Tears Fairy

Chapter 471 Research Begins

Chapter 471 Research Begins

When Feng Tianyu heard Saturn, who had always been calm, he was so excited that he rushed in from the door.

Feng Tianyu looked at Saxing with a full smile and said with a smile: "Saxing is back, let's go to Baiweixiang for dinner together.

Congratulations to the brothers and sisters who have returned to Fengfu in Jincheng with everyone. "Feng Tianyu laughed at Yan Yan, and finally smiled brightly at Saxing, who was a little restless.

"Yes, Fifth Young Master!"

It was Saturn who calmed down a bit, and he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.Seeing everyone present in Heqitang, they all smiled kindly at him.He wasn't too embarrassed.

"Fifth Young Master, the banquet in Baiwei Hall is ready. Steward Hong sent someone to ask when Fifth Young Master will be seated."

Saturn is just about to sit down under the sign of wind and rain.Ah Shui, the waiter of Heqitang, came in, and he asked Feng Tianyu, who was smiling all over his face.

When Feng Tianyu heard it, the banquet was ready, so what are you waiting for?So, she smiled and told Ah Shui:

"Ah Shui, go tell Butler Honglin, we will go to Baiwei Restaurant for dinner right away."

"Okay, Fifth Young Master!"

After giving Feng Tianyu a salute, Ah Shui hurried to the dining room to report to Butler Honglin.

After Ah Shui left, Feng Tianyu said to everyone: "The banquet in the dining room is ready, let's go to the Baiwei Hall for dinner first!"

After Feng Tianyu finished speaking, she smiled at her nearby sister and said, "My good sister, let's go eat first, and after the meal, we will start researching treasures!"

What Feng Tianyu said to Feng Tianqing not only made Feng Tianqing stand up from her seat with a bright cry.

The eyes of all those present were bright, and stood up from their seats with the same ambition.Dining is a small matter, but researching baby is a big matter!
Baiwei Hall.

Hong Lin had already prepared everything. When Feng Tianyu and the others arrived at Baiwei Hall, he hurriedly greeted them with a smile.

"Fifth Young Master, the food and wine have been served, and we are waiting for everyone to take their seats." Hong Lin respectfully greeted Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu glanced at Hong Lin and smiled and said: "Hong Lin also eat something together?"

Hong Lin bowed his hands and thanked: "Hong Lin thanked the fifth young master, Hong Lin will not eat. Hong Lin is dedicated to serving the young masters for meals!"

Feng Tianyu's black eyes flashed, and he frowned and said: "Honglin, we have dinner, and you don't need to wait on us. You can either stay and eat together, or you can go to your work."

Feng Tianyu's expression and words shocked Hong Lin, he didn't even think about it, and immediately chose to stay for dinner.

Feng Tianyu didn't treat him as an outsider, and let him stay for dinner as an equal.If he rejected Feng Tianyu's invitation without knowing what to do.He knew he would regret it.

Feng Tianyu treats people with sincerity, and does not hierarchical the master-slave relationship.It's an honor for all of them!
Feng Tianyu saw Hong Linzhi retreating and staying behind, and the gloomy color on his face turned into a peaceful and warm color.

Feng Tianyu never takes her subordinates, or the monks who recognize her as her master, as slaves.But try to give them spiritual freedom.

As long as they are loyal and do not betray her, she will try her best to let them achieve the shackles of no soul shackles as much as possible.

This banquet was made to a high degree, but it was due to an important matter that everyone was thinking about.They all ate some hastily.

Just put down the bowls and chopsticks and wait for the wind and rain to eat happily.Feng Tianyu was watched by a dozen people.

She no longer had the appetite to eat, so she put her bowls and chopsticks away, and asked with a smile to the people who were waiting for her, "Is everyone ready to eat and drink?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard the words: "Everyone eats and drinks! I'll wait for you."

Feng Tianyu chuckled and said, "Haha! I am full under the watchful eyes of all of you!

Now that everyone has finished eating and drinking, go to the Shufa hall in the practice area with me. "Feng Tianyu stood up from his seat while speaking.

Feng Tianqing stepped forward with a gentle smile, and walked out of Baiwei Hall arm in arm with her.When Feng Tianyu passed by Honglin.

After thinking for a while, she said to Honglin: "Honglin, if you have nothing to do, go to the Shufa hall in the training area and study the treasure in my hand."

Honglin heard the words and said happily: "Fifth Young Master, Honglin hasn't had any important matters in the past three days, and my promoted deacon can take care of small things.

So I have time. "Hong Lin happily said to Feng Tianyu.

"Then let's go together!"

Feng Tianyu is very satisfied with Hong Lin, since he has time, let him go together!Anyway, she is not out of stock.

Feng Tianyu's words made Honglin let go of his worries.As long as the five young masters are researching treasures, it will be his greatest blessing to let him participate.

Hong Lin has paid a lot for Fengfu, and he has worked hard, and he has never let Feng Tianyu worry about anything about Fengfu.

And his contribution, Feng Tianyu obviously saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.That's why Feng Tianyu asked him to participate in the study of strange energy today.

Feng Tianyu took Feng Tianqing's hand and led everyone to Fengfu and the training area.

After Feng Tianyu stepped into the training area, he walked all the way to the Shufa Hall.

The practice area is very large, and there are many practice rooms in the practice area for the monks of Fengfu to retreat and practice.

The Shufa hall is located in the center of the surrounding practice room.Feng Tianyu led the crowd in, and paved the black emery floor behind the mental art hall.

Then I entered the independent perception room in the Shufa hall. This perception room is the time to gain some insights when practicing the spells.Calmly deduce the exercises after enlightenment.

"Okay, everyone just find a place to sit here." While Feng Tianyu was talking, she and Feng Tianqing had already sat down on the futon in the perception room.

After Feng Tianlei and a dozen people entered the perception room, everyone casually found a futon and sat down under Feng Tianyu's greeting.

After Feng Tianyu saw everyone sitting down, a look of satisfaction flashed in her black eyes.As long as you study the magical ability of independent space, you can achieve something.

She believed that the dozen or so people in front of her would definitely shine in their respective continents.

And she firmly believes that she will be able to conquer the strange energy of this independent space.

With a thoughtful wave of Feng Tianyu's hand, she has already compressed a dozen or so colorful and strange energy clusters to everyone.

When everyone saw the colorful ball of light thrown by Feng Tianyu, they quickly reached out to catch it.As soon as Saturn received the colorful strange energy cluster, his heart was shocked suddenly, and he frowned as he thought.

This colorful cluster of light made him feel as if he was being summoned.Make him want to find out.

Feng Tianyu glanced at everyone, everyone looked curious, looking at the light ball in their hands that seemed to have infinite mystery.

Only Saturn's expression caught Feng Tianyu's attention.After thinking about it, Feng Tianyu decided to ask Saturn about his direct feelings about the strange energy cluster.

"Saturn, did you discover something? What was your first feeling after receiving the strange energy cluster?"

Saturn is remembering the attraction and calling of the strange energy light group to him.However, he relied on the feeling from memory.But he still couldn't find the key to the strange energy light group calling him.

At this moment, he heard what Feng Tianyu asked him, as soon as Feng Tianyu's voice fell.

He spoke directly without thinking about his first touch, and the mysterious attraction call that he forcibly memorized afterwards.

Hearing Feng Tianyu's words, a strange light suddenly shot out from his black eyes.She hurriedly asked Saturn to make a copy of his forcefully memorized fluctuating sense of attraction and summoning for her.

(End of this chapter)

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