Tears Fairy

Chapter 222 1 Exploring Dragon King Island

Chapter 222 Exploring Dragon King Island
When Xu Yunfei heard Feng Tianyu talk about the ancient battlefield in Tianyuan Continent, his heart couldn't help but move. He thought of the Hunter Alliance in Tianyuan Continent, and his deep eyes flickered.

"Yu'er, the Dragon Palace on the ground has been destroyed, and the Dragon City on the island has been completed. If there are any clues, it is estimated that it has been destroyed as well!"

Now that you're here, take a good look!Feng Tianyu thought of this, she smiled at Xu Yunfei and said:

"Dragon City is a powerful race that once flourished for a while. Since we are here, it is worthwhile to pay a visit to the ancient capital of the Dragon Clan!"

When Xu Yunfei saw what Yu'er said with great interest, he smiled knowingly and said, "Yu'er makes sense!"

Feng Tianyu withdrew her probing gaze from the Dragon Palace lake, turned around and walked side by side with Xu Yunfei who was looking at her with a smile, she thought, Dragon City might have unexpected gains!

Wars broke out in the Eastern Forest, and the Yu family in the first city finally appeared in the sight of the city residents. Yu Jiaojiao was advised by her eldest brother.

She began to delegate power, and she handed over the position of city lord to Yu Zhongyu, the young master of the Yu family.Yu Jiaojiao withdrew from the sight of the townspeople.

Yu Jiaojiao began to follow her eldest brother, she knew that his eldest brother would ascend soon, after she calmed down, she finally realized it clearly.

Because of her masculinity, her Dao heart has become unstable, so she decided to practice Dao with her elder brother to mend her unstable Dao heart.

Because of the strong rise of the Ghost Sect, Yuhua has lost his original authority in the Dongji Sect, and his orders in the Dongyang Sect have become an existence of obedience and violation.

He was totally furious!

He wants to find out the root cause of all disasters, and he wants him to pay for his mistakes.

He issued one arrest warrant after another, and the bounty increased from the original 100 million top-grade spirit stones to 200 million top-grade spirit stones.

After Yu Zhongyu assumed the post of city lord, he immediately discussed countermeasures with Yu Guangyuan, the head of the Yu family and his father.

Yu Guangyuan, head of the Yu Family, saw Patriarch Yuhua lose power in the first sect, and was anxious and helpless.

Looking forward to the domain master coming out to rectify the largest government order in the East Lin domain, however, Yutian sealed the mouth of the Yu family by saying that he was not in his position and would not seek his own government.

In Donglin Domain, the domain owner has the authority to recruit all forces in the domain.But he can't participate in the government affairs of any sect or sect, and Xuanyuan Continent tacitly approves of the decline and change of sects.

It doesn't matter if you want to become a big faction and rule forever, as long as you are strong enough that others can't pull you down from the high throne, your rule will be permanent.

The Yu family's delusion will not get any help in the end.As for the Yu family, the high-level members of the Dongji Sect have repeatedly declared to the sects and families in the Donglin Region.

The call-up order was issued by Suzerain Yuhua using his authority to benefit his own interests.The Dongji sect also suffered a lot from it.

Unwilling to bear the responsibility of the various sects, families, and suffering from the disaster of the Ghost Sect, the Yu family has therefore become the target of everyone's criticism, and the Yu family has been unable to move an inch in the East Forest Region.

Yu Guangyuan had no choice but to hold a family meeting, mobilize the clan to cooperate, and come to the sect who asked for help.

The Yu Family began to confront the Ghost Sect thoroughly.

In the end, the Ghost Sect did not stop because of the appearance of the Yu family!He was still nibbling away at one sect after another, and finally confronted Dongyang Sect.

The ten grand ancestors of the Dongyang Sect were alarmed. They acted resolutely and immediately removed Yuhua from the post of Sect Master, expelled Yuhua from the Dongji Sect, and issued a statement to the four domains at the same time.

Yutian, the lord of the Eastern Forest Region, was furious when he got the news, but he also suffered from the big trouble Yuhua made during his tenure, which made him unable to speak.

Yu Jiaojiao blamed herself even more for her own mistakes, if not for herself, how could her brother be in such a mess.

But Yutian couldn't calm down the anger in his heart. He knew all the actions of his younger brother, and he had supported him in the past, and his younger brother's mistakes were also his own mistakes.

He couldn't let his younger brother bear these censures alone, after Yu Jiaojiao calmed down and entered the retreat, he took action.

In the Eastern Forest Region, groups of strong men began to kill on the territory of the Ghost Sect, and the Dongji Sect took advantage of the situation to regain the lost ground.

However, the rumors of the Four Realms chasing and killing Jun Ziyu became more and more intense.Countless strong men formed teams to hunt Jun Ziyu one after another.

At this time, Xu Yunfei was exploring with Feng Tianyu in the Dragon City of Dragon King Island. The Dragon City was bigger and grander than the city where the humans lived, and the four gates of the Dragon City had a thick and ancient atmosphere.

After Feng Tianyu entered Dragon City, she always kept a step away from Xu Yunfei, and she would not relax her vigilance because of self-knowledge.

Because Xu Yunfei was by his side because of the wind and rain, he did not dare to be careless for Yu'er's safety, and Yu'er must not let anything happen.

The cautiousness of the two finally became the biggest guarantee for their safety. The gate of the Dragon City City Lord's Mansion was wide open. Looking at the City Lord's Mansion that had been patronized by countless people, it is said that there is no danger.

However, just as the two of them entered the main hall of the city lord's mansion, a tyrannical dragon power suddenly came out from the golden wall dragon sculpture in the middle of the hall.

Feng Tianyu, who was vigilant, and the gray mist surging in his body instantly blocked this tyrannical Longwei attack.

Xu Yunfei was on high alert, and when he noticed the change, he immediately cast a purple flame shield, covering him and Feng Tianyu in it.

"Hey hey! This deity has condensed the dragon power of tens of thousands of years, but it can't destroy the two little ants. Is the power condensed by this deity too weak, or the Xuanyuan Continent has become mysterious?"

The dragon sculpture on the golden wall wavered and turned into a big bearded man, coming down from the golden wall with a mighty power.

For a while, Xu Yunfei's purple flame shield began to shake non-stop. Xu Yunfei continued to output spiritual power to strengthen it, but the purple flame shield was always shaking, shrinking the shield range.

The big bearded man took a step forward, and when he was in front of the two of them, he stretched out his hand to grab the purple flame shield, and with a magnetic snap, the purple flame went out, and the shield was broken from then on.

Just when the purple flame shield shattered, Feng Tianyu's eyes flashed a faint light, everything was silent, the years were safe and still!

In three breaths, Feng Tianyu had pulled Xu Yunfei out of the City Lord's Mansion, took another step, and the two of them had already left the ancient city of the Dragon Clan.

"Hahaha... Dragon Ancestor! Long Yao has finally waited for people from another continent, woo woo woo! 50 years! Old ancestor, when will the dragon family see the light of day again?"

In Dragon City, after the big bearded man laughed loudly, there was a burst of weeping and moaning.

The sobbing and crying of the bearded man began to echo in the silent Dragon City, and Feng Tianyu and Xu Yunfei who escaped from Dragon City were shocked.

The two looked at each other with heavy eyes, and they both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes. The disappearance of the Dragon Clan really had a hidden meaning.

Feng Tianyu looked in the direction of Longcheng, and listening to the weeping voice of the bearded man, she felt a sense of vicissitudes and heaviness in her heart, so she decided to take the risk here and wait.

She was waiting for the bearded man to speak, whether the foreigner he was waiting for was she and Xu Yunfei.

She wanted to know the secrets of the Dragon Clan. This was the quickest and most direct way. Although it was dangerous, it was worth the risk for both of them.

Finally, the sound of crying echoing in Longcheng stopped, and Longcheng once again returned to a deathly silence.

Feng Tianyu stared at the majestic and long-standing Dragon City. At this time, the two thick dragon gates half-opened at the bottom of the city wall suddenly opened to both sides automatically.

Inside the city, a tall and mighty bearded man was walking towards the wide-open dragon gate from the city.

(End of this chapter)

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