Tears Fairy

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

After Feng Tianyu sent the order with a smile, Wang Xiang left the gate of Yiziying, and then returned to the camp of the regiment.

As for Jin Youliang, who was ignored by Feng Tianyu, he seemed to feel that he had been greatly insulted.There was a sudden twist on his black and purple face.

Jin Youliang, who was ferocious due to his distorted face, suddenly sharpened his sinister eyes. He was extremely angry, and suddenly looked at Feng Tianyu who had returned to the camp.

When Feng Tianyu was about to attack Jin Youliang, her demeanor suddenly changed.

In an instant, the power and influence swept the entire camp inside and outside, and she was like a king returning.

With this sudden change, all members of the Yizituan camp suddenly felt a sense of surrender in their hearts without warning.

Gao De, who was assisting Wang Zhao in calculating the group statistics, couldn't help but shudder, and assisted Ma Han in the armory to count Yan Fang who added equipment and weapons.

While his heart was awe-inspiring, he couldn't help feeling a tinge of sympathy and pity for Yi Tianfeng.

It was obvious that the elders must have initiated a group change for this overwhelming power that swept across the entire camp.

In front of the big tent in the camp, as soon as the aura of the wind and rain was released, Jin Youliang suddenly felt a chill in his heart for no reason.

And the questioning he was about to raise was suddenly choked in his throat. He seemed to realize something, and he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

As soon as he let go of her aura, the anger in his heart suddenly disappeared, and he suddenly realized that he had made a big mistake.

He joined the Yizi team with a drop of blood, but the token of the team leader has always been in the hands of Yi Tianfeng, who they look down on.

If they want to replace Yizituan, they must first erase Yi Tianfeng's spiritual awareness sacrifice on the token of the leader.

At this time, the commander's token is in Yi Tianfeng's hands, and the others are also in his hands.

Without any hesitation, he wanted to rebel against Yi Tianfeng's control, but first, he had to devour Yi Tianfeng's divine consciousness branded on the commander's token.

He acted desperately, the blood dripping on the commander's token suddenly and crazily drew the power of his consciousness.

Jin Youliang's spiritual consciousness poured out in an instant under the extraction of the blood drop, and the power of his spiritual consciousness combined with the blood drop in the commander's order.

Already aggressively encircled and suppressed the center of the token, the center of Yi Tianfeng's sacrifice.


Who can tell him?Where did his spiritual power go?Why did his consciousness lose contact with him as soon as he got close to the center of the brand?
However, the drop of blood that he joined the regiment to offer his loyalty has changed from a bright red drop to a two-color drop of one red and one black.

It can't return to the veins of the blood, and it starts to swim in the outer layer of the veins. Is this the stain of the failure of backlash?
Suddenly his eyes darkened, his face turned white and he said, everything is over!

He looked at Yi Tianfeng, who was the world's best, in despair, and he had no other thoughts.

Feng Tianyu pursed his lips slightly, he flicked his sleeves, and he had strode into Yizituan's large tent.

The chief tent of the Yizituan seems to have become a conference room for thirty elders' meetings, without the majesty that the regiment should have.

After Feng Tianyu entered the main tent, she sat down on the group seat, and her eyes were like lightning, sweeping away the thirty elders who walked in after her.

plop plop...

After the eleven elders were stunned, they suddenly knelt down. Amidst the plopping sound one after another, the eleven elders knelt down to the ground one after another.

After the eleven elders looked at each other bitterly, they kowtowed to Feng Tianyu on the main seat with one voice:

"Meet the leader! Please punish us for our previous rude offense."

Among the 30 of them, 29 were the losers of the leader competition. Because of the competition agreement, those who failed had to pledge allegiance to the winner.

Feng Tianyu nodded, "As long as you know your mistakes and correct them, let's all go down to find Zhang Gong to receive punishment!"

"Yes, I am waiting to thank the leader for the lighter punishment!"

After the 11 people climbed up, they didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, and immediately went directly to Deputy Head Zhang to receive the punishment.

The tense low pressure increased again, and Feng Tianyu's yellow and black face suddenly showed an unpredictable smile.

But this smile made Jin Youliang, who was completely hopeless, tremble all over. He felt that there was no hope in his life.

As for the remaining 18 people, trembling, they suddenly realized the serious consequences.

Sure enough, the next moment, they heard the words that would wake them up from their dreams.

"You all think you are big shots in the regiment, don't you! Very good.

Very good, our regiment leader is not afraid to tell you the truth, what our regiment lacks is big men like you.

For the big shots in your [-] regiments, the regiment leader decided to treat them differently, so as to live up to your reputation.

In order not to waste personal possessions and accumulate human resources, we must make good use of them to benefit the group and the people.

Therefore, I decided to set up a heroic death squad composed of nineteen great figures in the Iraqi Army.

Death squad, dare to die first for the team, dare to die first for others, dare to die before others, this is the "death squad" of my Iraqi army! '

The captain is Jin Youliang, dare to die first for the team, dare to die first for others, dare to die before others.

This is the mission and creed of the Expendables! "

"Captain, I accept the punishment!"

"Head, I also accept the punishment!"


The 19 people knelt down without exception, Feng Tianyu sneered, no one in the group could beat her.

"It's too late, this order will take effect immediately, Jin Youliang, first go to Elder Yan to create a 19 yuan black jade death token for you.

Go to Elder Gao to receive special start-up funds for the Death Squad. "


"You all go down and get ready!"

Feng Tianyu waved his hand ruthlessly, dared to rebel against her, and didn't know how to repent when given a chance, now it's too late to intercede.

Since then, the Death Squad has been their destination, and life or death depends entirely on their personal luck.

Because Feng Tianyu not only used the power of soul and primordial spirit, but also incorporated the power of gray mist and law when Feng Tianyu sacrificed the commander's token.

The existence of the Four Great Heaven Defying Heavens, the member who dripped blood into the regiment, who can defy her heaven?

None of the 19 people resisted, which seemed unbelievable to others, but it was normal here in Fengtianyu.

To join the group is to show loyalty. If anyone has a rebellious mentality, he has to accept the heart-biting punishment under the backlash of the blood-drop token.

The token of the leader of the regiment dripping blood, this is what the sect controls people's hearts.

It is also something for the Zongmen to take the fruits of others. As long as the Zongmen needs it, the Zongmen only needs to cancel the spiritual consciousness sacrifice of the current leader.

You can send someone to replace the head of the regiment, but this kind of calculation is doomed to suffer a big loss here in Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu can swallow all the energy that is not good for her through the center of the brand, and then use the refining function of the gray mist to refine it and feed it back to the main body.

This is Feng Tianyu's secret. In the future, it may be a nightmare for the sect, or it may be an artifact for Feng Tianyu to control the high-level sect.

After sending the thirty elders away, Feng Tianyu's soul power swept away and saw Zhao Wugang was busy with the affairs at hand.

"Zhao Wu, immediately gather all the elders who joined the regiment as elders in front of the troop counting platform under the banner of the regiment.

In addition, Jin Youliang's death squad of 19 people was newly added by the team, and the 11 people who are being punished are excluded. "

Zhao Wu, who was busy with the affairs in hand, heard the sound transmission of Feng Tianyu's spiritual consciousness, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went to the elder camp of the Yizi team to deliver the order.

"Header has an order!" Zhao Wu had already yelled before he was still outside the elder's camp, and after entering the camp, he sent another loud order:
"The elders of the elder camp, the head of the group has orders! Except Jin Youliang's death squad, and the 11 people who were punished.

The rest of the elders, immediately go to gather under the banner of the Yizi banner! "

As soon as Zhao Wu's voice fell, the audience fell silent.

What happened to The Expendables?

After the elders were shocked, suddenly an elder stretched out his hand to grab Zhao Wu and asked:

"Zhao Wu, what happened to Jin Youliang's Death Squad? Who is the leader?"

(End of this chapter)

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