Tears Fairy

Chapter 362 The Ancestor's 1 Sword Planet

Chapter 362 The Ancestor's Sword Planet

When Feng Tianyu sent out troops, Feng Tianyu had ordered to take over the Yizi Army in the rear of Xing Wuming, and ordered to retreat to the next city immediately when he saw Tianfeng's army.

After Feng Tianlei and Xu Yunfei's Flying Dragon Legion met in Tianlong City, their strength has reached unprecedented grandeur, and it is no longer difficult for the Tianfeng Dynasty to unify the southern region.

Xing Wuming led his Iraqi army to retreat to the front of the southern battlefield, and he completely handed over his rear to his subordinate army, the Iraqi army.

He didn't know that Yi Tianfeng, the head of the Yizi Legion, was Feng Tianyu.He was currently fighting the Tianfeng Army led by Feng Wuxin with peace of mind!
Feng Tianlei uses Tianlong City as the front-line headquarters of the Tianfeng Army, and the top military officers of the Tianfeng Army all have Feng Zi No. [-].

Feng Tianlei can completely command by remote control. He built the City Lord's Mansion, and sent Xu Yunfei to the front-line battlefield of the Tianfeng Army, and brought his father Feng Zhiming from the palace to Tianlong City.

Feng Tianyu only got together with his eldest brother for half a day after the Tianfeng Army won a complete victory. He took the imperial edict of his ancestors to the Western Regions as an envoy.

Because the old ancestor's battle is dangerous, he no longer has the calmness he had before. He just wants to complete the cooperation with the Heavenly Kingdom as soon as possible, so that the Tianfeng Dynasty can fight for their ideals without any worries!

He wants to go to heaven to confirm the conjecture he is eager to know, and if everything is confirmed, he will really feel at ease.

After Feng Mingzhi entered Tianlong City with a group of courtiers, Feng Tianlei cooperated with Xu Yunfei to continue to unify the southern region.

The King's Legion and Xu Yunfei's Flying Dragon Legion began to march all the way south. Under the special circumstances that the Yizi Army had no resistance, they effortlessly unified the twelve cities behind Xingwuming.

After the first front in the Southern Region collapsed, the Tianfeng Army attacked the second front in the Southern Region with a full-scale attack.

Seeing that the Southern Territory was no longer safe, Nangong Mei decisively led a million Central South Army to retreat to the Central Territory. She began to devour the twelve cities of the Central Territory that were adjacent to the three cities of Nangong's family.

When Xing Wuming withdrew the Central South Army from the Southern Region, he still wanted to retreat to the rear twelve cities of the Southern Region.

As a result, when he rushed to his rear, he found that all the twelve cities in the southern region had been replaced with the banner of the Tianfeng Dynasty.

"I'm furious!"

When Xing Wuming tried his best to communicate with Yi Tianfeng with the power of his consciousness, he roared angrily, but no one paid any attention to his fury at this time.

No one in the Xingzi Legion wants to touch his bad luck, Xing Wuming is furious and hates him infinitely.

The two armies of Feng Tianlei and Xu Yunfei have officially marched towards the Central Territory, and they will continue their conquests all the way.

Xing Wuming finally gave up his plan to build a country in the Southern Region and returned to the Central Region. When he returned to the Central Region, it happened that Nangong Liuyun of the Central South Army was king in Qianyun City in the southwest of the Central Region. Central South China.

Xing Wuming was jealous, and in a fit of anger, as the young master of the Tianwu Sect, he took over 25 southeast cities in the southeast of the Central Territory.

In the southwest of the Central Territory, three days after Nangong Liuyun established the Central South Kingdom.

Xing Wuming became king in the War City in the southeast of the Central Territory. The 25 cities in the southeast have been assigned to his own Warring States by Xing Wuming. Country number!
He is pretentious, and after the establishment of the Warring States, he regarded himself as the King of War!
When Feng Tianlei and Xu Yunfei headed all the way to the Central Territory, when they first entered the northwest of the Central Territory, they were normal at the beginning, only when they entered the center from the west.

Of the 150 and eight cities in the western district, none of them resisted.Both Feng Tianlei and Xu Yunfei felt that this matter was too weird, and kept vigilance in their hearts!
Feng Tianyu, who watched the battle from high above in the southern battlefield, didn't know what the two of them were thinking and being confused.

The battle in the void atmosphere made her forget herself. In the desperate battle of the top three powers, she felt the unique light and darkness of life and death.

The huge power that the ancestor of Fengyuanwu burst out in an instant completely shocked the two hunting kings of heaven and earth.

They were extremely shocked by Feng Yuanwu's strength and strength, and they no longer felt contemptuous, and the two began to fight with all their strength.

Fengyuan's military force has not defeated the two enemies, and he has let go of the life and death of Tianfeng Army.

The three people in the atmosphere launched a life-and-death battle between you and me.

Feng Yuanwu's sword and world combine layer by layer to form a continent and a planet, and they press down on the two hunting kings of heaven and earth.

Under the pressure of the planet, the atmosphere has begun to collapse!The two hunting kings of heaven and earth combined with one sword and one sword to create a sword world sphere that complements each other, cutting and destroying the planet that Feng Yuanwu came out of with a world-style sharp blade.

Chi la cha cha...!
A soul-shocking sound made Feng Tianyu dizzy for a while. She woke up from the comprehension, closed her five senses, and continued to pursue the path of the three of them.

In Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes, the faint light flashed, and the sea of ​​consciousness and the sea of ​​soul suddenly aroused, and the rhythmic trajectory of the three of them began to become clear in her sea of ​​consciousness and soul.

Under the collision of two planets, Feng Tianyu saw that the original power of the planet comes from the infinite power of nature in the world of immortality.

Nature is the source of heaven and earth. Everything in the world comes from nature, Taoism, and the formation of huge power in your hands depends on the coordination of Taoism.

Reverse and Shun!Fusion and disintegration.

"Boom boom boom magnet la la!"

Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes lit up, she no longer understood the light and darkness of life and death, she looked at the stalemate between the three of them, and smiled wickedly!

She wants to see the treasure she developed, weak and lingering!

Her mist-like figure began to float towards the sky above the sword world planet without a trace.

The planet of swords and swords is formed into a ball with rotating swords, and in the rotating swords, there is a sharp blade cutting the whole world.

No creature can survive under their sword and sword. They are dedicated to cutting Feng Yuanwu's world planet, and they can't sense Feng Tianyu's approach at all.

Feng Tianyu drifted closer under the boundless pressure, but the eyes of Feng Yuanwu's ancestor narrowed slightly at the right time, and when he felt no danger, the slight tension returned to calm.

Suddenly, he felt a sudden tremor in his heart, a horrified light flashed in his black eyes, and the divine sword in his hand suddenly exploded.

Feng Yuanwu went all out to blast out another sword, one world, strongly blessing the energy of the planet.


The ancestor's sword and the world's planet, under the full blessing of the ancestor, the planet shines brightly, and instantly possesses boundless power to destroy everything.

The majestic power of Dzogchen in the Mahayana period completely exploded in the void atmosphere, and the sword and sword of the two hunter kings of heaven and earth suddenly made a sound of world shattering.

The wind, weather and rain drifted closer in the atmosphere. Seeing that the ancestor sensed her own existence, she suddenly drifted outwards in a thousand turns of her mind.

However, the expressions of the two hunting kings of heaven and earth changed completely, and their swords and swords stopped suddenly. They were shocked and raised their swords and swords together, but the sharp blades were much blunter.

Feng Tianyu didn't dare to take the risk of disturbing the state of mind of the ancestor, and his body, like smoke and mist, had floated out of the battle center from the atmosphere.

"Hey hey! Destroy!"

She heard the roar of the old ancestor behind him while laughing, and then came the roars of the two great hunting kings of heaven and earth, who were extremely angry.

"Feng Yuanwu, you are so insidious! Our brothers will fight with you!

burst!burst!burst! "

The two great hunting kings of heaven and earth exited with three explosive words in a row, and the ancestor yelled in horror:

Feng Tianyu's heart shocked her, and she didn't look back. She was a little bit unwilling, and the moment she floated out of the battle area, she silently threw out a weak water lingering!
"Boom, boom, boom..."

(End of this chapter)

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