Tears Fairy

Chapter 461 Rectification

Chapter 461 Rectification
Feng Tianyu did not try to prevent Jin Qu from taking the seat, Jin Dian took the guest seat.

After Feng Tianyu sat down, he took out a small golden box from the Genesis Orb.

With a wave of his hand, the small golden box floated onto the tea table in front of Jin Dian.Feng Tianyu said in Jindian Unknown So:
"Since you need to be cautious in your words and deeds now, I decided to issue you a Fengzi No. [-] communicator.

In the future, I have something to do, or you have something to tell me.can be communicated through it.”

Jin Dian picked up the small golden box and asked with doubts in his eyes: "Fengzi No. [-] communicator?"

Feng Tianyu smiled and said: "Open it and have a look! Then follow the instruction manual and use it!" Feng Tianyu looked at Jin Dian with a slightly encouraging look.

Jin Dian opened the small gold box as he said, and took out a Feng Zi No. [-] that shone with blue light.

This is the Fengzi No. [-] communicator mentioned by the fifth young master?Jin Dian picked up the pamphlet inside the gold box and studied it. It was easy to remember, but the tadpole text took some mental effort.

After Feng Tianyu waited for him to practice Fengzi No. [-], she clicked on his number.

"Jingle Bell……"

Jin Dian was overjoyed, and pressed the answering icon, "It's me!" Feng Tianyu said with a smile.Jin Dian's eyes lit up, "It really is a good baby!"

He heard the words he uttered from Feng Tianyu No. [-] Feng Zi in his hand.

Seeing that Jin Dian had fully mastered the application, Feng Tianyu took his Feng Zi No. [-] back into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Jin Dian also drew a gourd to collect Feng Zi No. [-] into the sea of ​​consciousness.Feng Tianyu took a sip of the spiritual tea on the coffee table before she spoke about another important matter she had come here.

"I gathered the Jincheng sergeants who fled back to Jincheng from the defeat of Bailong City and gathered them together. I am going to organize them and form a strong elite army.

Because they were defeated sergeants, the forces they belonged to didn't want them to go back.

They had no place to go for a while, and that's why they hated Bailong City for losing their dignity.

Back to what happened in Jincheng, they were unable to resist the power, so they would vent their anger on Fengfu.Just because Bailong City has a powerful Fengfu.

I have summoned them to rectify, and they will be the confidence for you to ascend to the position of city lord.An army of [-] iron-blooded monks is enough for you to command the entire Jincheng.

The current lord of Jincheng, Jin Sheng, has lost his original authority after the defeat.

And if you come forward as the direct descendant of the Jin family, you will be able to easily replace him and become the city lord of Jin City.

Only when you become the lord of a city, can Jincheng reduce darkness and fights!After I came to the inner circle and made comparisons, I found out that the monks practiced on the ancient battlefield.

As long as there are enough training resources, the closer to the theater, the independent space to improve the cultivation level, or maintain the cultivation level is much stronger than the middle and outer areas.

Now I understand the real benefits of entering the inner circle. In the past, I just felt that I was closer to the independent space, so I could spend more time understanding and observe when the inner circle monks broke through the barrier.

Now that we want to live in Jincheng safely, we need to improve the law and order.And my family also had to move to Jincheng.

do you see what i mean? "Feng Tianyu's complexion was complete, she hoped that Jin Dian would not disappoint him.

Under Feng Tianyu's solemn gaze, Jin Dian's heart was shocked, "Fifth Young Master, Jin Dian, please don't worry.

The subordinates must do their best to ensure that Jincheng will be ruled as soon as possible.Try to unify Jincheng before the young masters leave the customs! "

Feng Tianyu smiled when she heard the words, stood up from her seat and said: "Okay, with Jin Dian's guarantee, I feel at ease.

**After finishing training, I will hand them over to you.I'm leaving first, if you have anything to tell me with Feng Zi No. [-]! "

"Yes, Fifth Young Master, I will send you out first!" Jin Dian stood up and personally sent Feng Tianyu out of Xilan Garden.

After Feng Tianyu left Xilan Garden, he said to Jin Dian who sent her out: "Before anything happens, you have to pay attention to your words and deeds.

Just send it here!Jin Quan will just send me out of the City Lord's Mansion.Jin Quan go! "

After Feng Tianyu stopped Jin Dian from continuing to send out the door.He greeted Jin Quan, the steward of the Jin Mansion, again.

"Yes, Fifth Young Master!"

Jin Quan immediately led the way, and Feng Tianyu followed Jin Quan out of the city lord's mansion lightly.After she left the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, she let Jin Dian go back.

She thought of those [-] people who had lost their self-esteem, but her pace suddenly accelerated a little.She put pressure on Jin Dian, thinking that she should work harder.

When he came to Luoping Mountain, Saturn was training the 26 disciples who had surrendered in the training ground, and the [-] big monks who assisted him in training were exactly the talents he discovered.

Feng Tianyu wants to build [-] soldiers into a strong army to guard the Jincheng, and Saturn, as the garrison guarding the south gate, is the most suitable for training them.

Feng Tianyu stood quietly on the hill, she watched very seriously and earnestly, fifty thousand girls gritted their teeth and stiffened.

Saturn and the 26 great monks with military capabilities, the military training they did was really interesting, but the [-] ** was worth it.

"Fifth Young Master, you are here!" After the training was over, Saxing came to Feng Tianyu and gave a military salute to say hello.

Feng Tianyu smiled, he didn't see their changes with his own eyes, so he was somewhat worried.Now I have seen your iron-blooded training.

I'm sure that these [-] soldiers will definitely be the patron saint of Jincheng in the future.If Feng Tianyu was affirmative, Saxing's eyebrows would immediately beam with joy.

"Fifth Young Master, do you want to see them?" Saturn pointed to the 26 trainers beside Hou and said:
"I dug it out from the main force of the city guard." Saturn hoped that Feng Tianyu would meet them.Feng Tianyu smiled and said:

"Okay! Since you are here, how can you not see me?"

Saturn hurriedly greeted the 26 trainers waiting at the side and said, "It's a great honor for you all to come to meet the five young masters!"

dong dong dong...

"Refer to the five young masters for humble ranks!"

The 26 great monks knelt down on one knee to salute Feng Tianyu without any hesitation.

And the real reason that made them lower their figure and made him so respectful.It's just that they know that the person in front of them is the legendary figure who created the miracle of White Dragon City.

They joined this army, became the military trainers of this army, and the generals of this army, all because of the fifth young master Feng.

They also hope that under the leadership of Young Master Feng Wu, Jincheng can get out of the current chaotic situation.

Because of the failure of sending troops to attack Bailong City, the armaments spent exceeded the original budget of the seven major forces.

After the defeat, they lost all their money, and now they are all cutting down on layoffs and shrinking the supply of daily resources.

Because of resources, the seven major forces began to fight openly and secretly.Jincheng is bleeding every day. As monks and generals trained in iron and blood, what they deal with every day is the fight between forces.

These fights have lost their righteous stance as soldiers, and they are tired.Because of this, Saturn is accurate once it is dug.

Saturn excavated 26 generals with military qualities in the army, and Saturn only told them one thing.

What they joined were not unknown people, but the continuation of the legend of White Dragon City.If they die in the wrong world, they will definitely be hugged for the rest of their lives.

Because the one who wants to turn fifty thousand soldiers into a strong army is the legendary figure from the White Dragon City, Fifth Young Master Feng.

At this time, everyone just saw the Fifth Young Master Feng whom they had admired for a long time, and one can imagine how excited they were.

(End of this chapter)

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