Tears Fairy

Chapter 464

Chapter 464
Feng Tianyu's skillful Taoist attack completely defeated a group of fighters formed in the air.

However, when she breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't see the monk she saw outside the transparent light shield of the independent space in her searching eyes.

Feng Tianyu finally knew how big this space was.One glance at the space outside, and a world inside.

Feng Tianyu hadn't had time to think about other things, Huhuhu... Another sharp whirring sound rushed towards her from the air.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than twenty phantom warriors, brandishing swords, spears, swords and halberds, attacking her violently.

With a sword in Feng Tianyu's hand, a glint of light flashed across her black eyes, and she suddenly shouted, "Tianlei is extinct!"

A sword blasted out Baihuanxiao.A group of phantom warriors disappeared without a trace.From the unique air of the back space.

As Feng Tianyu continued to penetrate, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Aooooo..." This was a group of Galewind Wolves opening their fangs at her from the air.

Feng Tianyu was startled, and suddenly swept away the thousands of troops with one move, and turned into a huge sword that swept across the wolves.


Amidst the sound of sword whining and thunder, sword strikes boom boom boom boom boom boom boom... The pack of wolves fell from the sky to the ground. "Aww..." Amidst the miserable howl, it disappeared without a trace.

With these more and more group phantom attacks, Feng Tianyu no longer dared to be distracted.

Breaking through the level is to rush through, with Feng Tianyu and a sword in hand, the courage is also rising steadily.As soon as she moved, she had already rushed to the depths of the independent space.

Whirring whirring……

The phantoms of warriors all over the sky have rushed towards the wind and rain that is moving forward at an extremely fast speed.

With Feng Tianyu's fingers moving slightly, the Golden Thunder Sword danced with her in the center, creating a space of hundreds of feet with no gaps.

The golden thunder sword burst into thunder, and occasionally lightning invaded the phantom beasts and phantom crowds.Feng Tianyu strives to move forward steadily, but the Golden Thunder Sword is in her fingertips, but it is becoming more and more excited as the thunder dragon fights.

Feng Tianyu felt the excitement of the Golden Thunder Sword, and Feng Tianyu felt a sense of pride in his heart.Fighting made her more skillful in Taoism.

The hearty battle allowed her to display her life's unique skills.This is the best place to practice Taoism.

This time she broke through, she just wanted to break through with her own strength.The hearty battle can make her grow up more quickly.

She has cultivated to the Great Consummation of Transforming God, and she wants to step into the threshold of distraction stage.

Her state of mind has been reached, she just needs a fight to fulfill her distraction, she slashes the world with her sword, and punches in the mountains and rivers.

Phantom beasts and phantom fighters attack in groups, sword strikes and boxing strikes.The big handprints she made made the phantom fighters who attacked the group disappear in pieces, and also made the phantom beasts of the phantom beasts howl again and again.

Feng Tianyu's black eyes became brighter as she fought, and she saw the crisis of phantom people and phantom beasts attacking together.Already in their own control.

From the initial tension to the current sense of relaxation.She finally had the mind to say goodbye, she saw the Eudemons and Phantom Warriors in the independent space.Their attack power has reached the integration stage.

The monks who came to break through the independent space of the ancient battlefield are all monks above the early stage of Mahayana.However, at least two-thirds of the monks who broke through the barrier failed.

The problem of their failure to break through the level is not that their own cultivation is not enough to defeat them.It is the result of many ants killing elephants.

Feng Tianyu understood the reason why the monk really failed.In this way, it is necessary to help her ancient exploration team pass through the barrier smoothly.

All she had to do was to improve her talisman skills and try her best to produce a batch of superimposed talisman talismans. Hey, she sighed inwardly.

It seems that after returning to Jincheng, he will be busy again.Feng Tianyu had some thoughts in his heart, but he didn't forget to start trying to use his power of law to merge with the power of soul.

She wants to fuse the two powers so that she can release them as she pleases, and she even has a whim, wanting to refine and absorb the super energy of this independent space.

She wants to have the powerful energy of this independent space, this strange energy that can produce phantoms and phantoms by itself.

This super energy temptation really made her want to practice her whimsy.As long as she can absorb the strange energy that refines this independent space.

She believed that she could use the rich aura of the ancient battlefield to cultivate, so as to find out a way that even monks could use the aura of the ancient battlefield to cultivate.

From now on, the ancient battlefield will not kill because of cultivation resources.Half of her whim was to strengthen herself.

The other half thought sincerely for the monks in the ancient battlefield. As long as they have spiritual practice, returning to their hometown is not a dream.But it can become a reality.

All the phantom beasts and phantoms that are automatically generated in this independent space are automatically generated in the powerful energy space of the independent space.

And the strength attacks of phantom people and phantom beasts have also reached the power of the fusion stage.Destroy once and regenerate once.In the life of death, only the energy of the independent space is consumed.

The sword was still rumbling, destroying wave after wave of phantom warriors and herds of beasts of various races.

Feng Tianyu was only thinking about how to turn the energy of the independent space into her own use, and she didn't feel a little bit more fierce when she punched and clapped her hands.

During the battle, she was still fusing the power of law and the speed of soul power. Seven days passed unknowingly during her battle and fusion.

On this day, wind and rain finally reached the center of the independent space.She finally saw the monks breaking through in the central area.

Some of them work together to fight against hordes of phantom fighters, and there are also a team of more than a dozen people who are fighting against the fierce beasts that are rushing from the sky.

They destroyed a batch and then regenerated another batch, and the killing between death and birth is inexhaustible.Don't say they have ever seen Feng Tianyu break through to the central area independently with his cultivation at the peak of his transformation.

In the entire ancient battlefield, they have never heard of it. Such a little female cultivator has created a miracle.

She will be a legend of the ancient battlefield, and also a myth of bravely breaking into an independent space.As they fought hard, they looked at Feng Tianyu in shock and with inquiring eyes.

Feng Tianyu's cultivation base is low, but she has the Golden Thunder Sword in her hand, and she also has the power of laws beyond this world.

After the power of the law is integrated into the power of the soul, the golden thunder sword blasted out with spiritual power is simply a murderous aura.

And her boxing is a large area, and a large group of palms, the encirclement of thousands of phantom beasts and phantom warriors will collapse in an instant.

The monks in the central area were struggling, and suddenly saw such a big evil star of phantom beasts and phantoms.They seemed to see the door of hope rushing into the Dao of Heaven.

Suddenly, a monk in the crowd shouted loudly, "Everyone, get close to that female Taoist friend! We must unite as one and rush to Tongtian Dao together with that female Taoist friend."

hula la...

Hundreds of monks suddenly stood up and fought.Phantasmal Beasts and Phantasmal Warriors, in their struggle, rapidly decreased.

However, in an instant, it was generated from the air again.But the strength of Mahayana monks is not limited, they only need such a moment, it is enough for them to rush into the wind and rain.

During the battle between wind and rain, a monk's shout was suddenly heard.She hesitated for a moment, as if she entered the center of the independent space.

She didn't see a nun, did she?The female cultivator they wanted to get close to couldn't be herself!In the next moment, she identified the female Taoist friend they were talking about.If not yourself, which one else?
Feng Tianyu couldn't help stroking her forehead, she was just a little monk!You so many powerful monks, ran to your own territory to seek refuge?

Is this really okay?really good?

(End of this chapter)

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