Tears Fairy

Chapter 389 Ruthless Adventure Group

Chapter 389 Ruthless Adventure Group

After the shock and excitement of the scene, the participants enthusiastically joined, and only one voice wanted to join was heard in the field, "I... I, I..."

The place where the monks gathered was boiling.

Because the team members who joined successfully not only received a spirit stone to join the tour fee, Ruthless also set aside an area in the wooden bungalow area to form the Ruthless Adventure Group.

Let the official members of the adventure group live. The wooden house was originally sold, but now it is just used for group building.

The ruthless establishment of the adventure group not only caused a sensation in the monks' settlement, but also shocked the other eleven of the twelve lonely guests.

The three major forces also paid attention. This is not good news. Wuqing's action once again disrupted Yunchuan Peak and calmed down the century-old unspoken rules.

With the attention of all parties, the Ruthless Adventure Group was established.

Before he started to carry out his master's plan to arrest him, he was challenged by eleven lonely guests.

The first guest asked in a deep voice: "Ruthless! Are you doing this to withdraw from the list of twelve guests?"

"Ruthless, although the twelve guests are independent, they are unanimous and acquiesce to the outside world, you are the one.

Are you still a loner? "The second guest shook his head sadly!
The fourth guest looked helpless, and said earnestly, "Lonely guests are always in groups.

If you are no longer alone, vow to have a gap with our eleven guests, ruthless, give up your ruthless adventure group! "

The fifth guest echoed, "Yes, ruthless!"

The sixth guest sighed, shook his head without saying anything, what did he say!People have their own ideals. After all, everyone is originally independent.

The seventh guest just gave him a merciless look with a terrified voice and an extremely indifferent look.

The eighth guest smiled noncommittally, he just listened, it was not his turn to speak.

The ninth guest stood still with a blank expression on his face.

The tenth guest and the No.11 guest looked at each other, first punched the first guest, and then expressed their position to Wu Qing:
"What the first customer means is what we mean!"

"Wuqing and everyone are called the Twelve Lonely Guests, but the Twelve Lonely Guests are not a group, they are absolutely independent and free.

I build my adventure group, what conflicts with you?
If you feel that the ruthless guest is no longer the twelve lonely guest, you can get rid of it from your heart, I don't care!
There is no need to give up my ideas for the sake of fame, because I am free and independent. Of course, we have some friendship.

In the future, I will never be an enemy of you. Of course, the premise is that you don't come to trouble me. "

"You!" The first guest was furious, "You have to do it yourself, from now on, you are no longer worthy of being called a lonely third guest!" He left in a huff.

The second guest shook his head and sighed, and then left the Ruthless Adventure Group. The fourth guest punched Wu Qing and strode away.

It wasn't until the Eleven Lonely Guests left that he got up and rushed to his territory in the Twelve Lonely Guests.

Now that he was no longer alone, there was no need for him to live together with them.It is easier for him to complete what the master ordered in this monk settlement.

When Feng Tianyu stepped across the threshold, he had already smiled at Yan Yan and asked: "Wuqing, are you here to ask me to move?"

"Master is wise!"

Wuqing frowned at Fengtianyufang, and immediately changed his words vigilantly: "Please, fifth princess!"

Feng Tianyu smiled and didn't care about it, a wooden building was originally empty.There is nothing to collect, the Ningshenmu big bed, which is windy and rainy, has already been put away when I woke up in the morning.

Just leave, simply and neatly!
Like a member of the Ruthless Adventure Group, Feng Tianyu lived in a public-style one-story house. Ruthless looked at the two-story exquisite luxury house that he had built with his own hands, and was shocked and mixed in his heart.

What kind of person is the master he recognizes, her words and deeds, her way of dealing with things, and her consideration for him.

He has an illusion that he seems to be just her partner, comrade-in-arms!not servants.

In this world of cultivating immortals, where the weak and the strong prey on the strong, servants have always been cannon fodder, thugs, doing all the things their masters don't want to do, enjoying the most sad and humble!
He had to meet his master like this, and from then on, as long as his life and death were related to his master, he would treat him like nothing and dedicate his life to his master.

It would be his greatest honor, he thought!

The Ruthless Adventure Group was established, with 1000 people and 110 people. He was in the Ruthless Adventure Team in the wind and rain, and expressed his helplessness.

But the task still has to start, the first task of catching people, it can't be messed up in front of the master.

He set off with the ruthless adventure group.

Then came his first big trouble.

Marching into a valley under the Cloud Piercer Peak, they divided into eleven teams and scattered in the Cloud Piercer Land to search for the traces of the seven people.

Feng Tianyu was ruthlessly left in the queue he led, so there were two more people in his team, he and Feng Tianyu.

After the ruthless adventure group detachment, the ten members who were promoted to captain ruthlessly obeyed the master's order and distributed a Fengzi No. [-], which had successfully registered initially, to them.

Fengzi No. [-], which entered initialization in the ancient battlefield, is not subject to geographical restrictions and can be used normally without upgrading.

The current method of using Fengzi No. [-], after sacrifice and refining, will guide the owner to use all its functions independently, which is much more convenient than the first generation of Fengzi No. [-].

The ruthless adventure group scattered and left, ruthless and very speechless called Feng Tianyu to the front, asking him to direct the master to do things, he really couldn't do it.

Feng Tianyu smiled, "Wuqing, you are now the head of the Ruthless Adventure Group, and I am a member of the Ruthless Adventure Group, so do whatever you want, don't let go.

Well, when you need to command me, you treat me as your team member, and when you don't need me, you treat me as your master, isn't that all right?
Wuqing looked at her with one head and two big ones, Feng Tianyu said in the second half of her sentence, "No, it's fine, it's easy to say, but it's so difficult to do."

Ruthless, who was extremely entangled, looked at Yan Xiao's ups and downs for a long time, and finally calmed down, and asked with certainty: "Is it possible? Are you really willing to obey Ruthless's instructions?"

"Of course! This princess has always said what she says and does what she says! Actions must be practiced, and practices must be resolute!" Seeing the ruthless intentions, Feng Tianyu hurriedly catalyzed.

"Fifth Princess, you can remember it, and you are not allowed to go back on your word!" Ruthlessly concealed the deep meaning in his eyes, and accentuated his tone.

Feng Tianyu didn't think deeply, anyway, he wouldn't harm himself, would he? "Remember, this princess has never regretted her words and deeds, she has never regretted her words!"

The master-servant agreement was reached, and more than 100 people led by Wu Qing began to search and inquire everywhere in a group of ten people and a small group of five people.

Ruthlessly leaving Feng Tianyu in her remaining ten-member team, she led a five-member team to search around her.

After the two led the people apart, they searched within the distance that they could sense each other.Suddenly, Feng Tianyu's eyes flashed...

"Bang! Bang! Clang, clang, clang! Ah!"

Ruthless who found Songshuping, met the number one force in Chuanyun Mountain, the ambush of the Chuanyun Gang,
He killed the sneak attacker with a single sword, and amidst the sound of hula la, 200 people came out of Songshuping to surround and kill him, and one of them said with a cold-blooded sneer. :
"Hey hey, ruthless sword, ruthless guest! You don't want to be your lonely twelve guests, you start a faction in a whimsical way, and it's a dream to fight for hegemony in Chuanyun!

Don't you have Lingshi?I will change its surname to Chuanyun Gang today.Brothers, do you want Lingshi?
think?Just give it to me, as long as the Ruthless Guest is killed, his will belong to everyone, and it will belong to the Cloud Piercer Gang.kill!kill!kill! "

"Team leader, what should we do?" The five team members stood in front of Wuqing, asking with a pale face, Wuqing's heart trembled, and his face suddenly showed a viciousness that hadn't been shown for a long time.



Back to back, the six people cast Taoism on the monks rushing towards them, "Bang bang bang..."

(End of this chapter)

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