Tears Fairy

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

"Jin Yuxiang, greet the master!"

After the young man in the golden robe completed the master-servant contract with Feng Tianyu, his arrogance suddenly subsided and was replaced by incomparable respect!At this time, respectfully call out master!There is no trace of resistance or rejection in my heart, only loyalty and respect!She is his master!
The power of the contract is powerful. Once the contract of the soul is completed, it will be transferred by the will of the master for life!Especially the master-servant soul deed!The master dies and the servant dies, the servant dies and the master lives!He has no thoughts of his own towards his master, only complete obedience!

Feng Tianyu faced the golden-robed youth who bowed his head to pay respects to him, the golden roc Jin Yuxiang!There was a warm smile on his face!After the master-servant soul contract is signed, the golden roc Jin Yuxiang will be her soul animal pet from now on!Life after life, she will never betray her beast pet!

A flying mythical beast has become his own animal pet!Just think about it and be happy!Just don't be too happy!
"Get up! Ayu!" Feng Tianyu lifted Jin Yuxiang up with crooked eyebrows, and at the same time called Ayu to get up fondly!
"Thank you master!"

Feng Tianyu looked at the sky!The sky was already full of stars, and he glanced at Jin Yuxiang and asked, "Ayu! You are a fourth-order beast, right?"

"Yes Master!"

"I have been in the outer and middle circles for a year and three months, and you will follow me in the future! Go to your territory in the inner circle to visit now!" Feng Tianyu ordered Jin Yuxiang with a smile on his face!

"Yes, master, please come up!" Jin Yuxiang bent down and returned to his original body!A golden roc bird spread out a pair of ten-foot-long golden wings, with broad, flat and soft golden feathers on its back, shining dazzling golden light under the stars and moon!

Feng Tianyu jumped on the back of Jin Yuxiang's thick and soft golden feathers, and lay on his back among the soft golden feathers. Jin Yuxiang used his golden feathers as his master to block the gust of wind generated by the rapid flight!Feng Tianyu enjoys Jin Yuxiang's considerate care very comfortably!The arc of the corner of the mouth is getting deeper and deeper!
The soft and thick golden feathers made Feng Tianyu very comfortable and drowsy!When Jin Yuxiang flew in the air at high speed, Feng Tianyu lying in the warm and soft feathers soon fell into a sweet sleep!
The inner circle is far from the outer circle!
Feng Tianyu slept beautifully on the back of the golden roc, and when she woke up, it was already noon the next day, in March, the sun was shining warmly on the body of Jin Yuxiang's fast-flying golden roc Above, a golden band of light streaked across the sky from behind the golden roc!The overlord of the sky, the king of the birds!The coercion is increasing in the sky!

"Ayu, how long does it take to fly to the inner circle at such a speed!" Feng Tianyu happily watched himself shuttle in the blue sky and white clouds!Looking at the mountains and rivers that are rapidly disappearing in the distance!Ask Jin Yuxiang who is flying in his consciousness!
"Master, it will take a month to fly back to my territory at this speed! Master, Ah Yu can still speed up!" Jin Yuxiang replied respectfully with his spiritual sense!

"This speed is fine, no need to speed up! You are my animal pet! If you are tired, you can stop and rest by yourself! We are not in a hurry!" Feng Tianyu happily instructed Jin Yuxiang!

"Okay! Thank you, master!"

For a month, living on the golden roc was really reassuring and comfortable!Feng Tianyu happened to go to the Genesis Pearl to have a look!
The moment Feng Tianyu entered the Genesis Orb, Jin Yuxiang immediately calmed down after being startled!The sharing of the soul contract let him know!The master is still on him, but he just entered another space from him!He continued to fly smoothly at high altitude!

Feng Tianyu entered the Genesis Pearl and began to take care of the medicine garden. The elixir planted in the medicine garden is already very prosperous!The land is no longer scorched. It seems that the Genesis Pearl has absorbed [-]% of Motoki Rong's spiritual power last time, and has benefited a lot!
Feng Tianyu stepped on the Qingfeng Sword given to him by his grandmother and flew into the air, and began to cast the Falling Rain Art on a large scale!Hundreds of thousands of acres of mountain forests and thousands of acres of medicine fields, the wind and rain are limited, and there is no spiritual energy to replenish the space. She feels that her water-type spiritual power has been pumped out!She wondered whether she should absorb a lake of water to support the creation pearl!

The falling rain has watered thousands of acres of medicine circles in hundreds of thousands of mountains and forests, looking at the lush green scenery created by myself!Feng Tianyu felt that her hard work was not in vain, the Genesis Orb changed from a desolate and dead, desolate, coke-like mountains, rivers, ravines, cracks and scorched earth, into a space with a ray of vitality in the dead and silent sadness!

Although half of the medicine garden she planted has completely fallen to Fan Zhi!Although the ancient tree she transplanted lost its original spirituality!Although her contracted spirit beast is mentally weak!But their grades did not drop!It's all a great start!It is also the beginning of creating success!
Feng Tianyu drove the flying sword and landed on the immortal tree of Yuan Murong's body. The level of the immortal tree was very high!It is rooted in the Genesis Pearl and will not be affected by the bad environment!It stands proudly as if it is rooted in a boundless forest!Still comfortably entered a deep sleep!
After Feng Tianyu came out of the Genesis Orb, he began to sit on Jin Peng's back and began to restore the consumed water spiritual power. Jin Yuxiang felt the heaven and earth spiritual energy suddenly rushing towards him!He stabilized his mind and descended from the depths of the mountain forest, landed on the edge of a green lake and lay prone on the ground!
Feng Tianyu felt Jin Yuxiang's carefulness during his practice!I am so moved!This is the benefit of the soul contract!He always knows what you need most?Don't worry about it betraying you, because he will always be your most loyal contractor!
Jin Yuxiang was lying on his stomach without moving!The aura of heaven and earth roared in like a tide in the strong wind!After Feng Tianyu recovered the consumed water spirit power by the green water lake, he continued to practice by the green water lake where the mountains are green and the water is rich in aura!The spiritual energy in the depths of the boundless forest is ten times stronger than the spiritual energy in the middle and edge areas of the central area!
Feng Tianyu has entered the practice of selflessness!

A week later, Feng Tianyu successfully entered the foundation building period of Dzogchen!You can enter the alchemy period with just one kick!
After finishing the training, Feng Tianyu began to check his various cultivation bases, the peak of the second level of Yuanshenhuashen has not changed, and the sea of ​​consciousness has entered Yuanying Dzogchen!The dantian once again doubled in size!The dantian has reached the width of the Nascent Soul stage!
In addition to the joy of wind and rain!It's a little bit hard again!It was originally the five spirit roots that were difficult to advance to!Now that he has cultivated in the Foundation Establishment Stage, his dantian is as wide as the Nascent Soul Stage's dantian!If you want the five spirit roots to accumulate such a huge amount of spiritual power in the dantian!If it wasn't for the gray mist cheating, if she didn't open the bridge between heaven, earth and man!It is estimated that he will be stuck in the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen for the rest of his life!
Although Feng Tianyu now has two major auxiliary weapons, it is impossible to advance to the alchemy stage in a short time!
The bitterness in Feng Tianyu's heart was thrown away in an instant, she was still young, and she was only 11 years old this year!What she cares about right now is the development of the Genesis Bead!There is a long way to go!
Although the cultivation base is only the foundation establishment Dzogchen!But don't look at the surface, her Foundation Establishment Dzogchen is beyond the existence of the alchemy monk!It's not that she hides her cultivation and pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger!She is just a higher level existence!

Feng Tianyu jumped from behind Jin Yuxiang!Jin Yuxiang's prone animal body stood up gracefully and calmly from the ground!The golden crown and golden robe set off Jin Yuxiang's handsome facial features, and his tall and stalwart figure!Absolutely handsome guy is extremely seductive!
Feng Tianyu smiled and admired it for a while! : "Ayu looks so handsome!"

Hearing this, Jin Yuxiang's face turned red slightly, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. It seems that he is also very conceited of his appearance!He respectfully said with a hint of a smile: "Thank you, Master, for your appreciation!"

Feng Tianyu walked around the green water lake and was very satisfied and ordered Jin Yuxiang to say, "Ayu, help me! Help me move this green water lake into the space!"

"Yes, master!" Jin Yuxiang soared to the sky above Lushui Lake when Feng Tianyu turned on Soul Sharing, the Genesis Orb appeared in front of his eyes, and the magic power of relocating Lushui Lake enveloped Lushui Lake, suddenly!

"Lord Jin! Lord Jin, spare your life! Xiao Xi pays respects to Lord Jin! Lord Jin, spare your life..."

(End of this chapter)

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