Tears Fairy

Chapter 31

Chapter 31
The second uncle Feng Mingxuan and Feng Tianqing, brothers and sisters Feng Tianlei and the chief deacon quietly left the central square. The core disciples led away from Fengfu!
After Feng Zhizhi and the others watched the uncle and nephew leave, they prepared to go home in different moods!Feng Tianyu slept in ignorance, kissed her parents, and her two elder brothers back to Songxiayuan!

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing looked excited!There is no reluctance in my heart, but only yearning!

Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er, besides being happy, felt a little sad!See you again in ten years!How can I not miss it!Not melancholy!
Early the next morning, grandmother Xie Yunyan sent Feng Qingsong, the steward of Fengyuan, to Songxiayuan to help move. Feng Mingzhi led his two sons to start packing up. Loaded things into the carriage.

Feng Tianyu slept soundly in mother's room, Liu Yun'er stayed by Bao'er's side all morning, and Kong Bei's daughter was in a slumber for the past few days, looking sleepy!
At first she thought it was the baby who was in a bad mood!In addition to insomnia, it is so lethargic!Now that I thought about it carefully, I realized that something was wrong, and I couldn't help showing anxiety on my face!
As soon as Feng Zhizhi entered the room, Liu Yun'er grabbed Feng Zhizhi's sleeve, nervously and flusteredly expressing her uneasiness!

"Brother Zhi, there seems to be something wrong with Baby Yu'er! In the past few days, I always feel that something is wrong, and I just thought about it carefully again! I feel more and more wrong!"


Feng Ming was shocked when he heard the words, he hurriedly helped Liu Yun'er to the edge of the bed, and looked at Feng Tianyu who was sleeping soundly!My heart trembled!Secretly comforting Liu Yun'er in shock, he also comforted himself:
"Yu'er is just tired! There must be nothing wrong! We're moving right now! Mother and elder brother please take a look!"

"Okay, Brother Zhi! Let's go right away, move now!"

Liu Yun'er carefully picked up her precious daughter and walked out of the room quickly!Just happened to bump into Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing brothers who were anxiously crossing the door!
"Mom, what did you just say?"

"Mom, what's wrong with my sister? What happened?"

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing anxiously asked their mother who was holding their younger sister.After Liu Yun'er collided with her son, she hurriedly lowered her head to check her precious daughter quickly, and looked at Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing with some annoyance.

"Look, the frizz is almost destroying my sister!"

"Mom, I'm sorry! What's wrong with my sister?"

After Feng Tianxing apologized anxiously, he asked anxiously.

"Don't ask for now, move quickly, and go to your grandma and uncle first to see!" Feng Mingzhi explained to his two sons.Liu Yun'er had already hugged her precious daughter, and ran out of the room to the front yard!

"Uncle Song, take us to find our mother and elder brother first!" Feng Mingzhi rushed ahead of Liu Yuner, opened the curtain to let Liu Yuner get into the car, and quickly ordered the housekeeper to send them to the wind yard to find mother and elder brother first!Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing quickly got into the carriage after his father.

"Okay, Fifth Young Master sit down!"

Feng Qingsong saw that Feng Zhizhi's family of five anxiously got into the carriage, and saw that there seemed to be something wrong with the little master Tianyu!Immediately responded, and personally drove the carriage to Fengyuan smoothly and quickly!

Fengyuan, the Hongfeng Pavilion where the grandmother lived, in the Hongfeng Pavilion, the grandmother Xie Yunyan checked her granddaughter herself, and asked her eldest son Feng Mingchu to check it with her worriedly!
"Mother, Yu'er used his spirit too much and hurt his soul! I guess it's because of the big competition these days, the little guy is too involved in watching the game and hurt his soul!"

"Injured the soul?"

"Injured the soul???"

Feng Mingzhi's family of four asked in shock, and Xie Yunyan looked at the panicked younger son's family, and his heart softened and he hurriedly comforted Feng Mingzhi: "Don't worry, I think my granddaughter is overusing her spirit! Dan, after a good night's sleep, you'll be alive and dancing again!"

After Xie Yunyan finished speaking, she took out a grandmaster-level God-replenishing Pill from Najie and fed it into Feng Tianyu's small mouth. With luck, the pill was swallowed smoothly!

"Thank you mother!" Liu Yun'er knelt down in tears to thank her mother-in-law!
"Thank you grandma!!"

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing bent their knees, followed their mother and knelt down to thank grandma!Feng Mingzhi looked at his mother with an excited expression and said in awe.

"The child is causing trouble for mother!"

Xie Yunyan and his eldest son Feng Mingchu looked at each other, the color on his face darkened, and he felt bitter in his heart!Zhi'er, Zhidi's family has finally become estranged from me!

"Get up! Yu'er is my own granddaughter, how can I thank you for helping my granddaughter as a grandmother?"

Xie Yunyan helped her daughter-in-law and two grandchildren helplessly, feeling angry and regretful at the same time!Powerless!


"Okay! Why is the family divided? In the future, we must remember that if the mother is not good, she is also Zhier's biological mother! No matter how bad the grandmother is, the grandchildren are also the real grandmother!"

"Yes, Zhi'er, my daughter-in-law remembers!"

"Grandmother, grandson remembered it!!"

"En!" Xie Yunyan nodded in satisfaction, looking at the little granddaughter on the big bed, her eyes softened!
"Yu'er will live with me first! Zhi'er took Yun'er and the children to your safe courtyard! After you moved out, your eldest brother has been letting the servants in your yard take care of it, and everything remains the same!"

"Thank you bro!"

"Just move back home! Wisdom brother! We are brothers and sisters!" Feng Mingchu sighed with emotion!
Feng Zhizhi's family returned to the Ping'an Courtyard, and Feng Tianyu lived in Hongfeng Pavilion!Watching the younger son's family of four leave, Xie Yunyan looked at the older son who was sitting aside, and sighed!

"Chu'er, mother and your father are ashamed of your fifth brother! Father and mother, they just don't want to face Zhi'er's pain a hundred years later! They choose to ignore him. There is a crack in mother's heart! Nascent Soul Dzogchen! However, your father is stuck at the peak of Nascent Soul for 20 years!
Until Yu'er's childish words, the peaceful atmosphere of your fifth brother's family!Only then has the opportunity to advance to Yuanying Dzogchen!
Zhi'er has the three spiritual roots of water, wood and fire, coupled with poor aptitude, it was thought that Zhi'er would be difficult to advance to the foundation stage throughout his life, however, Zhi'er was promoted at the age of 39!Now it is the second floor of the foundation.

All five children have excellent aptitudes!Although the youngest, Yu'er, is the worst of the Five Spirit Roots, this child has excellent bones, intelligence and sharpness!Perhaps it will not stop at the body foundation period.

Chu'er, you are the future helm of the Feng family, treat Zhi'er's family well, our lineage is getting thinner, and five children are the hope of our lineage! "

"Mother, Chu'er understands!"

"Just understand! Go ahead!"

"Retire, child!" Feng Mingchu stood up, bowed to his mother, and then turned around and went down the attic of the Red Maple Pavilion!

Xie Yunyan watched the eldest son leave, and sighed softly. Fortunately, there was still time, and she would make up for Wuer's family.This Muna son who gave her a huge surprise.

Xie Yunyan glanced at his little granddaughter lying quietly on his bed, her face was full of pampering!

Possessing the worst five-spiritual roots, at the age of six, he introduced Qi into his body, entered the first level of Qi training period, and advanced to the second level of Qi training after a month interval!This speed is not much faster than that of Shan Linggen. Who can say that her precious granddaughter won't perform miracles!

On Xie Yunyan's beautiful face, which seems to be in his twenties, there is a beautiful and soft smile!She looked at the sleeping little granddaughter, full of expectations for her little granddaughter!


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(End of this chapter)

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