Tears Fairy

Chapter 365 Xu Yunfei's Feng Mansion Missing

Chapter 365 Xu Yunfei's Feng Mansion Missing

"Captain, it's getting dark, why hasn't General Feilong come out yet?" A guard on duty at the Wind Court asked the leading captain.

"I also want to know why! Xiao Wu, go to Tianyu Residence!" The captain looked at Xiao Wu who was asking the question, and assigned him to Tianyu Residence in annoyance.

"Yes, Captain!"

Xiao Wu trotted all the way to Tianyuju, the courtyard door of Tianyuju was still closed, Xiao Wu stretched out his hand to grab the door knocker, and knocked.

"General Feilong, are you still inside? It's getting dark, Fengfu is under martial law, and Fengfu is going to close! Are you inside? General!"

The sound of the wind blowing flowers and falling flowers in the courtyard can be distinguished by Xiao Wu's careful listening, but he has never heard the voice of General Feilong, knock knock knock!
Xiao Wu's hand holding the door knocker increased his strength and continued to knock a few times, "General, are you inside?"

Xiao Wu began to get nervous, and the voice of calling increased a lot. After a long time, except for the sound of flowers falling to the ground, there was only silence inside.

Xiao Wu was shocked, and thought: No!

He immediately ran out of Tianyuju in a panic, "Captain, the gate of Tianyuju is closed, and the voice of General Feilong can't be heard.

I called several times in a row, but General Feilong didn't answer.Captain, did something happen to General Feilong? "

Xiao Wu's forehead was tapped by the captain's finger, and Xiao Wu covered his painful forehead in pain. He looked at the captain innocently with aggrieved eyes.

"Idiot, what is this place? This is the Fengfu of Tianfeng Imperial City!

What danger can General Feilong be in Fengfu, your head is caught by the door! "

The captain laughed and scolded with hatred, Xiao Wu was stunned by the captain's scolding, and finally scratched the back of his head, yes!This is the safest Fengfu!How could it be dangerous?
He hehe giggled and continued to stand guard at the door, his nervous and flustered heart completely calmed down.

The next day, when night fell again, Xu Yunfei still didn't come out. The captain of the guard guarding the gate of Fengyuan looked at the token in his hand and began to sink.

Nothing really happened to General Feilong, right? General Feilong's Token of General Feilong is still in his hand, it is impossible for General Feilong to leave without the token.

Also, he was going to see the fifth princess, if General Feilong didn't come out, it couldn't be that there was something wrong with the fifth princess!
The fifth princess must not have anything to do!
The captain of the guard reached out and wiped the thin layer of sweat that suddenly appeared on his forehead.

It was a cold sweat from shock.

Shocked, he suddenly waved to the guards guarding him and said:

"Xiao Wu and Xiao Fan stay at the gate, and the others follow me to the Heavenly Rain Residence of the Fifth Princess!"


The captain of the guard sent a signal to the patrolling guards, and then led the thirteen guards into the backyard of the wind courtyard.

After he knocked on the door of Tianyu Residence to no avail, he resolutely began to call loudly.His sonorous voice contained a layer of spiritual power, which penetrated the entire Tianyuju.

"General Feilong, please call back, has the fifth princess left the customs?" the captain of the guard had just finished shouting.A patrol of guards arrived.

The two captains exchanged opinions and decided to go in and have a look.

The door was knocked open by the guards, and the two captains immediately led the guards carefully to the hall.

A group of people followed the footsteps left by Xu Yunfei all the way to the door of the underground secret room that Xu Yunfei tore apart with space magic power.

The door of the secret room is broken, and the secret room is clear at a glance. Apart from the simple wooden tables and chairs, the two futons are the most conspicuous in the secret room.

Where are the second and fifth princesses? Even the dragon general who came in to look for the fifth princess has disappeared!
The captain guarding the gate of the wind courtyard only picked up a piece at the broken door of the secret room.It was obviously a small piece of gray cloth torn off by the claws.

This is obviously not the broken piece of clothing of General Feilong, and it is even less likely that it was left by the second and fifth princesses.

The result is only one!
After the captain of the guard and the captain of the patrol looked at each other, they both showed fear in their eyes. Who broke into the iron-walled Fengfu?
The patrol captain decisively activated the enemy attack alarm in Fengfu.

Three days later, Feng Tianlei, who was marching in the central region, received Feng Zi No. [-] from his mother Liu Yun'er.

Xu Yunfei disappeared in Fengfu!
The two younger sisters of Tianyuju are missing!
Even though Feng Tianlei had already had a bad guess, when faced with the reality, he still had difficulty accepting this fact.

The Tianfeng Dynasty unified the Tianyuan Continent. Without Xu Yunfei, it would be like missing an arm. Xu Yunfei is the god of city defense after the war. Every city has his defenses, which are like iron walls.

Not to mention the fast speed of deploying defenses, he is also an invincible general on the battlefield, and his flying dragon army is even more fierce.

If the Flying Dragon Army lost Xu Yunfei's command, it would be greatly reduced. As expected, Xu Song, the number one general of the Flying Dragon Army, had heard about it.

He proposed to the commander-in-chief Feng Tianlei that a group of elites should be dispatched from the Feilong Army to look for the missing Xu Yunfei. The Feilong Army temporarily withdraw from the battle series and retreat to the second line until General Feilong is found.

Feng Tianlei knew that the Flying Dragon Army had lost their coach and had lost their vigor and fighting spirit, so he agreed with the Flying Dragon Army's request with great pain.

The troops in the main battle decreased sharply, and the speed of the battle slowed down.

By the time the wind and thunder hit the edge of Zhongnan Kingdom, the Nangong Dynasty had divided the three cities of Zhongyu 210, and it had risen into a big climate.

Fortunately, Xing Wuming's Warring States was defeated by the Allies, Heavenly Soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven. After the defeat of the Warring States, Xing Wuming fled back to Tianwuzong.

Three points in the world in the central domain!

Tianfeng Kingdom, Zhongnan Kingdom, Heavenly Kingdom!

Three-party separatism!

The Tianfeng Dynasty lost the suppression of Feng Yuanwu's ancestors, the crown prince Feng Mingzhi ascended the throne ahead of schedule, and the Feng family began to fight internally for power.

All kinds of disturbances appear in the court from time to time, which makes Feng Zhiming not too bothered.Fortunately, Liu Yun'er came to the central imperial city after sister Feng Tianyu disappeared.

When Xu Yunfei returned to Black Rock City, Feng Tianyu received Fang Xiaocui's Fengzi No. [-] call. Feng Tianyu couldn't get away, but asked Fang Xiaocui to pay close attention to all Xu Yunfei's developments.

And immediately communicated with Zhen Sifang in the underground training room of Tianyuju. She passed through the contract channel but unexpectedly discovered that Zhen Sifang was sleeping soundly.

Until Xu Yunfei was in the safest place and Fengfu disappeared, she deeply felt that this was not a good thing, and immediately ordered Fengyi to find Xu Yunfei at all costs.

Feng Yi launched a tracing plan across the board, and the sleeping Zhen Sifang also rushed to the Heavenly Kingdom of the Western Regions under the call of Feng Tianyu.Zhen Sifang was at a loss for the master's questioning!
It is very happy that its owner summoned it to the Western Regions. Before Tianyuju was designated as a restricted area by Fengfu, it used the skill sharing enabled by Fengtianyu to get out of Tianyuju and Fengfu smoothly.

Jinghuadou's auxiliary training has allowed it to successfully advance to the tenth-rank king beast.

It hopes that it can be promoted to a divine beast under the protection of its master!
After Feng Tianqing had a secret conversation with her younger siblings, she sent troops to the Central Territory.

But Feng Wuxin was in the Kingdom of Heaven and became an angel of the Kingdom of Heaven. Without violating the national policy of maintaining peace of the Kingdom of Heaven, he took full charge of all diplomatic affairs of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Fang Xiaocui's mother and son were also secretly arranged by Feng Tianyu to enter the Imperial City of Heaven, and let Feng Tianqing accept Fang Ming as an apprentice.

Fang Xiaocui has successfully transformed into a god, and she hopes that after Fang Ming has a fortune in the kingdom of heaven, she can follow Feng Tianyu and prove the way of ascension with her.

Feng Tianyu is grateful for Fang Xiaocui's kindness to her, and also for her decades of loyalty.

She agreed to her request, and she let her enter her genesis bead practice.

Except for the distress of her ancestors and the accident and disappearance of Xu Yunfei, everything went according to her previous expectation.

However, the ancestors and Xu Yunfei were in danger one after another, but they completely bent a broad road.

(End of this chapter)

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