Tears Fairy

Chapter 44 Training Beasts

Chapter 44 Training Beasts ([-])
"Master Jin, wait!!!!"

"Master Wu! Do you know that this is Lord Jin's territory!"

"Hey! What we are going to is Lord Jin's territory!" said the old turtle god Xiaoxi tugging!
"Ah! Ah!!!" The four beasts fell!There is nothing to love in life!
"Hey! Don't worry! Mr. Jin is my boss! Mr. Jin's [-] territories have already been requisitioned by me!" Xiaoxi the turtle boasted with an angry wave of his paw!

"Master Wu! Really?"

"Master Wu! It's true!"

"Master Wu, you are really awesome!"

"Master Wu! Is Master Jin handsome?"

"Master Wu..."

Turtle Xiaoxi looked at the envious eyes of the four beasts!The villain in my heart began to think about it again!See it!This is the honor brought to him by the master!
The tortoise Xiaoxi flew into the pine forest with four excited beasts!Five thousand six hundred beasts immediately bowed their heads and ears to greet them!

"These are also beasts recruited by Master Wu?" Little Green Snake's eyes were full of doubts!
"Hehe! How is that possible! This is the beast contracted by the master!" the turtle Xiaoxi cast a glance at Xiaoqing and said arrogantly!

"Master? What is a master?"

The flame lion looked at the tortoise Xiaoxi in puzzlement, the six eyes of the little green snake, the flying tiger, and the pangolin also looked at the tortoise Xiaoxi suspiciously!

"The master is not a thing! No, no, the master is the master, the master of Master Jin and Xiaoxi!"

"Master Jin's master? Ah! Has Master Jin been contracted by humans?" The four beasts were stunned!This world is fantasy!Lord Jin!That is the existence of the Boundless Forest God!How is it possible, how is it possible!

"Hehe! Now that you're here! Let's do the work!" The little tortoise Xiaoxi rolled her eyes. She hadn't forgotten the task ordered by her master!



"Work?" Four doubtful voices rang in the ears of the turtle Xiaoxi!

"Yes, work!" Turtle Xiaoxi was overjoyed!Smart people always know how to use their own power and resources!It will definitely be completed excellently, the task entrusted by the owner!hehe!

"There are [-] weak beasts in this pine forest! Each of you four beasts will lead [-] beasts to the training camp!"

"Ah???? Training camp????"

The four beasts looked at the turtle Xiaoxi in shock!Come and strike them with lightning!

"Yes, training camp! There is a 50-mile radius here full of aura, and spiritual plants and spiritual fruits are everywhere! It is shameful to waste it! The [-]-mile mountain is your training ground! All resources are also up to you to share!

My request is to train and advance those weak beasts!I only look at the results!Here is your chance!Check out this rich resource!This rich aura!Still so close to Master Jin!Think about it!Go all out to train the beast!Master Jin, thank you!What will happen to Master Jin? "

Turtle Xiaoxi crackled a series of passionate and high-pitched speeches!Let the four beasts also show their joy!Inner circle!How many beasts dream of places!Master Jin's territory!Let them be free!Oh!It's free training!Ha ha!It's a very cool feeling!
So the four beasts led their [-] beasts to the place they liked for their different training!

The little tortoise is so happy that Mung Bean's eyes are so squinted that he can't see anymore! "Hahaha...hahaha! Master! Xiaoxi will definitely not let you down!"

Turtle Xiaoxi chose a mountain to start her retreat!It has to work hard!Only the strong can make the weak obey!Only the strong are worthy to ascend to the fairy world with the master!Xiaoxi must follow her master to ascend!must!
The blue fruit of Qingguo Peak is as crystal clear as jade!The entire mountain is full of Wang Ji's first-order sapphire fruit!The little green snake coiled on one of the sapphire trees that were full of fruits, and swallowed the sapphire fruits one by one, and the pure spiritual energy quickly filled her inner alchemy!The breath is getting stronger and stronger!
Under the setting sun, under the Qingguo Peak, [-] beasts were lying on the mountain sideways!Happily holding a seven-price sapphire fruit in its paws!

One day, two days, half a year, the little green snake ruthlessly tortured beasts every day!Until the beast screamed and fell to the ground!Xiaoqing will let them go!And give them a sapphire fruit!Let them practice and restore their depleted auras!On the second day, we will continue to brutalize beasts!

After half a year, the results are also very remarkable!All the third-order spirit beasts have been promoted to the eighth-order spirit beasts and even the fifth-order spirit beasts!All fifth-level spirit beasts have been upgraded to ninth-level spirit beasts!
Today, the little green snake has also accumulated to the breaking point!It was coiled on the green jade tree. After eating 26 king-level first-grade green jade fruits, a wave of aura suddenly rose from the green fruit peak forest, and directed towards the little green snake coiled on the green fruit tree!

The little green snake's body shook!It turned into a fifty-foot blue giant snake and coiled around the entire Qingguo Peak!The dazzling Neidan flew out of his mouth!The aura of heaven and earth poured into the inner alchemy crazily!The little green snake began to breathe out refining spirit energy!
Three days later, the little green snake successfully advanced from the first-level king beast to the second-level king beast!After consolidating cultivation base!Happy raging beasts again!For everyone!She must turn the beast into a heavenly beast!Nothing can refresh the visual senses of beasts so quickly!
It is a kind of legend to look up to when you are in Zhongwei!It was only after entering the inner circle that the distance between reality and legend was refreshed!According to legend, the inner circle is the existence of God!Beasts below the king beast cannot practice in the inner circle!Because beasts practice in the realm of gods, they will explode and die!

Now, in the realm of God!Even spirit beasts can advance rapidly!The king beast is even more rapid!The little green snake has completely indulged in the frenzy of promotion!It needs to stay in the inner circle, Mr. Wu needs to see the results!It's going all out!Its training method is coercion and violence!
On the verdant Qingshan Peak, the pangolin is eating the milk ant eggs. After swallowing, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth arrives as expected, and the violent spiritual energy is injected into the crystal nucleus on the center of the eyebrows!One day later, the situation on Qingshan Peak changed!Thunder and lightning!Under Qingshan Peak, [-] beasts dragged their scarred bodies and ran wildly into the distance!

The training method of pangolins is ingenious!He let the beasts fight each other in groups!Until finally all fell down!It distributed a spirit fruit to each beast, and let them restore their cultivation, so that the group could continue the next day!
The pangolin is the most pragmatic. After feeling the real benefits of the inner circle, he will give back to Mr. Wu who created opportunities for it!Lord Wu has only one request!It only looks at the results of the beast's advancement!

Half a year later, Beast quickly advanced!Now all the third-order spirit beasts have been promoted to the eighth-order spirit beasts!All the fifth-level spirit beasts are promoted to the ninth-level spirit beasts!
Today, after pangolins dug up a milk ant egg in Qingshan Peak and ate it, the strong bottleneck was finally loosened!In the dense spiritual mist in the inner circle, he was successfully promoted to a higher level!From a tenth-rank holy beast to a first-rank king beast!After twenty-nine days of calamity, the Dao of Heaven gave back!The Pangolin Heaven and Earth Spirit Dew of the King Beast of Jin Rank restores the damaged body!
The pangolin that has advanced to the king beast is even more dedicated to training the beast!The screams of the beasts became more intense!
Cloud Chuanyun Peak was covered with dark clouds, and there were bursts of thunder!The flame lion is going through the twenty-ninth catastrophe!Thunder and lightning!Lightning and lightning flowed on the flame lion's body, and the fiery red lion's fur turned into fly ash and scorched the smell!

After the catastrophe, the sky is full of rays of light!Spiritual dew from heaven nourishes the naked and scorched flame lion!But after the spiritual dew descended, the flame lion's fur regenerated, and the redness was even more red than before!The Flame Lion let out a wild roar and flew down to Chuanyun Peak!Carry out its next task!training camp!
It cannot fall under other beasts!

The training method of the Flame Lion is to drive the beasts with flames and soar on the [-] mountains. If you fall behind a little, you will be burned by the flames!The beasts it trains are also awesome!All three spirit beasts have been promoted to eighth-order spirit beasts!All the fifth-level spirit beasts are promoted to the ninth-level spirit beasts!

Half a year later, the Flying Tiger on Hongfeng Peak successfully promoted from the first-order king beast to the second-order king beast!The Flying Tiger flew down the Red Maple Peak and picked ten thousand spirit crystal fruits while passing through the spirit crystal fruit forest!
After flying to the giant forest, [-] beasts completed another promotion!
(End of this chapter)

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