Tears Fairy

Chapter 456

Chapter 456

Jin Dian stood up from his seat at the tea stand by the roadside in a sudden shock.He looked up, no!It's only a quarter of noon!
However, the monks with red scarves on their heads all over the street made him confused for a moment.Did he remember the time wrong?
Or are they misremembering the time?
"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, the sound of intensive Taoism bombing outside the city woke him up.No matter who remembers the wrong time.

Now, he had to rush up to join them, take the dominance of the East City Gate with all his strength, and open the East City Gate as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if the matter is revealed, it will be impossible to find a chance to start over.His appearance here today is tantamount to being listed in the Security Army Department.

Taking pictures of the formation in White Dragon City, no one can escape the video record of the formation without dead ends.He has no way out, he can only succeed, not fail!
He took out the red scarf that he had prepared and wrapped it around his head. In his mind, he moved out of the 180 people in the space.

When Jin Dian was waving for them to rush forward to join the red scarf monks on East Street, his eyes shrank suddenly.

how can that be?How could Xu Binger figure it out?However, facts speak louder than words.

Not only did Xu Binger come out.And the sword in her hand had already reached his throat without him noticing.

Jin Dian couldn't believe it, and his complicated expression changed for a while, and he stood on the spot in despair.

He really didn't want to die, he didn't think that a monk in the Yuan Dynasty couldn't cut his Adam's apple when the sword reached his throat.

"Recognize me as master, you can live! Otherwise die!"

While Feng Tianyu was speaking, she had already restored her original appearance.Jin Dian's expression of despair changed, "So it's you!"

"Yes, it's me!"

Feng Tianyu nodded, and stared directly at Jin Dian with a gray face in his black eyes.Jin Dian's face was ashen and disheartened as he thought about it.

That's right, the Fifth Young Master Feng who can make the city lord Long Yue recognize his lord.How can it be a simple character.It's no surprise that I fell into her hands.

Just recognize the Lord and seek to live?He never thought about it.When facing the reality now, he just felt that there was nothing to love in life.

However, he, who has already entered the early stages of the Dzogchen period, is really unwilling to die aggrieved like this.

He suddenly looked at the people in the Jin Mansion whom he had ordered just now, they were still quietly standing aside, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Super Ling is really strong, and he is in his space, taking his people.But as the owner of the space, he didn't notice it.

With Fengfu in Bailong City, the coveted hearts of the surrounding cities will eventually become fragile glass hearts under the strong blow of Fengfu.

Jin Dian said, "Jin Dian is willing to recognize the Fifth Young Master Feng as the master!" Feng Tianyu nodded and retracted his sword when he heard this, she didn't care about his back-and-forth.

As soon as the sword left his throat, Jin Dian suddenly felt relieved, and it fell into the hands of Fifth Young Master Feng. He never dared to be arrogant.

Since he chooses to live, there is no need to go back on his word and make delusions of dying.The moment the sword left his throat, he knelt down with a bang.

Jin Dian recognized the Lord, and tens of thousands of monks on the East Street rushed towards the East City Gate.When rushing towards the east gate, he rushed into the cage formation that had already been set up.

In the dark Long Yue, after activating the formation, there were tens of thousands of monks with red turbans.All fell into the cage formation.

The internal troubles of Bailong City are also basic, and all of them are contained in the cage formation.Without the inner ghost, the foreign enemy thought of breaking through Bailong City.It's really difficult.

Long Yue came out from the hiding place, Long Yue bowed to Feng Tianyu and said:

"Long Yue has met the Fifth Young Master."

Feng Tianyu waved his hand and said, "Excuse me! The city lord's mansion is responsible for the rebellion at the east gate.

Trapped them in the formation first, and then arrested them when they were unable to attack!The City Lord's Mansion can now announce to the whole city the truth about the rebellion at the East City Gate.

But be prepared to catch some fish!Don't let people take advantage of your carelessness. "

"Yes, Long Yue understands!"

Feng Tianyu nodded, not saying anything, she glanced at Jin Dian and then ordered: "You all go back to the Jin Mansion and wait for orders!"

"Yes, Fifth Young Master!"

Jin Qu promised to take off the red scarf on his head, and led the people in the Jin Mansion who had already taken off their red scarves to quickly retreat to the Jin Mansion.

Feng Tianyu also bowed respectfully to Long Yue, walked out of the East Street, and hid himself in the crowded market.

Feng Tianyu returned to Fengfu, and the security forces conducted a quick investigation after Long Yue announced the Dongcheng rebellion.

The Bailong City once again returned to its former calm, if it weren't for the roaring explosions of Taoism outside the city.People in Bailong City would even ignore the fact that Bailong City is being besieged.

In No.20 Residential Area No. [-] of Bailong City, Long Yun is researching new discoveries in his own home.The magical function of the peace heart lock.

As soon as the city-wide announcement of Bailong City came out, a city-wide search followed.When he was inspected by the security forces, he found out by accident.

A mass of white light that originally enveloped his primordial spirit, when the city guards took out the True God Mirror to shine on him.

Wrapping his soul, the white glow retreated and dodged, but was sucked by the peace heart lock in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The moment Baimang touched Ping An Xinsuo, he immediately wrapped Ping An Xinsuo.

But the Ping An Heart Lock, which was originally ordinary, emitted a purple light.Quickly unwrapped Baimang.

The white light disappeared into the purple light, and in just a moment, the purple light was hidden in the peace heart lock again.He passed the inspection of the security forces very smoothly.

After the security forces left, he immediately closed the door tightly, and the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness unexpectedly regained its freedom.With a sudden movement of his mind, he summoned the peace heart lock in the sea of ​​consciousness.

After a long period of research, nothing was found, and the only thing proved was that the fact that it swallowed Baimang made him free again.

And the Ping An Heart Lock is definitely not an ordinary thing, it is definitely a life-saving treasure.

The white awn that controlled his freedom was gone, and he no longer had to worry about what he did wrong.He doesn't have to worry that one day, he will be forced to forget his original intention.

The shackles in his heart were lifted, and he began to worry about the captured Xu Binger.All his actions were controlled by Bai Mang before.He didn't even have time to think about her.

The only thing he did was two right things. After the sea of ​​consciousness roared for a few days, he became terrified for a few days.He thought that his future days would be endless like this!
It turned out that she saved him.

He looked at the Ping An Xinsuo, whether it was as she said or not, the Ping An Xinsuo was made by her.In short, she was the one who sent it.

He took back the sea of ​​consciousness most preciously, and finally had the courage to go to the street, feeling the joy of returning to the peaceful group.

Long Yun walked freely in the crowded streets and small markets. His state of mind was between the unremitting resistance before and the freedom he finally obtained now.

In a group with a peaceful atmosphere, his state of mind is in the freedom of my heart, and he has gradually improved from the early stage of integration to the late stage of integration.

Once this kind of heart-wrenching process is passed safely, the harvest is really very gratifying.

"Dragon Messenger! Is it really you?"

Just as the pores of Long Yun's body were relaxing, a voice that made his heart choke came into his ears from behind.

Long Qu turned around and saw that the person who came was not Baima Lane, Jin Quan, the chief steward of the Jin Mansion?
"Butler Jin?"

Long Yun frowned and looked at the smiling Butler Jin, wondering.Jin Quan grabbed him and said:
"The Dragon Envoy is talking!" Jin Quan had already pulled Jin Quan while he was speaking, and Long Yun, who was feeling uneasy, came out of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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