Tears Fairy

Chapter 1738

Chapter 1738
Ouyang Jingjiang, the Seventh Envoy of Beitong City, received Xing Wuming's order when Feng Tianyu and the others entered Beitong City.Feng Tianyu and his group noticed it as soon as they arrived in Beitong City. It was only because of the monks' union that he and the monk in Tsing Yi didn't do anything.

Ruthlessly, Hongye and the others ran into the monk union's law enforcement team as soon as they left the teleportation hall.

"Routine inspection, please show your pass to enter the southern domain."

With a ruthless gaze, Siyu Tongxing has always been able to hand in the fairy stone with a valid identity card.When do I need a pass?

"There are only account posts, no passports!"

"No pass? Then follow me to the monk union to apply for a replacement."

The captain of the law enforcement has a serious face and looks like a businessman.


Wuqing frowned, and said vigilantly: "I don't know when I need a pass to enter the Southern Region? Please explain to me?"

"The decree has just been issued. The reason is that too many people have recently entered the southern region, for the peace and stability of the southern region. Passes are imperative.

Please! "

The captain of the law enforcement reached out his hand, mercilessly stern and selfless.Since it can be reissued, it is nothing more than spending more fairy stones.Ruthlessly glanced at the captain of the law enforcement team, pondered for a while, and stepped up to the law enforcement team.

"Elder Wang, I'll leave them to you!"

As soon as they entered the gate of the monks' union, the captain of the law enforcement dumped Wuqing and the others to Elder Wang in the team.

Elder Wang?Ruthlessly frowned, his vigilance became a little bit higher.Wu Qing didn't know that Ouyang Jingjiang, the Seventh Envoy of the Temple who was ordered to intercept, was also in the law enforcement team.Standing in front of Ouyang Jingjiang was Wang Changlong, the head of the monk union.

The monk union in Nanfu City has long been infiltrated by the dark chess of the temple, and Elder Wang is the hard nail for the temple to infiltrate the monk union.The president, Ma Xianyun, has long been ostracized by Elder Wang and has become a veritable puppet.

In the current South Floating City, the entire monk union has been controlled by the temple.

Xing Wuming predicted that Feng Tianyu would go to Nanfu City if he went to the teleportation formation.He ordered Ouyang Jingjiang to intercept and arrest him in Nanfu City first.He personally chased Fengtian's dragon carriage from Beitong City.

"follow me!"

Elder Wang walked in front with his hands behind his back, and followed behind with a ruthless face.Elder Wang crossed the hall of deacons, took a big turn, and led a few people to a remote hall.

Is this to reissue a pass?

While walking, the back road quietly disappears, and the only feasible way is the front road into the palace.Wuqing's eyes flashed sharply, and he stopped. At this time, Hongye and the others who followed Wuqing also felt that something was wrong.

"Let's go! Go in, and you can reissue the passes you want!"

Seeing several people stop, Elder Wang flicked his long sleeves, and the door of the palace opened wide.In the hall, a magic lamp, red and green fireworks sway and jump from side to side.It seems to be celebrating to the fullest, and it seems to be happy to see guests.


At this time, there was a sudden thunder explosion behind him, Hongye and the others were shocked, and couldn't help but look back.

"Do not look back!"

Wuqing took a step back, shouted sharply, and suddenly drew a circle with the long sword in his hand.The left hand suddenly threw something into the hall.

The magic lamp in the hall suddenly jumped and went out, and a puff of black smoke rose up. In a blink of an eye, the hall was as dark as ink.The smoke rushed out of the hall like a storm, and as soon as it came out of the hall, the black smoke turned into a dragon and went straight to Wuqing and others.

The blood thunderstorm shot out from the ruthless hand, unstoppably charged towards the black smoke at the door, and went straight to the palace, approaching the extinguished magic lamp.

Hongye and the others, who were about to turn back, suddenly stabilized amidst ruthless shouts.The tacit understanding allowed them to react instantly, and the four of them formed a palm at the same time, supporting Wuqing like a fan, and gathered together with Wuqing's left hand to shoot an empty palm.

The air-split palm was like a gust of wind, and the sound was like thunder, breaking through the rushing black dragon in the blink of an eye.

The black dragon roared when it was blocked, and its huge dragon body doubled in length in an instant.Ruthless felt a chill in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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