere to escape the hundreds of disciples expelled from the sect by Shang Yunzong. Among them, Mao Qinghong has friendship with me, and he asked me for help. I think, since the Dong family has always taken in the descendants of Tianyuan, there are hundreds more should be no problem.

Boss, Changfa went to report this matter to the boss, but the boss has been busy, saying that there is something to talk about when he finishes his work.

(End of this chapter)

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