Tears Fairy

Chapter 439

Chapter 439
Feng Tianyu's black eyes, which were as black as ink, glanced at the excited Muke and said:

"Okay, the Lord has also recognized it, let's get up first. Remember to report to Steward Ma today, and start to retreat and practice tomorrow."

While talking, Feng Tianyu threw him a jade bottle, and finally ordered: "If you haven't finished refining the crystal beans in the jade bottle, you are not allowed to leave the gate!"

Crystal beans?Fengfu's morning high reward?
When Mu Ke heard the words, his gratitude was beyond words, and his clear eyes were full of gratitude.

His body that had just stood up knelt down on the ground again, and after three respectful kowtows to Feng Tianyu, he stood up and agreed respectfully and resoundingly.

"Yes, young master!"

Feng Tianyu waved his hand, turned around and walked towards the gate of Fengfu compound.Muke's excitement and gratitude are intertwined.Let him feel like a tide, rushing to him.

Under Mu Ke's excited eyes, Feng Tianyu walked out of the Fengfu compound.She walked casually through the streets and alleys.

After seeing all the prosperity and prosperity of Bailong City, suddenly, she who was strolling leisurely in the bustling area stopped.

She looked at it with a smile in her black eyes, "Dream·Extraordinary Style", it turns out that Xiao Bing'er improves her peace of mind in this way.

Not bad, not bad, seeing through the world of mortals, philistine and snobbish.This is the journey that can best experience the prosperity and luxury of the world and realize the truth of life.

After the baptism of the world of mortals, return to the perfect state of mind in the world of cultivating immortals.It will allow her to grow rapidly, and it is not a problem to practice at a rapid pace.

The little apprentice has found a way to improve her state of mind, so she is relieved.She was in "Dream · Extraordinary Style", stopped at the door for a while, then quietly blended into the crowd, and left Xu Binger's "Dream·Extraordinary Style".

She lingered randomly in White Dragon City for seven days, walked through the four gates of the expanded White Dragon City, and assimilated her body into an invisible mist like smoke.

Quietly checked the function of the blood drop bank of the four gates.Walked around Chen Shiren's city guards again.

Finally, I checked the entire white dragon city's moat formation.At the big node of the moat formation, the power of gray mist and law was doubled.

Finally, I checked the efficiency of Mao Gao's security corps distribution responsibility system.Among the soldiers guarding the gates of the four gates of Bailong City, I found out privately whether their sense of responsibility for guarding the city is strong or weak.

After getting satisfactory results, she recovered her original body and went straight to the gathering place of foreign monks.

The City Lord's Mansion was specially built in Beicheng District, at the junction of the Nancheng District and the 'Eight Directions Area'. Countless five-story high-rise buildings were built in one area, and they were specially rented out to monks who had just entered Bailong City.

In Bailong City, 'Bafang Field', there is a time limit for renting.Each real-name monk can only rent for a maximum of five years.

If after five years, the due contribution value cannot be completed in White Dragon City, it can only be moved out of the 'Eight Square Area' within the specified time.

After Feng Tianyu strolled into the 'Eight Directions Area', she walked into the rental department and used the valid temporary residence permit for new monks that she had prepared in advance.

Said to the clerk who was filling out the report: "My lord, I want to rent a suite, the best sunny one",
The clerk frowned and looked at the girl in blue in front of him. He nodded to Feng Tianyu and said:

"Understood, you sit down first, wait a while." The clerk pointed to Feng Tianyu to sit beside him.

Feng Tianyu nodded, and sat quietly in the row for a quarter of an hour. She heard the rustling sound of the clerk searching for the documents.

She couldn't help looking up at the clerk, and she heard him muttering in a low voice: "It's strange, 33 volumes of real-name records are clearly placed here, why are they gone?"

After searching to no avail, Feng Tianyu was waiting for him to rent a house.After thinking about it, I decided to help her with the rental procedures first.

"Hey, little girl, come here and fill out the application form, and give me your temporary residence permit for verification and registration," he waved to Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu stepped forward and handed the temporary residence permit to the clerk, and then took the form that the clerk handed over to her.

She quickly filled out the application form, and after she filled out the application form, the clerk handled all the affairs, verified, copied and filed.

Then, he handed her a jade door key, and the renting matter was considered complete.

After Feng Tianyu thanked her, she left the rental department and followed the number of the floor and floor on the jade door key.I found a Xiangyang suite that I rented.

She settled down in the 'Bafang Field' with peace of mind, she thought, wanting to grasp the trends of the outside world.Only live in Bafang Pianyu.

Among the eight-direction monks from outside, she can better obtain all the information outside of Bailongdi.

There are too many winds and rains, the selfishness and greed of human nature.The bad habit of the weak eating the strong in the world of cultivating immortals has lasted for a long time.

She is the founder of Bailong City's stable and civilized construction.Bailong City has her home, relatives and friends she cares about.

She must protect her White Dragon City and her home.

No one in Bailong City knew about Feng Tianyu's entry into the 'Bafang Field', which gave her plenty of time to do something.

Feng Tianyu frowned at the thought of the strange thing about the clerk in the rental department. She thought it was definitely not a coincidence, and it was definitely not a simple problem.

She sighed helplessly, it seemed that she would not be able to have a good rest tonight.

Thinking of this, after Feng Tianyu frowned, seeing that it was still early, he simply nestled into his big bed.

Let's rest first!
Thinking of this, she immediately let go of everything and fell asleep peacefully. While she was sleeping, the clerks of the rental department were competing with piles of rosters.

It turned out that after Feng Tianyu left, he continued to search for nothing, so he simply rearranged the mountain of rosters.

When night fell and the lights came on, he was only halfway through tidying up. Finally, he stopped his movements when the waiter brought the dinner.

well!Let's eat first!

After Feng Tianyu woke up, it was already [-]:[-] p.m. in the rainy time. After she got up, she went straight to the big dining hall opened by the City Lord's Mansion in the 'Bafang area'.

She ordered a first-class meal and devoured it, then left the big dining hall with satisfaction and returned to her room.

Tonight, the moon was covered by dark clouds, and there was no moonlight to speak of. She went out when the first sound of the watch drum sounded in the wind and rain.

She assimilated the gray mist into a gray mist, just like the smoke-like invisible mist began to drift towards the rental department.

The clerk of the rental department finally completed eight-tenths of the workload, looking at the remaining two-tenths of the roster.

He exhaled a foul breath, secretly thinking that if he worked harder, it would be over soon.

Invisible mist like smoke and mist fell on the seats in the wind and rain.She was waiting, waiting for the person who stole the roster.

Time passed by in an instant, and only one-tenth of the remaining roster was left unorganized, and a smile appeared on the clerk's face.

It would be finished soon. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in from the window, blowing up the pile of rosters he had just sorted out.

He was having a headache, and when he wanted to scold the sky, he suddenly fell into the chair and passed out.

Immediately afterwards, a man in black flew in from the window, and he directly threw a name into the messy register.He didn't linger and flew out of the window directly.

(End of this chapter)

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