Tears Fairy

Chapter 451

Chapter 451
Xu Binger lived in Jin Dian's space with peace of mind.But Jin Dian, the owner of the space, is busy now.

"Jin Dian met Commander Mao, and Commander Mao came to the humble house in person. Jin Dian did not go out to greet him. It is a serious crime. Please forgive him!"

Jin Dian bowed to Mao Gao, who came to visit suddenly, and how could he not bow his head under the eaves of his house, Jin Dian's posture was very low.

Li Duo didn't blame him, he didn't mind formal concessions.As long as it benefits himself, what does it matter if he is humble?

Mao Gao's deep and sharp eyes stared at Jin Dian for a long time before he smiled and said, "Hehe, Mao Gao's responsibility is a fact, and it is also a fact that he disturbed Fellow Daoist Jin Qingxiu.

Today Mao Gao was ordered by the city lord to come to your mansion to search the fugitives in the city.Mao Gao has offended Fellow Daoist Jin this way, and it is really helpless!
Mao Gao is here to accuse Jin Daoyou of a crime, and please Jin Daoyou Haihan!Cooperate with Mao Gao in this search. "

Mao Gao also bowed back to Jin Dian, and the whole city of Bailong City searched for three days to no avail.Now, there are only ten senior big households left in Bailong City who have not yet been investigated.

In order to find the young master as soon as possible, he went to the City Lord's Mansion to apply for a search warrant to search the top ten senior households in Bailong City.

"Since Commander Mao has an order, Jin Dian will cooperate." Jin Dian readily agreed to cooperate with Mao Duo's search.Immediately ordered the butler who was waiting in the reception hall to say:

"Jin Quan, immediately go and notify everyone in the Jin Mansion to gather in the compound of the Jin Mansion to accept Lord Mao's interrogation."

As soon as Jin Dian finished speaking, Jin Quan immediately bowed and agreed, "Yes, my lord!"

Jin Quan followed the order to inform the arrangement, and Jin Dian asked Mao Gao to sit down and serve tea.Jin Dian then stated his position to Mao Gao:
"There are frequent incidents in Dragon City. The Jin Manor is also deeply disturbed. Today, Mr. Mao came to the Jin Manor to investigate.

The top and bottom of the Jin House fully cooperated with Lord Mao's search, hoping to find the culprit who made Bailong lose his peace as soon as possible. "

"That's right, if these restless elements are not arrested, Bailong City will be in a state of unrest. This time the whole city is sealed off, and they will have no chance of escaping from Bailong City.

It was only a matter of time before they were caught. After the four major city gates were blocked, they had nowhere to escape. "

As soon as Mao Gao finished speaking, he reached out to pick up the white jade teacup in front of him.Look at a piece of tea floating in the tea with strong aura.

So he blew lightly into the teacup, and then gracefully lowered his head and took a sip of the spiritual tea.

"Well, Commander Mao is right!"

Jin Dian agreed, and took a sip of tea from his teacup.The four doors would be blocked, he had expected it.

It's just that the time for Bailong City to seal the four gates was a few days earlier than he predicted.In this way, it really played a key role in the influence of his plot of espionage.

His next move has been blocked, and he is also from the originally expected safe position.Standing on the tip of the knife.

It's just that now that things have been done, there is no choice but to move forward.If a monk wants to go against the sky, he can only live in the world of cultivating immortals, which is full of dangers.

He has stayed in Bailong City for too long, if the family mission fails this time.He had to go back to killing.

Maybe he can survive the killing, maybe he can die in the killing.But he had no choice, and he had to accept the task if he didn't.

Mao Gao didn't know what Jin Dian was thinking, and only when Jin Mansion brought the roster of the whole government, accompanied by Jin Dian, he went to the meeting place of the Jin Mansion compound to check.

When the suspect was right in front of him and Mao Gao didn't know it.Checking is just a process.

Mao Gao's harvest is to remember the appearance and characteristics of all the people in the house.This was also his main motivation for asking for a search warrant to search the top ten senior households in Bailong City.

After Jin Dian personally sent Mao Gao out of the mansion respectfully, he turned around and returned to his main courtyard.

Jin Dian glanced at Jin Quan who followed him into the main courtyard, pondered for a while, and then told the housekeeper, Jin Quandao:

"Jin Quan, tell me to go on, the Jin Mansion will start closing its doors to welcome guests from today. The mansion will carry out daily routines except for the handymen.

Everyone else stayed in their own practice room to cultivate, and they were strictly forbidden to go out for activities without business. "

"Yes, your lord!"

After Jin Quan respectfully agreed, he immediately turned around and left the main courtyard.To convey the command of the Lord.

Jin Dian finished giving orders to the housekeeper who was waiting by his side.After the steward left the main courtyard.He also entered the hall of the main courtyard from the main courtyard.

Then enter the hall from the side door of the hall of the main courtyard, and enter his main bedroom from the hall.Finally, he activated the formation and entered the underground training room.

When I sat down in the training room, I calmed down for a while.Only then did he use the power of his consciousness to check Xu Binger in the space.

When he saw Xu Binger who was soundly asleep on the green grass in front of his wooden house.There was an inexplicable strange feeling in my heart.

A monk who is in prison can still sleep soundly.It was the only thing he had ever seen in his life.

Generally, after the monks have practiced Qi for the third level, sleep can be replaced by practice.And the monks after the foundation establishment no longer need to sleep.

In their eyes, monks who sleep after building the foundation are fools who don't think about making progress and waste time.

However, is Xu Binger, the young master of Fengfu, a fool?the answer is negative.

But since she is not an idiot, why can she sleep soundly in the space of the unknown enemy?

He couldn't figure it out, it's really rare for a normal person to do this!If it were him, he wouldn't be able to do this.

According to what he knew about Xu Binger's habits beforehand, she is a very hardworking little nun who opened a "Dream Extraordinary Style" in the downtown area of ​​Dragon City.

Her attendance for several years is the best proof.

He is a great monk of Mahayana Dzogchen, so he naturally knows that Xu Binger has experienced the state of mind through the prosperity of the world.

That's why he didn't think Xu Binger was a fool who wasted his time, that's why he was confused about her sound sleep.

He could feel that she had really fallen asleep.He was confused for a long time and couldn't find the answer.Just let it go.

Because the city gate was blocked, he couldn't send her out safely.You can only keep her in your own space.

He didn't want to expose himself to Xu Bing'er too early, and for a while, he didn't dare to enter the space to practice.

So if he wants to practice, he can only do it in the secret underground practice room.

After Mao Gao searched the top ten senior households in Bailong City, he still couldn't find Xu Binger's whereabouts.

In the middle of the night, "Dingling..."

Mao Gao, who was cultivating, had his consciousness swept away, and he saw that Feng Zi No. [-] revealed the code of the fifth young master, and immediately realized that something big might have happened in Bailong City.

"Fifth Young Master, I'm Mao Gao, did something important happen to Fifth Young Master?"

"White Dragon City, the four gates in the southeast, northwest, have been surrounded by organized monks. Depending on the situation, they will definitely launch a general attack after dawn.

The main force of Chen Shiren's city guard has entered the battle preparations for defending the city.

Your department, starting tomorrow, will start organizing monks in the city to participate in temporary city defense missions in the form of missions.

Every monk who participated in the defense of the city, after the victory of the defense of the city, can go to the city lord's mansion to receive the task of defending the city.

Foreign enemies are besieging the city, so pay more attention to all movements in the city, and order the special operations team of the security army to hide in the various districts of the city at any time.

Once something inappropriate is discovered, no need to ask the reason for the matter, and immediately arrest it secretly.

Stability must be strived for in Bailong City, and special matters must be dealt with. If a monk is found spreading unfavorable remarks about stability, he will be punished immediately for rebellion and imprisoned. "

"Yes, please rest assured, Fifth Young Master, Mao Gao promises to complete the task!"

The one who was about to come finally came, Mao Gao's eyes sharpened, Bailong City was not a place where they could lightly stroke a tiger's beard.

(End of this chapter)

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