Tears Fairy

Chapter 444 Xu Binger's Peach Blossom

Chapter 444 Xu Binger's Peach Blossom
'Dream·Extraordinary Style' jewelry boutique.Xu Binger confessed to the monk who suddenly appeared.The smile on Xu Binger's face disappeared instantly.

After resolutely rejecting the monk who confessed, she pointed to the door of the store with a sullen expression, allowing him to leave.

The male cultivator who pestered Xu Binger looked at Xu Binger with a hurt face and called out sadly:


"Who allowed you to call me that? I have never lived with you, and I have never had anything to do with you.

Please don't call me by my first name in the future!If you want to greet me, please call me Daoyou, or Xu Daoyou.Your Excellency, do you understand? "

The one who pestered Xu Bing'er was a handsome fit male cultivator.He saw Xu Binger drive him away from the exam with a frosty expression on his face.He couldn't help but let out a sinus breath.

It doesn't matter if you call him uncle, but you can't just drive him away too ruthlessly, or his heart will be hurt too!

"Friend Xu?"


"So fellow daoist! From today on, we'll have a face-to-face encounter with each other? Isn't it just a plain life?"

The injured male cultivator suddenly turned from grief to joy and asked Xu Binger.


Xu Binger stroked her forehead and was speechless for a while, she rejected him so straightforwardly, why did he keep pestering her?
"Your Excellency..."

"Xu Daoyou, since you let me call you Daoyou. Can you stop calling me Your Excellency?

Let me introduce myself again. My surname is Long and my single name is Yun.You can call me Fellow Daoist Long, or Fellow Daoist Longyun! "

Long Yun, the male cultivator who was pestering Xu Binger, heard Xu Binger say hello.Feeling disgusted in his heart, he immediately interrupted what Xu Binger was about to say.

Calling each other friends, standing on the same level, and she calls herself as you.Not only did they distance each other, but it also gave him the illusion that they were not in an equal position.

She has the right to reject herself, but she also has the right to love her.She can reject him for a while, and he can persist for love forever.

Xu Binger, one head and two big, opened a shop and started a business, paying attention to harmony and making money.The sudden confession of monk surnamed Long.

Although she didn't like his confession, she couldn't invite him.But she can't be direct, let her guards throw him out of the shop.

When Xu Binger faced the stubborn male cultivator Long Yun, she only had the annoyance of chasing flies away, and she couldn't just slap him to death just like killing an annoying fly.

She could only say to male cultivator Long Yun with a ruthless and cold face:
"Fellow Daoist, I'm very busy, you have to stay in the store as you please. But, please don't affect the business of my store or my work."

"Please don't worry, Fellow Daoist Xu, I will never disturb your work. I will definitely not affect the business of the store either.

You can just pretend that I don't exist, of course, if Fellow Daoist Xu has me in his eyes.This is my greatest honor. "

The male cultivator made a polite bow to Xu Binger.Sincere export promise.It's just that his last sentence made Xu Bing'er feel angry.

Why can't this person understand people's words, obviously he has acted so decisively, but he still doesn't give up.

Forget it, this is probably the mental retardation that the master said.The existence of chicken and duck.She ignored him, and he didn't bother her anymore.

He was admiring the ingenious and exquisite ornaments one by one in the store.I also picked out a few lovely accessories.

When people occasionally ask him for advice, he also gently gives his point of view.He felt as long as there was a place for her.His heart was very peaceful.

Long Yun just entered the ancient battlefield from Shuiyun Continent, but he was very lucky.He entered the edge of the ancient battlefield, which happened to be the closest Fengcaodi to Bailongdi.

He did not stop at the Fengcao Field in the Wanli area, but headed straight for the Poplar Field in the Hundred Thousand Li area.

When they arrived at Baiyangdi, it was sparsely populated.After a little inquiring, he knew the reason.The brutal killing on the ancient battlefield.

After he experienced several robberies, he was already terrified.The human civilization of Bailong City made him march towards Bailong City without hesitation.

A month ago, he successfully entered White Dragon City.After he bought a luxury house in the No.20 No. [-] residential area of ​​Bailong City.

After the real-name authentication, he received a long-term residency certificate in Bailong City from the security department.After he finished his practice today.

Thinking that I have been in Bailong City for a month, and I have been busy with the settlement.Did not go out for a stroll.

So, he left the house very happily, and walked out of No.20 No. [-] residential area.

Walking around and looking around, in the environment of constant fighting in the ancient battlefield, I came to the White Dragon City of Bailong Land.This White Dragon City is no less than the paradise of dreams in the minds of outside monks.

The bustling scene, the lively and peaceful atmosphere.The city is in good order, and the security forces are dedicated to their duties.Be fair without disturbing the people.

This is in Shuiyunlu where he is.There is also no big city or small city with such human civilization.He felt incredible that there was such a city in the ancient battlefield.

For a while, I lingered among the shops in the big and small shopping malls on the street.Until he came to 'Dream Extraordinary Style', he was deeply attracted by the rare name of the store.

He walked into the 'Dream Extraordinary Style' without hesitation.The dazzling array of exquisite accessories in the store is not only ingenious, but also makes him like it a little.

He carefully picked out a few gadgets, and was about to pay the bill, when he raised his eyes, a beautiful girl in a bright yellow dress happened to look at him who was about to pay the bill with a smile.

Xu Binger just broke open the door of his defenseless heart, and since then, her beautiful image has been reflected in his pupils.

After he paid the bill, he abruptly told Xu Binger what he really thought in his heart.He really fell in love with her at first sight.

He expressed his love sincerely, but he forgot that he and her had just met at this time.

To express his love at first sight so directly is obviously bigger than being abrupt.People even misunderstand that he is a frivolous person, and he is disgusted without knowing it.

Long Yun was reluctant to leave this place that moved his heart.He felt that staying under the same roof with Binger was also a kind of happiness.

Time flies by in a blink of an eye, and the customers of 'Dream Extraordinary Style' also leave and come in batches.

Xu Binger is polite and gentle, and makes all kinds of romantic packaging for the accessories bought by customers.After being romantically packaged, the exquisite accessories have a more dreamy feeling.

Long Yun looked at the small jewelry store with a warm atmosphere, but it concealed the affection in the hearts of countless people. They sincerely sent a piece of romance and joy to their beloved ones.

In Long Yun's thoughts, his eyes stayed on the busy Xu Bing'er.Gradually, he became totally obsessed with it.

The bright eyes of the sword eyebrows have revealed his feelings at this time.Xu Binger felt his fascinated eyes, but didn't notice that he had sunk.

Maybe she will become his robbery!

Xu Binger was about to invite him out of 'Dream Extraordinary Style' again after finishing her work.

But this time is the peak period of 'Dream Extraordinary Style', customers coming in and out.She was too busy for a while, so she had no choice but to let it go.

After dusk, night has come quietly.On the street, when the lights first came on, "Dream · Extraordinary Style" finally regained its calm from the din of people.

For 'Dream · Extraordinary Style', there are only three or five couples of customers left.Xu Binger finally let out a breath, and walked out from the counter dedicated to collecting money.

At this time, a bright crescent moon has hung in the sky, "Dream · Extraordinary Style", but at this time, three young male cultivators in black clothes in the early stage of Mahayana ushered in.

(End of this chapter)

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