Tears Fairy

Chapter 323

Chapter 323
After Feng Tianyu escaped from the exit of Ghost Crying Cliff, he took a last look at the entrance, "Xiaobai, Xiaohei, you all stay in the underground palace as usual, and the master will make arrangements for anything!"

"Yes, Master!"

Feng Tianyu transformed from a gray mist. After recovering her body, she continued to move towards the back mountain in stealth. It was easy to go back and difficult to get in. When she passed through the dense forest and thorns again, the thorns had no resistance when she came.

On the return journey, it is just thorns all over the mountains and forests.

As soon as Feng Tianyu relaxed, he suddenly became tense again. The further he walked back the mountain, his forehead bulged.

Feng Tianyu thought of the yin-yang beads that Bai Wuchang threw to her before, and her heart shuddered, and she stopped walking across the dense jungle.

The King of Hades is not a simple zombie king, a zombie king who has transformed into a realm and cannot ascend. He is definitely the strongest in the entire continent, not just one of them.

The yin-yang bead appeared in the hands of the Living Hades. How many ghosts and ghost officials in Xing's [-]th-floor underground palace possessed the bead?
Will the monks who came under the siege of a hundred thousand mountains have this yin-yang bead in their hands?
She wants to find a place to study what is going on with Yin-Yang beads?

She came to an ancient tree, covered the old tree with her hand for a while, and a wisp of green wood spread from her hand to the skin of her whole body.

The aura emanating from her was instantly consistent with the aura of the ancient wood, and the corner of her mouth was slightly hooked, and she had already flown to the branch of a big tree under the dense branches and leaves, hidden on the old tree.

Holding the Yin-Yang Orb in her hand, she began to use her soul to sacrifice. After the divine power and soul power were sacrificed at the same time, even if she cultivated to the realm, her brand could not be erased.

A quarter of an hour later, the yin-yang pearl flew into her sea of ​​consciousness, and a heinous, cruel and bloody scene was repeated in the sea of ​​wind and rain.

An evil spirit tore open the pregnant woman's belly, and ate the fetus in the pregnant woman's womb raw and bloody. In the light of blood, it turned into a bright red blood-colored light bead, and turned into an evil spirit fifteen minutes later.

After the evil spirits tore and ate the fetuses in the wombs of seven or forty-nine pregnant women, it began to sleep.

Until Qitian advanced to complete the Scarlet Light Bead.

After the blood-colored light bead is promoted, its brilliance is even brighter, it will no longer return to the form of a ghost, and it will start to appear in a blood-red streamer.

The blood-colored light beads turned into red streamers, and began to look for food everywhere. When it saw a pregnant woman, its brilliance flashed, and then it hid in the pregnant woman's belly.

When a pregnant woman is at full term, the blood-colored pearl brilliance flows freely from the pregnant woman's belly.

However, every pregnant woman gives birth to a dead baby.

After going through nine hundred and ninety-nine, pregnant women's wombs, the bloody light bead advanced again.

The blood-colored light beads, the blood and blood energy have all faded away, and transformed into two-color beads, one black and one white.

Yin Yang beads?
This is where the Yin Yang Pearl came from?Feng Tianyu couldn't help feeling chills in his heart, the king of Hades is indeed the king of Hades.

The evil ghosts in the evil ghost hall can see themselves, it seems that they also tore up and ate raw, seven or seven 49 babies, evil ghosts who are advancing in the evil ghost hall.

It was only when I was interrupted by myself during the promotion that I frantically tore at myself.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine fetuses, one was eaten raw, seventy-seven and forty-nine babies turned into demon beads?

What kind of logic is this?

Or does this yin-yang bead have other great uses?

She must have other uses!
It's just that she doesn't know it yet.

After figuring out the source of the Yin-Yang Pearl, you have to find a way to avoid its pursuit.

Otherwise, under the yin and yang beads, before the evil spirits, she will have no advantage, and will be discovered by Da Neng and tortured to death.

She wants to kill all factors that are unfavorable to herself, because she wants to live, and ascension is her current goal.

When you die, there is nothing left.

Her method of invisibility lies in the detachment of the gray mist.

But the gray mist was when she traveled through, she and her perfectly merged into one body, and collided at the moment when the soul of the original owner of the body was about to dissipate.

Inspired the epitome of the beginning of the world and the reshaping of time.The soul of the original owner turned into a five-color sea of ​​consciousness when it returned to the microcosm of time.

And a wisp of gray mist in the microcosm of time also assimilated into the five-color sea of ​​consciousness with the original owner's soul.

The gray mist is equivalent to the primordial qi when the heaven and the earth first opened, while the yin-yang pearl begins in the mother's womb, and is cultivated by the innate qi of the fetus in that womb.

Although the gray mist is stronger than it, it is still possible to sense the existence of the gray mist.

In this way, if you want to avoid its tracking, you have to confuse the concept, she is an existence they cannot look up to.

With the successfully refined Yin-Yang Orb, she can assimilate the gray mist, making it completely mutated and sublimated.

So far, the Yin-Yang Pearl at this time, it is both a Yin-Yang Pearl and not a Yin-Yang Pearl.

It became a mutated yin-yang bead.

It is tall, and its coercion is unmatched!

After Feng Tianyu's one-month meditation and assimilation, his cultivation has come naturally, and he has broken through to the third level of the transformation stage.

With Ghost Crying Cliff as the center point, among the hundreds of thousands of mountains facing outwards, Tianwuzong was named after the Tianfeng Dynasty that fought against the Tianfeng Dynasty that captured all parts of the mainland.

The sect sent a hundred Mahayana monks from the Dashang elders group to build a sect trial site in the [-] mountains.

In the name of training soldiers in the place of trials, 50 fit monks gathered a core force of [-] in Tianwuzong.

40 elite disciples in the junior and middle stage of Huashen, and [-] inner disciples in the infancy stage.

At this time, they are training troops from the periphery with a purpose, and they are encircling and suppressing the center of Guikuya Cliff.

The wind and rain fell from the ancient tree to the ground, and the soul power was released as soon as it was released, and the movement of the Hundred Thousand Mountains was instantly reflected in the sea of ​​souls.

Feng Tianyu sneered and wanted to catch me?Go back to sleep and see again!

Without any worries, she has assimilated into a gray mist, shuttled out of the forest, and floated in the back yam field.

She turned her head and glanced in the direction of Guikuya behind her. After turning her head, she smiled brightly.

Facing the stretches of spiritual fruits and the endless medicine fields, what can be more joyful than the harvest season.

Feng Tianyu thought to himself, hey, I will start scratching the ground!

The power is boundless!

With the finger in the mind, the cutting of the earth is instantaneous, one medicine field is cut off, and another medicine field is cut off.

With the twitching of her fingers, she used it again and again, and in the joyful state of mind, the creation pearl had turned into a sea of ​​consciousness floating out of the wind and rain.

Floating in the pieces of medicine fields cut by Feng Tianyu, under the cover of air, the medicine fields have all been incorporated into the air formed by the creation beads.

Feng Tianyu finally stopped in the fruit forest, and felt depressed for a while. If Ayu hadn't slept deeply, this fruit forest would also be his own.

"Master, it is yours now!"

A familiar voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, and in the blink of an eye, stretches of fruit forests and mountains disappeared.

"Ayu, have you evolved successfully?"

Feng Tianyu was overjoyed, in the sea of ​​divine consciousness, Jin Yuxiang turned into a Jinpeng, and flew on the shoulder of Feng Tianyu Yuanshen.

"Master, I have successfully evolved. Master, there is a powerful person here coming here!"

Feng Tianyu smiled happily and said, "Well, I see! Ah Yu is awake, and I can rely on Master again."

Jin Yuxiang focused on the invisible Feng Tianyu, for a while, he smiled dotingly, the master is always so awesome.

I have evolved and slept for so long, but my master is still cultivating diligently, and is still alive and kicking without any injuries.

As a beast pet, he actually doesn't help his master much, but he is here alone, and has obtained the great opportunity of evolution that he has dreamed of.

Feng Tianyu stood on a piece of bluestone, watching two figures, one white and one blue, flying closer in the distance.

A middle-aged man in white clothes was standing on the back mountain. His mighty eyes swept away the patches of medicine fields in the soil layer, and then looked at the distant mountains. Where did the fruit forests go?

"My God, who is it? Who scraped the land behind the mountain?"

A blue-clothed disciple flashed his eyes, "Could Elder Zhang be, would he~ be that damned thief again?"

Elder Zhang in white looked over in surprise, "Little Douzi, you mean, yes, the thief who escaped from there?"

Little Douzi in blue rubbed his hands, glanced at Elder Zhang, "What does Elder Zhang think?"

(End of this chapter)

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