Tears Fairy

Chapter 280 Dragon King's Overlord Plan

Chapter 280 Dragon King's Overlord Plan

Feng Tianyu's trip to Longyuan finally obtained everything she wanted to find out, but this discovery not only did not lighten her burden, but increased it a little.

Her heart is astringent, she can only do her best for the millions of creatures in the world, she hopes Yunfei can help her find that chessboard.

Feng Tianyu pinned her hopes on Xu Yunfei, and she was not idle. She once again drew a bit of soul power and Zezhi power together, and explored all over the Dragon Palace.

Feng Tianyu used the power of law and soul power to explore the Dragon Palace on his own, and Xu Yunfei began to calculate the layout of the Dragon Palace based on the pictures displayed in the Dragon Palace.

Soon he found the center layout of the entire Dragon Palace, and an invisible formation with the center as the hidden point gradually appeared in his mind.

Break the cocoon formation!
The cocoon-breaking formation can only be broken from within, and cannot be attacked from outside. Otherwise, once the attacking formation is successfully broken, when the formation is destroyed, it will be the time when the Dragon Palace explodes.

The entire Dragon Palace is based on great supernatural powers, using the spirit stone veins as the base, using the energy of Bailong Xiu as the body of illusion, using the spirit as the guide, breaking through with one force, and then buried with Tianxuan.

More than 50 years ago, hundreds of races fought for hegemony, and the human race was relatively weak. However, the human race not only has a tough personality, but also has the advantage of a strong reproductive ability.

Human beings are weak, but they are God's darlings, because God endowed the human race with a wise mind. In the struggle of a hundred races, the human race uses wisdom to defeat the strong with the weak, and has its own world among the hundreds of races.

In ancient times, millions of continents communicated with each other, and there were always some powerful races who wanted to control a continent as their habitat.

With the mainland as the backing, to rule another continent, hundreds of clans, under the expansion of their ambitions, conquer other continents in endless ways.

The dragon clan is no exception, and their ambitions are even greater. It not only wants to rule the continent where it is located, but also to rule millions of continents.

The Dragon Clan in Profound Sky Continent is already one of the top ten existences among the hundreds of clans. Because of its ambition and hegemony, after it defeated the hundred clans, it completely banned the hundred clans.

At that time, it was common for the dragon clan to contract human monks. Each dragon clan had ten or eight in hand, and the human monks were contracted servants.

When the Dragon Clan conquered the world in other continents, it was always true that the Human Clan was weak. For this reason, the Human Clan became the logistics of the Dragon Clan's rear.

However, the other races that become the colonies of the dragons have to shoulder the mission of rushing to the battlefield and being the vanguard.

The reproductive ability of the human race surpassed that of other races too much, and the millions of dragons could not contract a large number of human races, and the fighting power of the human race was too weak.

The dragon clan began a targeted selection, and those who were not talented and talented did not contract. From then on, the human race in the dragon colony began to rest and recuperate.

The Dragon Clan is very satisfied with their contract selection strategy!As long as the elites of the human race are turned into contract servants, the rest of the human race will no longer attract the attention of the dragon clan.

The elites who were contracted by the dragon clan became the objects of the dragon clan's investment. Since then, the human monks have been invested by the dragon master, and after the dragon clan's great powers have given them practice skills.

The human monks used their wisdom to change the orc skills into those suitable for human cultivation, and finally divided them into different cultivation methods.

These skills, under the constant refinement of the later people, finally evolved into the later heyday of the human race.

Especially in the peak period 50 years ago, more than 50 years ago, the human races of thousands of continents finally stood in front of hundreds of races.

The human race's continuous self-improvement and tenacity have completely changed the views of the hundreds of races, and since then created the era of the hundred races.

The dragon clan was fighting outside, and the dragon clan was in the base camp of the Xuanyuan Continent, but after the Dragon King's contracted servant succeeded in counterattacking.

The connection between the Profound Sky Continent and the outer continents was completely cut off. The millions of dragons who stayed behind in the Profound Sky Continent, and the hundreds of clans living in the dragon colony, after the rise of the human race, and after the hundred clans got in touch with the human race, each clan began to cede land and stand on their own. The Dragon Clan retreated to Dragon King Island.


It is the confidence of the Dragon King to conquer the Sifang Continent, because the Dragon King implements the ancestral plan in Longyuan retreat, and when the Dragon King sends troops to conquer other continents, the Dragon King prepares to return to the ancestors in Longyuan.

However, the problem with the 10-year preparation was that the human slave he had contracted with had a successful backlash, which made it fall short!
His plan can only be completed by the filing proposed by the wise man, and Bai Longzi becomes the remaining one of Dao 49 and Tianyan [-].

Jumping out of the three realms, no longer in the five elements, and existing on Tianqi by itself, breaking the rules and controlling the whole continent.

However, the existence outside the law originated from Bai Longzi's primordial spirit and the dragon king's physical body. The formation of this 49-plus-one would take millions of years to grow.

It requires the cultivation of a hundred dragons once every 50 years as nourishment, and the spirit of a hundred dragons to nourish them. After the rise of the human race, and during the development of hundreds of thousands of years, the Xuanyuan Continent started a dispute.

Since the beginning, it has gradually evolved from a small battlefield to a large battlefield.

With the rise of the human race in Qianbai Continent, the interconnected realms of Qianbai Continent have been closed with great magical powers.

Later, when the continents closed the boundaries, the separation boundary barriers were drawn, and when the last heavenly way was completely formed, a flowing void realm secret realm was formed.

The Void Realm, which is opened once every hundred years, stays in the area, and the Void Realm is opened once every hundred years, and stays for ten years each time.Ten years later, it will be the next film.It's just a hundred years to go back and forth like this.

Xu Yunfei looked at Feng Tianyu helplessly while looking at the Cocoon Breaking Formation. He didn't want to let her down, but he had to let her down.

Because breaking the cocoon formation cannot be broken, breaking the formation will completely end the Xuanyuan Continent.

However, if the formation is not broken, in ten thousand years, the entire continent will be devastated, and it will be the sorrow of hundreds of millions of living beings!

How to do?
Xu Yunfei looked at Feng Tianyu who was looking forward to him, and finally told the truth to Feng Tianyu in his sea of ​​consciousness:
"Yu'er, I have no way to break the formation, because this is a narrow-death formation, although I am cruel, I don't want to cause karmic debts for nothing!
To break the formation is to use Xuanyuan as a sacrifice. I don't want to be stained with this karmic debt, and I don't want you to take the risk of killing hundreds of millions of souls in the future.

Maybe at that time, its own opponent was born to fight against it! "

Feng Tianyu smiled understandingly, and replied with Feng Zi No. [-]: "Okay, Yun Fei will do his best, since you can't break the formation, time is running out now!
Don't resist, you go to my Genesis Orb first, I have phoenix feathers to protect me, there is no problem with my safety, I want to try to brand a mark on the Dragon Palace in the few quarters of an hour.

Maybe in the future, if we encounter this stranger, we will know who it is, and then we can work hard to eliminate it. "

Xu Yunfei looked at Feng Tianyu worriedly, hesitantly refused to enter the Genesis Orb, he looked at Feng Tianyu with a face of persistence in embarrassment and said:

"Here, Yu'er, I really don't trust you to stay alone, even if this is the last moment, I still hope to be with you."

Feng Tianyu nodded, then shook her head again, she looked at the persistent Xu Yunfei and said: "Yunfei, you have to think clearly, now you go to the Creation Orb in my Sea of ​​Consciousness, and when you return to the Void Realm, you may be with me I'm in one piece.

On the contrary, it is divided into two places, you choose yourself, don't regret it! "

(End of this chapter)

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