Tears Fairy

Chapter 354 Goodbye Feng Tiangang

Chapter 354 Goodbye Feng Tiangang

Feng Tianyu's eyes darkened, and she looked at the captured soldier with blazing eyes. The frightening look on his face made her realize in her heart that this matter was definitely not normal.

Conspiracy?Her eyes turned cold, and she waited quietly for what the captive soldier would say next.

The captive soldiers looked serious when they saw Feng Tianyu, because they were aggrieved before and had no hope of life now, and they had no place to confide in their grievances.

He just regards Feng Tianyu as an audience, an audience who is willing to listen to him vent his grievances and hatred.

Under Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes, he smiled miserably and told the truth about being captured.

"Hey hey hey! I am the No.16 Route Army of the Tianfeng Dynasty, the general Feng Shitou under the command of General Feng Mingqiang Zuo of the Heavenly Soul Pioneer Army.

Three months ago, the Central Region united with the Alliance and sent troops to support the South Region in the War of Resistance. The Sixteenth Route Army received an order from the founding soldier General Ma to ambush the Central South Army in Nanxi Mountain.

The general of the Sixteenth Route Army sent the vanguard of General Tianhun to ambush the Zhongnan Army on the Nanxi Cliff line.

The Heavenly Soul Pioneer Army, whose victory was in sight as expected, was captured by the Central South Army at the last moment!
Because Feng Mingqiang, the second son of General Zuo, Feng Tiangang was accidentally injured and captured in the talisman battle during the battle. General Zuo gave up his plan to stop the enemy under the coercion of the opponent's tricks.

The Central South Army successfully passed the line of Nanxi Cliff and entered the Nanxi Mountain Wasteland. How could the Hundred Thousand Pioneer Battalion be able to match it.

In the end, apart from the [-] soldiers who died in battle, only General Tianhun led [-] soldiers to break through and escape.

snort!General Feng Mingqiang Zuo did not rescue his son in the end, but led [-] personal guards and followed the vanguard officer to break through the encirclement.

The rest of me, who was surrounded by heavy soldiers, and the [-] soldiers who didn't want to die were all captured, and Feng Tiangang became the most valuable prisoner among the prisoners.

In addition to the more than [-] people of the Vanguard Army in this concentration camp.Apart from the hundreds of people who have been sent one after another, you are the only one who is today! "

After the captive soldier finished talking about the aggrieved and injustice in his heart, a lot of the depression in his heart disappeared, and there was a flash of light in Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes, and he laughed angrily in his heart!
Unexpectedly, hearing the news about Feng Tiangang again made her so speechless, but Feng Mingqiang's behavior made her extremely disappointed.

When he was a child, Feng Tiangang's servant beat Xiao Feng Tianyu to death, Feng Mingqiang pleaded for mercy to save his son, the love between father and son is nothing.

But now, for the sake of his own son, he disregarded the interests of the family and the country, not only gave up the defense line, but even the victory that was in sight ended in failure.

Under Feng Mingqiang's selfishness, not to mention the dead soldiers, he also put more than 5 soldiers in the Vanguard Battalion into a desperate situation.

How can he be a general who is so emotional?
Feng Tianyu asked: "Are you the general Feng Shitou?"

The pain in Feng Shitou's eyes flashed away, and he laughed at himself, "Hey, he's a prisoner!"

Feng Tianyu comforted in a soft voice: "Don't worry, we won't die!"

"Our cultivation base is restrained. As long as the Tianfeng army meets the Nangong army of the Zhongnan Army, we will be their bloody weight to deter the Tianfeng army."

Feng Tianyu smiled and said: "Not exactly, this kind of inhuman cruelty, although it can shock for a while.

However, it can also inspire the bloodiness of the soldiers. In the same enemy, the Nangong army will be killed by the crazy hatred of the Tianfeng sergeant.

The cruel and bloody deterrence of the Nangong army, whether the morale of our army is depressing and depressing, or whether the momentum of the same enemy is like a rainbow is really two things. "

Feng Tianyu's black eyes glanced at the Nangong Banner of the Chinese military tent, and she thought about Nangong Mei's real intention.

In the end, she shook her head and didn't think about it anymore, since she has come, she will take these people away, and as for Feng Tiangang, she will also rescue them.


Feng Shitou glanced at the locked iron gate again, sighed softly and greeted Feng Tianyu, "Let's go!"

Feng Tianyu followed Feng Shitou into the prisoner's tent, staggered around and added more than 5 prisoners, but just gave him a dull look.

Feng Tianyu chose a corner to sit down, and the chief guard's seal on her was driven by the power of law.

The seal is like a water bubble that can be broken at the touch of a button. Feng Tianyu is recovering from cultivation, quietly waiting for the night to fall.

When night came, she acted.

"I am Yin Feng, the general of the Heavenly Kingdom of the Western Regions. If you don't want to die here, you can follow me!" Feng Tianyu glanced at Feng Shishi who was shocked on the spot, and continued:

"Everywhere is a battle. If you choose to stay with everyone, I will not force you. Those who want to leave now stand up!"

One person stands up, a hundred people stand up, until all the people stand up, no one wants to die if they can live.

Feng Shitou asked the hearts of everyone:
"Let's go...with no cultivation base, and surrounded by millions of legions, can we go?"


After Feng Tianyu succinctly said the word Neng, everyone came back to their senses, and they had already appeared in Feng Tianyu's space room.

Shocked and joyful laughter, suppressed cries were expressed on the grass of the space house and in the space hall. Escape, life and freedom are what they desire most.

The wind, sky and rain assimilated into gray mist, passed through the iron fence of the prison camp, and left the Nangong Barracks. She passed through the gate of Swallow City, and entered Swallow City silently.

There is also Feng Tiangang in Swallow City who is about to be rescued.

It was the selfish Feng Mingqiang who was wrong, since Feng Tiangang was imprisoned for fighting for the dynasty, she was obliged to save him.

The soul power sweeps away the city lord's mansion prison, and Feng Tian is just being interrogated by the torturers under the soul power. Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes flashed with a faint light, and he has passed through layers of formations to block him.

What can a collateral disciple of the Feng family find out?She listened suspiciously.

"...Is it so difficult for you to talk about your holiday with the fourth prince and fifth princess of the Tianfeng Dynasty?
Are you really not afraid of death?Will you die and not surrender to my Central South Army? "

"Hmph, how can the past deeds of my noble prince and princess come from my mouth to your ears?

hehe!As for our holidays?What kind of character is my princess, we have no festivals, and now we only have unity!Unity, do you understand? "

Feng Tiangang grinned, and continued: "I know what you want to do? I advise you not to bother, you can die, but you want me to surrender to the enemy and betray the Dynasty? That's impossible."

"Hey, but you have done it before, believe it or not!" The criminal said the truth cruelly.

Just as Feng Tian was depressed for a while, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahaha...he is him, I am me, he is my father, yes, I will pay for his mistakes with my life!

This life is not clear, and the next life will continue to pay. If you want me to betray my people and my country, you can continue to dream! "

Feng Tiangang said without fear, since his father has done something shameful and wrong, he will wash it away with his own blood. Although Feng Tiangang is a bastard, he still has his own stubbornness and persistence.


The Soul Refining Lamp glows green.

Feng Tiangang smiled miserably, he was not afraid of death, the more painful he was under the soul refining lamp, the more relaxed he felt.

Fifty thousand sergeants became meat on the enemy's chopping board, and it was enough to pay back slowly under the soul refining lamp.

Feng Tianyu looked at the distorted face on Feng Tiangang's originally handsome face under the soul refining lamp, and she sighed.

"Gudong! Gudong!" With two sounds, the jumping and joyous soul refining lamp suddenly went out. In the sound of gudong gudong, the soul refining lamp and Feng Tiangang, who was unconscious on the ground, disappeared.

In the flash of the fire, the executioner turned into a cloud of dust flying in the air.The dark prison had quietly fallen silent.

Feng Tianyu flew out of the underground cage and flew towards the City Lord's Mansion.


The city lord's mansion was buzzing with alarms, and the city lord's mansion was suddenly as bright as day, Feng Tianyu thought with a trembling heart, has her incomparably powerful gray mist failed?

(End of this chapter)

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