Tears Fairy

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Under the flower tree, the 21-year-old Feng Tianxing couldn't help being infatuated, facing the alluring and charming face that intruded into his eyes, the sun was shining brightly, and the gentle spring breeze brought warmth.

His heart is also full of vigor like the earth rejuvenating, and he seems to have heard the call of spring!Heart!Warm and soft.

"Bold!" "Clang! Clang!"

Following the woman's yelling, and two clanging sounds of swords being drawn, the two women's two sharp swords were already placed on Feng Tianxing's neck.

A woman in green clothes had a look on her face, and she scolded Feng Tianxing who was under the sword: "You madman and thief, how dare you break into the imperial garden and hide here to spy on the princess?"

Feng Tianxing's neck felt cold, his heart was startled, and he suddenly woke up from his obsession. He looked at the two beautiful court ladies who were glaring at him, and then at the two beautiful court ladies who held out their swords to protect the princess.

He sighed in his heart, there are so many delicate flowers in the flowers.Looking at the two sharp swords shining brightly on the shoulders and necks.

A sunny smile appeared on his handsome and sunny face, "Girl, you have misunderstood me, first, I am not a fanatic or a thief.

Second, I did not trespass on the Imperial Garden!The following is the emperor's permission to enter the imperial garden.

Third, I am enjoying the flowers aboveboard here. It is the princess who suddenly broke into my eyes, not hiding here to spy on your princess.

Girls, be careful! "

"So, this princess is wrong! This princess shouldn't be here!"

As soon as Feng Tianxing finished speaking, a soft and pleasant voice suddenly came to mind, Feng Tianxing couldn't help but look up at the source of the voice when he heard the words.

A bright yellow figure has already stepped out from between the two protecting maids!


The two palace maids exclaimed, their hearts trembled, and after sheathing their swords, they hurriedly followed. This man looked oily, and he couldn't let the princess miss the slightest bit.

Feng Tianxing didn't expect that he had already been positioned as one of the glib by the two palace maids. He looked at the girl who made his heart skip a beat, and thought to himself: So the other party is the princess of Xiyuan Kingdom!

Feng Tianyu looked at the beautiful girl who walked in front of him, first cupped his fists and bowed deeply, and said apologetically:
"Underwind Tianxing, I asked Princess Haihan to forgive me for what I offended just now! I will take my leave now, and please continue to enjoy the flowers!"

After Feng Tianxing took a deep bow, he hurriedly cupped his hands to bid farewell to the princess. He found that when he faced this beautiful and peaceful princess, his heart beat uncontrollably.

This uncontrollable heartbeat frightened him, and he suddenly felt very uncomfortable, extremely awkward!
this!There is an illusion that makes him want to escape from here.

After Feng Tianxing bid farewell to the princess, he suppressed all the things that were wrong with him, and quickly walked out of the peony garden. It would be better to come here less often, he thought.

"Hey! You wait!"

wait?Don't wait!

Feng Tianxing's heart trembled when he heard the princess's delicate call to stop, not only did he not stop walking out, but he walked out a little faster.

"Qiang! Qiang!"

The two swords intersected with each other in the sound of clang clang, blocking his forward steps, and a court lady shouted: "The princess has ordered you to stop!"

Feng Tianxing was helpless, so he had no choice but to turn around and bow to the princess and asked, "If you dare to ask the princess, what else can I teach you?"



Princess Lan Ruo's clear eyes turned on Feng Tianxing's face, and she looked at him thoughtfully, who seemed uneasy, and asked, "Are you here just to enjoy the flowers?"

Feng Tianxing was stunned, "This?"

Lan Ruo suddenly laughed, "It doesn't look like it?" She thought to herself, this is it!Feng Tianxing, dignified Yishenhou, the number one golden alchemist in the Western Yuan Dynasty, how could he suddenly enjoy the flowers here!

Feng Tianxing stared at Princess Lanruo, who was smiling like a flower, her heart was beating uncontrollably, and her words were uncontrollably escaping.

"I came to Peony Garden, just to collect some peony flower king pollen!"

"Since I came to collect the pollen of the peony flower king, why did I return without success?"

"Since I accidentally disturbed the princess's mood, how dare I stay any longer? I'll just look for the pollen below! Does the princess have anything else to do?"

Feng Tianxing, with his heart suspended, asked in a panic.

Princess Lan Ruo frowned, and apologized: "It seems that it is really my fault, so how about it! In order to make up for my fault, I will collect pollen for you, as an apology!"

"No, no, it's fine to pick another one when I go back next time. I'll leave now, princess, don't worry, don't be disturbed by me!"

Feng Tianxing was in a mess, and wanted to leave again right now.

Princess Lan Ruo couldn't help but frowned, and said with some disappointment: "Does this mean you don't accept my apology?"

Feng Tianxing looked at the frowning and somewhat disappointed princess, and suddenly felt impulsive in his heart, wanting to reach out his hand to smooth her frowning brows.

Feng Tianxing's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: "Am I crazy, or am I crazy?" His eyes flashed, but his mouth became incoherent:

"No, no, princess, I just, I didn't mean that, I just didn't dare to bother the princess, that's it, that's right! That's all!" After Feng Tianxing finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to stroke the fine sweat on his forehead.

Seeing him like this, Lan Ruo suddenly smiled at him, and said with a quick smile: "Ha ha! Then accept my apology! If that's the case, then let's go together!"

After finishing speaking, he directed to the four maids who stood blankly aside: "You guys also come to help together!"

"Yes! Princess!"

Immediately, the four court ladies agreed, and immediately found a container to help collect peony pollen.

Seeing this, Feng Tianxing unconsciously broke out a sweat from his forehead and even his whole body. He looked at her who was smiling like a flower, and his heart beat like a drum, "Boom..."

Seeing Feng Tianxing standing still, Lan Ruo quickly turned around and greeted him with a smile, "Feng Tianxing!"


Feng Tianxing, who was at a loss, responded subconsciously, then came back to his senses, but met the princess's blooming smile again.

"Don't hesitate, come soon, isn't it the right time to collect pollen in the sun?"

Lan Ruo smiled and said to Feng Tianxing who was standing aside.


Feng Tianxing looked at the smiling Yanyan princess, when his heart beat, he felt the tip of his heart trembling, and his footsteps seemed to be stepping on the clouds.

He took out the container he had prepared from his bosom, and was in the sea of ​​flowers at the same time as the charming and charming princess.

In the peony garden, in a sea of ​​blooming flowers, a handsome boy in the sun and a girl as beautiful as a fairy, under the sun, they have become a perfect picture scroll.

The breeze blows the green, and the imperial garden is full of spring. On a graceful flower path, two girls in yellow clothes ushered in.

Suddenly, a girl pointed at the peony garden which was competing to bloom, "Fifth Sister, look, is that Seventh Sister?"

The other girl stared at him. Instead of answering Sixth Sister's question, she frowned and asked, "Who is that boy?"


Sixth Sister heard the words, and hurriedly looked around, suddenly, she felt a burst of jealousy in her heart, and said to Fifth Sister, "That's Fengshenhou!"

"Feng Shenhou? Feng Tianxing, the alchemist of the Golden Alchemy Palace?"

The Sixth Sister and Sixth Princess smiled and said, "Aside from him, who else has been conferred the title of Marquis?"

Fifth Sister and Fifth Princess nodded, and said with disapproval in their hearts:
"He is an alchemist, if he doesn't refine his alchemy well, he would go to the Royal Garden and get mixed up with Seventh Sister, it's too outrageous!"

She stared at Seventh Sister, and finally said to Sixth Sister reluctantly:
"Sixth Sister, let's go, we have to remind Seventh Sister, it's too disgraceful for her to mix with ordinary people even if she doesn't practice well in the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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