Tears Fairy

Chapter 296 Unifying 1 Black Rock City

Chapter 296 Unifying Black Rock City

In the Red Maple Pavilion, Feng Tianyu sat quietly beside her mother, listening to sister Qing'er and sister Qingqing talking about what she saw and heard in the secret realm with her grandmother and mother.

In the grandmother's attic, there was a warm and peaceful atmosphere. The grandmother and mother always had doting smiles on their faces, especially when they heard about the achievements of their five brothers and sisters in Xuanyuan Continent.

This is their pride!

Feng Tianyu listened to the warm laughter in the attic, and the power of soul consciousness had silently covered every corner of Fengfu.

Listening to the ups and downs of the ancestors' speech announcement, listening to the central square of Fengfu, Dengwen drums sounded on the drum tower for a while, "Boom, boom, boom..." The sound of the drums is long and ancient.

Watching the national flag of Tianfeng Dynasty erected on the wall of the black stone courtyard of Fengfu, and erected on the central tall building.

And represent the mission of the Tianfeng Dynasty.Finally embarked on their journey.

Because of the ambitions and dreams of her ancestors, because of the responsibilities she passively shoulders time and time again, and her determination to protect her loved ones.

She can only use war to end the chaotic order of Tianyuan Continent, she does not want to be the prey of others, and her relatives cannot become the prey of others.

She can only wage war, from the prey to the hunter, from the hunter to the hunter's prey, and this is just the beginning.

From now on, hey!The Tianyuan Continent will become more and more lively, regardless of whether they want it or not, the general trend, the whole people will passively participate in this grand occasion.

The torrent of the times will wash away the humiliation and ignorance of hundreds of thousands of years.This is what she planned.

A ray of light flickered in her dark eyes, and the bell of war had already sounded. In the future conquest and pacification, with the current strength of the Feng family and the formidable means of the ancestors, the Tianfeng Dynasty will definitely be able to unify Tianyuan.

She has this confidence, and what she relies on is the power and layout she established more than ten years ago, and strength is the factor that determines everything.

With the wise old ancestor at the helm and the elder brother and others as the assistants, the Feng family will surely be able to smooth down the 57 existing or absent family forces.

As for the sect forces distributed in the five major domains, Fengying is not a problem in everything, all problems are just time.

The 57 hidden families in the space small world are affected by the differentiation of the Alliance of Kings and the Angel House. As long as the negotiations are in place, there is a great chance that more than 50 families will surrender to the Feng family.

What she has to do is to secretly contain the hunter alliance. As long as the Feng family unifies the Tianyuan Continent, it will be the time for her to confront the hunter head-on.

Now she needs time to grow, and also needs time to plan, she can only control the dark forces in secret.

Let the Feng family stand in front of people, hold high the national flag that dominates the world of immortal cultivation in the Tianyuan Continent, and since then, the Feng family has become the focus of the world of immortal cultivation.

Only then can she secretly plan a greater journey.

Time waits for no one, the arrow has already been fired, and the cohesion of the Feng family is still good. After three days of preparation, the [-] children of the Feng family have completed the transformation of the legion and become the first legion of the Feng family.

There are many banners and flags, and the solemn formation of yellow-clothed and golden-armored soldiers is now ready to go.

Courtesy first and soldiers second, regardless of success or failure in negotiations, Black Rock City must be unified today.

Feng Tianyu smiled, her soul power was still very powerful, her soul power covered the entire Fengfu, and did not disturb the ancestors.

The laughter in the attic stopped when the Dengwen drum thumped, and the grandmother's spiritual sense also explored the square at that moment.

Feng Tianyu took a look at his mother, who had practiced in seclusion for ten years, and successfully advanced from the early stage of foundation establishment to the foundation establishment Dzogchen.

After leaving the customs, the two rushed back after their mother, who had just advanced to the stage of transformation into a god, came back from the robbery. Xie Yunyan saw that the youngest son and youngest daughter-in-law were on the verge of breaking through.

Without even thinking about it, she took the two of them to the boundless forest for training. Feng Mingzhi and his wife were escorted by their mother.

The two finally broke through the barriers of the Great Perfection in the Foundation Establishment Stage during their experience in the boundless forest, successfully formed the Golden Core, and advanced to the Core Formation stage.

Now that Liu Yun'er is already at the second level of alchemy, Feng Tianyu knows that this speed is already at the limit of her mother.

It is the greatest consolation for the five brothers and sisters that father and mother can advance to the alchemy stage before the age of 50. As long as the resources are sufficient, even if parents cannot fly, advancing to the Mahayana stage will not be just a dream.

if possible……

Feng Tianyu couldn't help being distracted for a while, until Liu Yun'er reached out and gently stroked her hair, she came back to her senses.

Feng Tianyu thought that her grandmother and mother did not have Feng Zi No. [-], so she took out two Feng Zi No. [-] and gave them to her grandmother and mother respectively.

Xie Yunyan saw the Fengzi No. [-] that Feng Tianyu gave her, and Liu Yuner, who was holding the Fengzi No. [-], was amazed for a long time. Finally, under the explanation of Feng Tianyu and the three of them, they had a great time. call.

From the moment Feng Mingchu stepped out of the gate of Fengfu, he has represented the majesty and dignity of the Tianfeng Dynasty and the country's face, and his diplomatic relations negotiations were the first stop.

Starting from Fengfu.

In Fengfu, since Feng Wuxin came out of the small space world, Fang Xiaocui has a batch of super-era communicators refined by Feng Tianyu, Feng Zi No. [-].

On the first day Tianyu returned to Black Rock City, Fang Xiaocui received Feng Tianyu's instruction, so Feng Mingchu successfully completed the negotiating mission on behalf of the Tianfeng Dynasty.

Then came the Flying Dragon Mercenary Alliance. Because of Xu Yunfei's instruction, Feng Mingchu also honorably completed the second peace negotiation.

The Flying Dragon Mercenary Alliance is willing to join the Tianfeng Dynasty and form the Flying Dragon Legion to be led by the Tianfeng Dynasty.

The third stop is the Huangfu family, because the Huangfu family and the Feng family are related by marriage, and under the trend of the general trend, the Huangfu family also chose to join the Feng family.

When Feng Mingchu's peace mission entered the fourth station of the Ye family, they finally encountered resistance from the Ye family, and the negotiation ended in failure.

The last stop of Feng Mingchu's peace negotiating mission was the City Lord's Mansion of the Five Elements Sect. The City Lord's Mansion tactfully refused to surrender on the grounds that it did not dare to make decisions without the order of the sect.

Feng Mingchu's two defeats had been expected by Feng Yuanwu's ancestors, as for the surrender of Fengfu and Feilong Mercenary Alliance.

At the beginning of the meeting, he had heard the current head of the family, Feng Shihao, talk about his friendship with the Feng family. As for the Flying Dragon Mercenary Alliance, there was Xu Yunfei in the Tianfeng Dynasty, and his surrender was also a certainty.

Ten years ago, the overall strength of the Huangfu family was greatly weakened by the corruption of the Hunter Alliance.

In fact, the current Huangfu family has fallen from the first-rate family to the second-rate family, and his first-rate family's reputation is all due to his in-law relationship with the Feng family.

The Huangfu family had no choice but to surrender was the wisest choice.

The Ye family and the Feng family are both related by marriage, but because of the relationship between Feng Mingzhu and the Feng family, they want to secretly seek the greatest benefit.

Secretly hooked up with the Hunter Alliance, but was suspected of luring wolves into the house, and finally ended up reconciling with Feng Mingzhu.

Feng Mansion, after Feng Mingchu's peace negotiating mission came back, the first legion formed by the Feng family came in handy.

All the small families in Black Rock City have received the notice issued by Fengfu. In Fengfu, Feilong Mercenary Alliance, Huangfu Family, Fengyi Auction House, Genesis Mall, and Liufu.

After erecting the national flag with the colorful Fengyun flag of the Feng family, one after another erected the colorful Fengyun national flag issued by the Tianfeng Dynasty on the gatehouse of their own family.

The Feng family's first army was so quick that it could not conceal the momentum, and the troops were divided to surround the Ye mansion and the city lord's mansion that had just taken measures to save themselves.

The Ye family in the small space world, after receiving the message from the Tianyuan Continent, immediately sent people to rescue, but stopped at the Teleportation Hall, because the king alliance formed by 57 children surrounded and controlled the Teleportation Hall.

After the Five Elements Sect and the Hunter Alliance launched a war, their strength has been greatly reduced, and under the intentional or unintentional interference of Mu Yingmen, the distant water cannot save the near fire.

In the first battle, under the personal supervision of the ancestors and under the coercion of Mahayana monks, the First Army achieved a perfect offensive rhythm.

All speak with strength!

The Ye Mansion and the City Lord's Mansion only lasted for an hour before falling, and they became the first batch of prisoners who rebelled against the Tianfeng Dynasty.

Feng Mansion successfully unified Black Rock City!

Xu Yunfei, as the minister of the Ministry of Industry, wanted to build a first-class god-level protective formation for the first city of the Tianfeng Dynasty proposed by Feng Tianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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