Tears Fairy

Chapter 338

Chapter 338
Three days later was the day for the military training designated by the Zongmen. As soon as Feng Tianyu returned to the big tent of the regiment headquarters, he asked the banner officer of the regiment headquarters to issue an order to beat drums and raise the tent.

The group headquarters meetings of the Yizi Group have always been presided over by the four deputy heads, and the accounts are raised by beating drums. This is the first time that Feng Tianyu personally presides over the group headquarters meetings.

After the call to raise the account of the senior officials of the group headquarters sounded, the in-service officials at all levels of the group headquarters put down their affairs one after another and rushed to the super group headquarters immediately.

This series of legion operations have all been learned in training.

As soon as the drum was called to raise the account, the incumbent officials at all levels gathered in the account of the super regiment headquarters from all directions.

Feng Tianyu sat on the tiger skin seat with a serious expression.

Xu Bing'er stood behind her. After ten days of experience in the army, she passed the training of regiment officials.

However, she did not take office in the team, because Feng Tianyu told her that she let her experience and team training in the Legion.

It's not that she wants to serve in the team, it's just to broaden her horizons and improve her state of mind, and the rest of her time is used to practice and improve her cultivation.

Here today, it was the master who let him see a meeting in the form of a military camp, and let him get to know the senior management at all levels of the team.

This is the master's official introduction of her to the working staff of the team, and this is the master's protection of himself.

Since then, officials at all levels of the regiment headquarters will be able to give her more or less substantial help in the future.

The first to arrive were Gao De and Yan Fang who had completed the task. As soon as they arrived at the big tent, they immediately felt a sense of majesty that they had never experienced before.

Especially Yan Fang, who had felt sorry for Yi Tianfeng before, until he and Gao De received the order from the regiment leader.

He was completely shocked, the regiment controlled by thirty elders was easily dismissed by Captain Yi within a quarter of an hour.

And it ended in the way of accepting punishment and organizing.

So far, he has truly convinced Yi Tianfeng, and he has truly faced up to the fact that his vision is not as good as that of Gao De.

"Gao De, Yan Fang sees the team leader!!"

The two strode into the head tent, and five feet away from the table in front of the head, they bowed respectfully to Feng Tianyu and paid homage.

"The two elders sit aside!"

"Thank you, Commander, for sitting down!!"

After Gao De and Yan Fang thanked their seats, they sat on two large mahogany chairs under Feng Tianyu's high seat, one on the left and one on the right.

Not long after the drumbeat stopped, the commanders of the Thirteenth Route Army of the Yizi Super Regiment, the three commanders of 140, and 11 members of the Yizi Regiment headquarters were all present.

The discipline was not satisfactory and needed to be improved, Feng Tianyu frowned invisibly.

However, Gao De and Yan Fang found out recently, and the two of them felt a chill in their hearts, this is dissatisfaction!

"See head!"

After all the people arrived, they bowed on one knee.

"When the tent is raised, you must go to the front of the tent to respond. This is the marching discipline of the Yizi regiment. Remember it, everyone!"


Everyone was in a cold sweat. This marching discipline was learned during the training. The first time the regiment leader raised his account, he was late. Damn it!
Feng Tianyu looked at the officer who was recording the account promotion and said: "This time, the one who is late this time will be demerited once! Can you record it in Mao's record?"

Mao Ji got up and reported back: "Return to the leader, it has been recorded!"

"very good!"

Feng Tianyu's momentum suddenly changed, and his words became dignified: "Where is the commander of the Thirteenth Army!"


Thirteen people came out, walked to the table and answered with hands clasped.

"The Zongmen has issued an order. Three days later, the teams of the inner and outer sects will go to the [-] Mountain Trial Site built by the Zongmen for collective training for a month.

The thirteenth regiment leader listens to the order! "

"Subordinates are here!"

The 13 people clasped their fists together and replied.

"The Yizi super group is now launched in the form of a sect, and will eventually transform into a sect army that either fights or defends the land.

And our Yizituan combines the characteristics of the sect and the legion in the organizational system, and can be adjusted at will.

Three days later, the Yizi regiment was broken into pieces, and the commanders of the [-]th Legion each led their [-] troops to the Zongmen Trial Site for trials! "

"Subordinates obey orders!"

"Bing'er distributed regiment preparation and training manuals to the thirteen regiment commanders!"

Feng Tianyu gave instructions to Xu Binger behind him.

"Yes, Master Commander!"

Head master?

Everyone smiled kindly, Feng Tianyu couldn't help being speechless for a while.This Binger, are you worried that your introduction is not strong enough?
Xu Binger didn't know what the master was thinking, she picked up the tray on the table and walked down the high platform to distribute the regiment equipment to the thirteen legion commanders.

Calling the master as the head of the master, it was when she called the head of the master, but she felt that this title was different from the master.

After that, she simply and logically summoned the head of the team to come.

Xu Binger returned to the master again, and Feng Tianyu put a bunch of white mung bean-sized crystal beans on the tray she had vacated.

"These Crystal Beans are a formal meeting gift given by the master to everyone present, Bing'er, you started to distribute them from Elder Gao.

Three for the two elders, two for the head of the Thirteenth Army, one for each of the heads of the regiment and one for the counselor of the regiment.

Can Binger remember it? "

"Master, Bing'er remember!"

"very good!"

Therefore, Xu Binger continued to give out the master's greetings to everyone present. After receiving more than 150 thanks, she returned to the master.

"All the good things are given to you, after you go back and do your own work well.

I started to arrange time to practice and refine the crystal beans in your hands, after all your cultivation base is too low.

The future is cruel, and the only way to save your life is to have a high level of self-cultivation. Work hard. I hope you will follow me for a longer time.

Don't die so easily!
This is the end of today's account promotion group meeting. Three days later, I will wait for you at the trial site!Binger, let's go back! "

"Yes, Master!"

As soon as Feng Tianyu finished speaking, she led Xu Binger down the high platform.

"Yes! Congratulations to the leader!"

Gao De and Yan Fang stood up and bowed to see them off with everyone.

The two who received the Jinghua Bean were completely uneasy, and finally understood what Yi Tianfeng meant when he promised no regrets.

They really don't regret it, on the contrary they are very happy.

In the group tent, although no one knew what Jing Huadou was, they had already been told about the pure energy emanating from it.

This is definitely a treasure to improve one's cultivation. Everyone's expressions are excited and their eyes are bright.

They all wished to start cultivating immediately to refine the incomparably precious Jinghua Bean, the leader was right.

Only cultivation is the magic weapon for monks to save their lives.

Feng Tianyu took Xu Bing'er away, Yi Zituan, the whole regiment entered the state of cultivation.

Each regiment leader has received a batch of rich training resources, and for the sake of the strength of their own team, they have not withheld the training resources of their members.

Therefore, when Yizituan has abundant resources for cultivation, the whole group is united as one.All entered the state of cultivation.

Three days later, Feng Tianyu led Xu Binger into the training ground built by the Zongmen, the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the training ground.

Created by the hundred and ten powerful monks of the Zongmen, it is closed and dangerous. After entering the trial ground, there is a seal at the entrance, and you can only come out at the set time.

The danger is the large and small animal hordes launched from time to time in the trial site. After one month, the team that can survive the animal horde is eligible to participate in the Zongmen's battle and defend the city.

This kind of military training is extremely bloody. If you die in the training ground, you are too weak. If you walk out of the training ground alive, you will be dispatched to conquer and defend the land.

Zongmen is no longer a high-ranking one, and they still have to fight for their future in the great era.

If you don't go, hurry to go, if you don't want to stand up, just wait for the tide of the great era to overwhelm you.

In Tianyuan Continent, Feng Tianyu's long-term plan is to achieve the concept of all people being soldiers and all participating in the war!

The era of enjoying wealth and honor is over, and a new era of rising and rising has begun amidst the waves washing away the sand.

(End of this chapter)

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