Tears Fairy

Chapter 458

Chapter 458

After Jin Dian summoned everyone to enter his space ring, he immediately rushed to the front yard. He watched the aura of wind and rain overwhelming the world as soon as it was let go.

There was a sudden chill in my heart, the wind and rain overwhelming the momentum of the world.She is as domineering as the return of a king, and she completely shocked the golden scriptures that are already in the early stages of Dzogchen in the Mahayana period.

This is the real strong demeanor of the five young masters!How many people are there in the world who is such a low-key master who is good at hiding his edge?

Hehehe!Even if he was her servant, he would be a master!So why is he aggrieved?

In the world of cultivating immortals, the strong are always respected, and the weak prey on the strong.The weak do not want to die, but also want to have their own rights, so they can only strive for self-improvement and become stronger in the eyes of others.

Only the strong have the right to speak, and only the strong can protect everything they want to protect.

He fell into her hands, and he only blamed himself for not being strong enough. In order to survive, he was forced to recognize her as his master.This is also the law of survival in the world of cultivating immortals.

Feng Tianyu didn't know that the arrogance in her heart was unintentionally leaked all her life, but Jin Dian was shocked like a fellow.Instantly thought of so many.

She glanced at Jin Dian with her black eyes, she took out her space room and said to Jin Dian with a shocked expression on her face:
"Give me your interspatial ring first, and I'll return it to you in Jincheng!" Jin Dian hurriedly took off his interspatial ring from his ring finger and handed it to Feng Tianyu.

After Feng Tianyu took the interspatial ring from Jin Dian, she held the interspatial room in one hand and greeted Jin Dian with a smile: "Go in first, and I will let you out when you get there!"

"Yes, Fifth Young Master!"

As soon as Jin Dian finished speaking, the person turned into a stream of light and flew towards the space house where Feng Tian Yu held it in his hands.

Feng Tianyu walked out of the Golden Mansion, and hailed a dragon carriage on the street, "Go to the South Gate Trading Market!"


The carriage driver agreed, and after turning the direction of the carriage, he yelled at Long Ma, "Drive!"

Da da da……

There was a clatter of horseshoes, which soon merged into the hustle and bustle.

In the south gate trading market, the carriage got out of the wind and rain, and the fare was paid casually.I glanced at the very lively trading market.

She smiled reassuringly, this is the result of Bailong City's unity.If you want a paradise of your own, you have to do your best on your own initiative.

She looked at the city defenders who were casting Taoism in the distance. She wanted to go to Jincheng, so she had to go out through the south gate.

As soon as Feng Tianyu approached the south city gate, the south guard Saturn found her.When Saxing saw that the five young masters had arrived, he hurried down from the city wall.

"Saturn sees the Fifth Young Master!"

Feng Tianyu's black eyes, as black as ink, glanced at Saturn.Seeing his respectful and solemn expression, he couldn't help but secretly nodded.

"Are you all ready?"

Feng Tianyu asked with a sudden expression.When Saxing saw that the fifth young master asked about something serious, he immediately replied solemnly:

"Fifth Young Master, my subordinates are ready!"

Feng Tianyu nodded, and took off the gourd phantom finger big space house hanging from his waist.

At this moment, Huo Lang hurriedly rushed from the street.The finger-sized gourds that Feng Tianyu held in his hand had already taken out the original appearance of the Space House.

"Huo Lang sees the fifth young master!" Huo Lang suddenly knelt down on one knee, but there was a hint of worry in his sincere eyes.He looked at Feng Tianyu and continued:

"Fifth young master, please let Huo Lang follow you, Saturn is very powerful, but Huo Lang really wants to go out with you, master."

Hearing this, Feng Tianyu bent down to support Huo Lang and said: "Huo Lang, I know, as a subordinate, you are really outstanding.

But at present, Bailong City really cannot do without you. You are the guard of the four major city gates, and the most taboo thing in war is to change generals temporarily.

Do not worry!As long as you dare to break through, you will have your own world.

Protect Bailong City for me, and you will be indispensable for the next big operation!Do your job well. "

After Feng Tianyu praised Huo Lang sincerely, he gave him another promise.As long as the battle in White Dragon City is over.The next move will be him.

"Huo Lang thank you young master, Huo Lang will definitely protect Bailong City!"

Huo Lang had the promise of wind and rain, and he couldn't help but feel certain that this time he wanted to defend the city, and it didn't matter if he was less responsible, as long as he didn't miss the next action.

Seeing that Huo Lang understood, Feng Tianyu turned to Saturn and said, "Saturn go in!"

Saturn is worried that the commander of fire will rob him of his errand!When Feng Tianyu greeted him to enter the space room, he hurriedly agreed, "Yes!"

But while the person was answering, he turned into a ray of light and flew into the space room.Feng Tianyu looked at Huo Lang, who was standing respectfully by the side, and said:
"Since you are here, go up to the city wall to command. Stop attacking for a quarter of an hour, and attack again in a quarter of an hour!"


Although Huo Lang didn't know how Feng Tianyu was going to leave the city, he immediately carried out her order without hesitation.

A flash of approval flashed in Feng Tianyu's black eyes, and in her mind, her figure had already disappeared on the avenue of the South City Gate, and turned into an invisible mist like smoke.

The invisible mist like smoke and mist in the wind has flown towards the gate of the city.

There are only small gaps in the closed city gate.The wind, rain, and invisible mist, like smoke and mist, turned into needle-tipped thin lines, piercing through the powerful defensive formation.

The wind, rain, and invisible mist, like smoke and mist, instantly flew out of the south gate from the pierced pinhole.

Outside the city gate, the siege continued, but the Taoist attack stopped on the city wall.Only when the enemy is flying close to the city wall, the natal magic weapon is used to attack the enemy.

The windy and rainy, invisible mist, like smoke and fog, began to float into the sky with the airflow in the airflow bombed by Taoism.

She rushed out of the encirclement of the monk army in the four cities.However, when the invisible mist like smoke drifted into the distance, she cast two blood thunderstorms made of a drop of blood towards the most fierce siege.

This is the first time she has launched a blood thunderstorm on the ancient battlefield.The blood thunderstorm made by a drop of energy blood is still very lethal. If a monk in the Mahayana period encounters it, he will be disabled even if he does not die.

Feng Tianyu dropped two blood thunderstorms in the enemy's onslaught battalion.Immediately relieved the urgency of the South City Gate.

Because the Nancheng Gate stopped the long-distance attack for a quarter of an hour, the enemy thought that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it.Immediately concentrated on Taoism to attack the south gate.

Because of Huo Lang's authority, even though it is now difficult to defend the city.

The city guards guarding the city, and the city guards participating in the mission, none of them questioned his decision.

Huo Lang thought, what the Fifth Young Master said is correct, if he leaves and temporarily defends the city and changes generals, the morale of the army may really be unstable.

When the quarter of an hour arrived, when he was about to order the city defenders to start a long-distance attack, the outside of the city suddenly shook.

"Boom! Rumble!"

There were two loud bangs in the enemy's camp, and two mushroom clouds spread from the enemy's camp to the air amidst the explosions.

There was a burst of wailing in the enemy's camp, but the defenders on the city wall stared wide-eyed in shock.

Is the enemy infighting or something?Just blow yourself up?
Only Huorang understands that this big move is definitely the masterpiece of the five young masters.Seeing the chaos in the enemy camp, Huo Lang shouted loudly:

"Brothers give me a blast!"

As soon as Huo Lang finished speaking, the City Guards, who had been aggrieved for a long time, finally had a chance to make amends.

"Boom boom boom..."

The siege army that had already been routed outside the Nancheng Gate was attacked by tens of thousands of defenders at the Nancheng Gate.In an instant, the enemy who had already been routed was bombarded to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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