Tears Fairy

Chapter 266 Kill 1 person in one step

Chapter 266 Killing a Person in Ten Steps

Feng Tianyu's heart moved, and his eyes flickered, "Since I decided to pack it, since the packaging is not bad, I reluctantly accepted it!

Remember!Don't even think about taking back the gift you give!You are mine now, I don't need you, but you can't go back on your word! "


In Xu Yunfei's sweetness, he was depressed and speechless. He dared to feel that he had lost his freedom and that he might be abandoned by Yu'er.

For a moment, the dull and tense atmosphere has regained its ease and indifference amidst the love between the two.

Time flies, hey!Feng Tianyu sighed secretly, a sense of firmness rose in her heart, her black eyes froze, and she turned to look at the winding and difficult trail.

Feng Tianyu calmed down and regained her composure. Then, she turned her head and said to Xu Yunfei: "Are you ready? We have to work hard!"

Xu Yunfei looked at Feng Tianyu, whose aura was rising straight up. His mind was concentrated, and he couldn't help but burst out with aura. In a short while, he had already entered the state of preparation for battle.

Xu Yunfei smiled at Feng Tianyu, nodded and said: "It's ready!"

Feng Tianyu took a deep look at him, and when Xu Yunfei smiled back, with a thought, Huang Yu had already hidden Feng Tianyu's figure.

Xu Yunfei still had Feng Tianyu in his mind, but he disappeared under Huang Yu's invisibility.

In Feng Tianyu's mind, after opening the sharing link with Huang Yu, Xu Yunfei appeared in front of Xu Yunfei's eyes again, Feng Tianyu's delicate and strong figure.

As the strength of the main body climbed, Feng Tianyu's footsteps were steady, climbing up step by step, Xu Yunfei kept in mind his identity as a moving target.

Step by step, step by step, closely following Feng Tianyu's footsteps, climbing up, ten steps... twenty steps... 25 steps...

Five steps, four steps, three steps, two steps, a sword light suddenly lit up, "Puff!" A line of blood sprayed one step away.

One step away, the golden sledgehammer that had just been lit up by the cultivator who was ambushing for a surprise attack landed a step away from Xu Yunfei with a "bang!" at this moment.

At this time, Feng Tianyu's illuminated Golden Thunder Sword disappeared in an instant, and the fighting factor was fermenting in Xu Yunfei's chest.

With his blood boiling, secretly hiding his desire to fight, he bent down from the headless monk's finger, took off his storage ring, and said, "Let's go!"

He immediately stepped forward to keep up, he didn't forget that he was the task of moving the target, and he didn't forget his first task of making up the knife, he followed behind Feng Tianyu, step by step...

Walking to the eighth step, Feng Tianyu, who had disappeared without a trace, had drawn a bloody sword at the monk holding the machete, "Gudong!", the head fell to the ground!
"Bang! Bang!"

The sound of the body and the machete falling to the ground.

Feng Tianyu greeted Xu Yunfei, and continued to move forward. Xu Yunfei still bent down to take off the storage ring, and then stepped forward to keep up with Feng Tianyu's pace.

Thousands of miles deep, one light and one dark, doomed the cruel fate of the Anbu people in the domain.

Kill, kill, kill!

During the killing, one person was killed in ten steps, stretching for ten miles, the bright red blood has flowed from top to bottom, and blood and blood have been connected from top to bottom, forming a red vine by itself.

The road is stretching, and the killing continues... Broad bean

Continuing along the way, the cultivators who ambush and kill are gradually improving, from the initial stage of fusion to the current state of great perfection.

Feng Tianyu couldn't attack with a sword, Xu Yunfei became a master of sword repair, one light and one dark, the two of them unconsciously, their hands have been contaminated with countless killing karma.

Killing a person in ten steps, you can't stop for a thousand miles, there is an interception before, and there is a pursuit after that, dead friends will not die poor people, choose one of the two, live by yourself, only let them die.

In this way, it doesn't matter if there is more killing karma, they have no way out, and if they want to survive, they can only continue to kill.

The word killing filled her mind, and in the bloody storm, she let out a sigh, mourning with the world.

Kill and have mercy!

The tug-of-war of the spear and the shield, the world of cultivating immortals where the strong are respected, the blood and cruelty in reality, at this moment, the real world of cultivating immortals has fully interpreted the blood and cruelty!

The choice between life and death!Killing to the death!
Feng Tianyu issued a sword, the sword cut his throat, Xu Yunfei repaired the sword, the sword broke his heart, the scream pierced through the clouds and fog, the smell of blood was introduced into the deep soil for burial, blood spilled like the setting sun falling to the ground.

The heaven and the earth mourn together, and the hearts of the people are greatly mourned.Sadness welled up in Feng Tianyu's heart, and tears welled up, and the tears had already formed into beads on the face of Qingli Juechen, like tears!The balls fall to the ground and become crystal beads.

The wind, the sky and the rain move forward all the way, people and the heaven and the earth mourn together, during the killing, the sword and the sword harvest life, the tears fall, the sword will rise, the sword and the sword are ruthless!

What is the soul of the dead under the sword?
A desolate body, branches drooping, green leaves withered and falling, compassion condensed into pearls, each pity is the soul of the dead, it has been accomplished, who remembers the mercy of the Buddha?

Xu Yunfei's strong will, followed by the attack of the sword to break his heart!The killing intent in my heart has diminished, and Jian Jian has left three points of love!
In the deep black eyes, on Feng Tianyu's desolate face, in the corners of the eyes, tears condensed, seeming to condense all the misery in the world, which makes people want to end their lives on this.

The sadness entangled in her body began to pluck his heartstrings in several ups and downs. Xu Yunfei's heart trembled for a while, and a layer of water mist filled his deep and dark eyes, "Yu'er!"

When Feng Tianyu turned his head, he saw mist appearing in Xu Yunfei's eyes, the hostility disappeared completely, and there was no love left under the sword.

Meaning of sadness?
While thinking, Feng Tianyu shot a beam of light between his brows, and shot directly at Xu Yunfei's brows, entering his slightly sluggish sea of ​​consciousness.


There was a ding sound in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it was sealed in the light group. The moment a meditation song was directly printed in his mind, it was already dancing and playing in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The moment Xu Yunfei just played the Meditation Song, his mind suddenly froze, and the unbearable heart in his eyes instantly disappeared, replaced by endless killing intent.


"it is good!"

After Feng Tianyu saw that Xu Yunfei had recovered, he immediately continued to walk forward. At this time, the path was already a hilly path from top to bottom.

From top to bottom, it is clear at a glance. Because of the suppression of gravity and spiritual consciousness, he cannot attack from a distance, but can only attack from a short distance. This interception, unable to attack sneakily, became a real interception.

The same ten steps, the same distance, a well-fitting monk in black stood holding his sword, his face was white and beardless, his eyes were fierce, and he had the aura of killing with one blow.

Seeing this, the invisible Feng Tianyu sighed in his heart, it's not that I'm cruel, since you want to die, I have no choice but to fulfill you!

Sadness arose from the heart, the black eyes were filled with mist, overflowing the corners of the eyes, and the tears on the left and right had condensed into a sorrowful water-colored crystal.

Two crystal-clear water-colored tears filled with endless sadness, fell from top to bottom, the golden thunder sword rose, and from under the phoenix feathers, a golden light suddenly lit up, cut through the air, and slashed across the neck of the monk who was intercepted.

The air was rippling, and the moment the monk in black fell down, he saw a sad figure in the mist surging, looking at him with pity.

In the air, two tears of infinite sorrow magnified in front of his eyes. In a blink of an eye, he seemed to see his life experience. He felt that living was really tiring, and he fell down without attachment!
Seeing the monk in black, Xu Yunfei fell down without attachment. He bent down and took off the storage ring from his finger.

Standing up, he raised his eyes and looked ten steps away. He saw a terrified face, looking at the air in front of him warily, when suddenly he drew his sword.

He was overwhelmed with shock, the scene just now made him feel cold all over, he didn't want to die, he wanted to live, in front of Jian Wu, he just wanted to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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