Tears Fairy

Chapter 316

Chapter 316
Feng Tianyu looked at the angry and jealous little girl, smiled and said: "I didn't mean it, I really want to eat dog meat."

Xu Binger gritted her teeth angrily and helplessly, and said, "Okay, you are cruel, you want to eat dog meat, right? Okay, I'll go buy dog ​​meat and cook it for you!"

Feng Tianyu smiled and said: "That's great! Here's the puppy!" With a wave of his hand, the little beast flew into Xu Binger's arms again.

Xu Binger looked at Feng Tianyu who walked into the wooden house automatically, and then she carried the little wolf and walked to a wooden house not far away.

It was a disciple who loved to eat dog meat the most, and she also knew about it accidentally, and it happened that she happened to be in the wooden house today.

When Xu Binger came back, she found that Feng Tianyu was sleeping lightly on her bed, and she really wanted to go up and drag him to the ground.

However, she could only think about it in her heart, unable to put it into action. She carried the little wolf into the kitchen, and took it out from the storage bag, a piece of dog meat bought with low-grade spirit stones.

Xu Binger was extremely proficient in washing pots and chopping meat, the wind and rain in her sleep were completely awakened by the smell of dog meat that wafted in the air later and lured the greedy insects.

Feng Tianyu sniffed, she sat up from the wooden bed covered with gray sheets, smelling the tempting aroma of meat.

She got off the bed in a good mood, and cast two cleansing techniques on her body.

During the start, she had come to the small kitchen of the wooden house. She sat down in front of the only wooden table and watched Xu Binger bring a bowl of steaming dog meat.

Her ordinary yellow and black face also seemed to have an attractive bright color because of her happy smile. Xu Binger placed a pot of meat in front of her.

Afterwards, Xu Bing didn't even look at her, bent down to pick up the little wolf and walked out of the small kitchen, but Feng Tianyu said generously to her back:
"Xiao Bing'er, let's eat something together?"

Xu Bing'er paused for a while, then said indifferently: "No, leave as soon as you finish eating. From now on, Little Wolf has nothing to do with your presence."

"It's a puppy!"

"Wangwang!" It's the little wolf!The little wolf in Xu Binger's arms protested again, Xu Binger looked back at Yan Yanyan's Feng Tianyu, and declared again:
"Whether it's a puppy or a wolf!"

Feng Tianyu nodded and smiled, "Okay, I'll just call it a puppy after I've seen it, since it looks like a dog anyway!"

Xu Binger looked at the black-haired wolf, with a few tufts of dark golden hairs on its head and face, her heart moved, she looked at Feng Tianyu seriously and said:

"This has nothing to do with you! It will be called Huahua from now on, you are not allowed to call it a puppy!"

"Huahua! Not good, a puppy is better!"

"Wangwangwang!" I like Huahua!

Xu Binger stroked the excited little wolf, ignored the wind and rain, and went straight to work in the field.

Feng Tianyu smelled the smell of dog meat, and when she saw that she was about to walk out of the wooden house, she stopped her again:

"Bing'er, if you want the puppy to be with you forever, I can help you form a contract with the puppy!"

Bing'er stopped in shock, then suddenly turned her head and asked in shock: "You, are you a beast master?"

Feng Tianyu looked at her with a smile but said nothing, the little girl underestimated her!But the beast masters in Tianyuan Continent seem to be really awesome.

The real contracted spirit beast can only be successfully contracted after being tamed by the beast master and with the help of the beast master.

Now on the Tianyuan Continent, there are very few beast masters, pitifully few, and once a beast master appears on the mainland, it is only a flash in the pan.

Soon, he will become a full-time animal trainer of a certain force in the scramble to recruit him.

Tianwuzong also has a beast master, he is the elder of Wanshoufeng, who specializes in training beasts for the disciples of Tianwuzong, but the fee is expensive, but few low-level disciples can afford it.

Therefore, the spiritual pets of the disciples of the outer sect gather the power of the sea of ​​consciousness by themselves, and use the power of the sea of ​​consciousness to penetrate into the crystal nucleus of the spirit beast or the spirit of the young beast, and complete the superficial contract.

The spirit beast contracted by this contract method can not only be released by the beast master, but once the level of the spirit beast is higher than the master, the contract will be automatically released.

Xu Binger is not calm anymore. Since she decided to adopt the little wolf, she doesn't want to be forcibly snatched away one day. If the beast master helps her to contract the little wolf...

She looked at Feng Tianyu with her bright eyes, and looked at him smiling at her. She inexplicably saw affirmation in her smile, he was really a beast master.

Seeing that she believed it, Feng Tianyu immediately ignored her. Facing the delicious dog meat, she was so happy that she picked up the chopsticks and began to eat it contentedly.

Xu Binger hugged the little wolf back to the small kitchen and sat on the small stool. She was very excited and looked at him from time to time.

Strictly speaking, this person is still his benefactor, he saved himself for the first time, didn't he, if he didn't save him.

That time when Hu Tian photographed the mountain, if he hadn't saved her, she would have died or been disabled. After that, she couldn't escape, and he didn't save herself, so I can't blame him!
After all, I am not his who!

It's a fact, isn't it?

Xu Bing'er thought a lot during the windy and rainy meal, although she still had infinite disappointment in his hopes.

But she doesn't reject him anymore!

He is the only one who has helped her, and today he brought the little wolf to her. In the future, with the little wolf by his side, she will no longer be alone.

He still takes care of himself!That's enough.

There was no regret in her heart, she hugged the puppy and sat quietly on the small stool, waiting for him to finish eating the meat.

When Feng Tianyu looked up, he saw a warm and quiet scene.

The endless friendship she formed with the puppy, this is an endless friendship that depends on each other.

When Xu Binger looked at her in Feng Tianyu, she looked up at him and showed him an innocent smile.

Seeing that the little girl finally figured it out, Feng Tianyu was also happy for her, she must be destined to her!She thought so.

Xu Binger sent the little wolf to Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianyu caught it with a smile, she stretched out her yellow and black hand, and pressed it on the puppy's forehead.

The gray mist that had penetrated into the puppy's spirit before suddenly lit up and became active when Feng Tianyu's palm was pressed against his forehead.

With a thought in Feng Tianyu's mind, a trace of the power of the law of infinity merged into the swirling gray mist, two kinds of energy that surpassed the Tianyuan Continent.

Under Feng Tianyu's thought power, in the puppy's ambiguity, a projection of a crystal nucleus was projected.The little wolf spirit has a powerful crystal nucleus projection.

For the little wolf, it was the greatest good fortune that it encountered wind and rain, and it can be expected to become a god from then on.

"Bing'er, come, imprint the power of your consciousness on the light core in the puppy's ambiguity!"

According to Xu Binger's words, she condensed a weak power of spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, and branded it on the light spot in the ignorance of the sea of ​​consciousness that the little wolf had already born.

Feng Tianyu bent her lips and smiled, "Bing'er is great, the contract puppy has succeeded, congratulations!"

"Thank you, Brother Yi!"

At this moment, Xu Binger's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly heard the cry of the little wolf, "Master! Huahua is not a puppy, Huahua is a little wolf!"

Xu Binger was overjoyed, and comforted in the sea of ​​consciousness with excitement in her heart: "I know, I know, it's a little wolf, Huahua is a little wolf!"

Feng Tianyu looked at Xu Binger's excited look, she found a copy in the creation of the world beads, and handed Xu Binger a booklet edited by the Five Elements Linggen in her spare time.

"This is a practice method that I compiled into a book based on the Five Elements Balance Technique, and I named it the Five Elements Dacheng Jue!"

"Five Elements Dacheng Jue?"

Xu Bing'er took the brochure that Feng Tianyu handed her, and she felt that she had completely trusted him. Since then, he has become a god-like existence in her heart.

What she lacks is the successful five-spiritual root exercises. The five-element exercises of the Zongmen are all mainland products, and they will never stop at the foundation-building stage.

She wants to become stronger, she must set foot on the peak of Tianyuan Continent, she doesn't believe in fate, she only believes in herself.

A decisive gaze flashed in Xu Binger's eyes, she knelt down and kowtowed to Feng Tianyu suddenly with a groan and said:
"Master, you accept Binger as your apprentice! You accept Binger!"

(End of this chapter)

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