Tears Fairy

Chapter 474 Xu Binger's Discovery

Chapter 474 Xu Binger's Discovery
When Xu Binger asked what was on her mind, Feng Tianyu interrupted the question she was about to ask the little apprentice.

Feng Tianyu looked at the little apprentice who was seeking knowledge and yearning for her, a doting joke flashed in her black eyes and said:
"Xiao Bing'er, I see that you are having so much fun playing with the strange energy light ball! Do you think you don't care about Master's research progress at all? It turns out that Master is thinking too much!"

Feng Tianyu looked at Xiao Binger who was about to say something with a smile in his dark eyes.She decided not to tease her anymore, so she straightened her expression and said:

"Xiao Bing'er, tell the master first, when you rubbed and played with the strange energy light ball, what were you thinking?
Or tell the master why you are studying and sensing strange energy light clusters when others.But you have the behavior of rubbing the strange energy light cluster? "

When Xu Binger saw the master asking herself, it was exactly what she wanted to tell the master.She immediately cheered up and said to the master:

"Master, Bing'er is about to tell you! When Bing'er received the strange energy light ball thrown to me by the master.

Bing'er just wanted to rub the strange energy light group vigorously, and wanted to get close to it by rubbing.

Afterwards, Binger found that she obeyed her own will, and after rubbing the strange energy light ball, Binger was extremely happy in her heart. "

As soon as Feng Tianyu heard what Xiao Binger said, she wanted to get close to it by rubbing it.There was a sudden storm in my heart.

It turned out that her momentary neglect had missed the strong feeling in the little disciple's heart.In Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes, there was a look of unexpected surprise.

When Feng Tianyu heard Xu Binger say again, she rubbed the strange energy light ball, and her heart was extremely happy and joyful.

Feng Tianyu was finally sure that she had found the crux of the last step leading to the strange energy light cluster.

"Master, can you give the strange energy light ball to Bing'er? During Bing'er's extreme rubbing and closeness, the strange energy light ball really feels a lot closer to it!"

When Xu Bing'er said this, she looked at her master expectantly.I want to get back the strange energy light group that I have been close to for several months.

Feng Tianyu was extremely happy in her heart, her little apprentice helped her a lot!She grinned at her little apprentice.

Feng Tianyu looked at the little apprentice who looked close to her, and Feng Tianyu's heart suddenly moved. She first threw Xu Binger a procedural jade slip for refining a strange energy light group,
Cai said to Xu Binger in a very warm voice: "Xiao Binger, you should first familiarize yourself with the procedures for refining the strange energy light group.

Then you are trying to absorb refining, you, the strange energy light group that has been close to you for several months. "

Xu Binger took the jade slip thrown to her by the master.After that, I listened to the master to let me familiarize myself with the procedure steps of refining the strange energy light group.

There was a burst of ecstasy in her heart, until she heard the master familiarize herself with the steps of refining strange energy light balls.

When she tried to absorb and refine the strange energy light group that she had been close to for several months, she hurriedly thanked the master:

"Thank you master, Bing'er will familiarize herself with the steps of refining the strange energy light group immediately!" After Xu Binger happily thanked the master, she really began to familiarize herself with the refining steps on the jade slip.

Feng Tianyu carefully sensed the strange energy light cluster.Afterwards, Feng Tianyu looked at the distribution of light spots of the strange energy light group with concentration.

Under her careful inspection, she really found a strange energy light group, after Xu Binger rubbed and got close for a long time.

The strange energy light group with chaotic light color has been separated and gathered in one place.Feng Tianyu tried to forcefully disperse them with spiritual power.

However, in the next moment, Feng Tianyu discovered that the strange energy light group had returned to its original place.When Feng Tianyu found out, his whole person was immediately in high spirits.

From the jade slips given by her master, Xu Binger carefully started from the mysterious energy mystery.In the subsequent steps of attracting, ethereal, summoning, and spiritual roots connecting with seven-color light spots.

In the next step, she had an idea and rubbed her intimacy with the strange energy light ball.Like a spiritual light, it connects the previous steps.

There was a loud bang in her sea of ​​consciousness, and her sea of ​​consciousness suddenly surged.She knows the waves of the surging sea.

Suddenly five colors of light flashed.Xu Binger's aura suddenly rose steadily, making Feng Tianyu, who was studying the strange energy light cluster, startled suddenly.

Afterwards, she smiled again, Binger's fortune is really good.She really thought of using the light of affinity to connect the steps of her program.

She has lifted the veil of the strange energy light cluster!Her cultivation base is too low and she is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. After unveiling the veil of the strange energy light cluster, her cultivation base will definitely be promoted.

Xu Binger's cultivation base climbed from the middle stage of the Nascent Soul to the Great Perfection of the Nascent Soul, and then stopped. After she stabilized her cultivation base.

All the people who entered the refining strange energy light group have retreated with regrets on their faces, and they are unable to help Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu looked at everyone with a calm smile on his face.Feng Tianlei smiled ashamedly and said to his sister:

"Sister, my brother's cultivation is not good enough, so he can't help my sister at all!"

Feng Tianqing smiled at Brother Quan without any psychological burden, and said, "Brother, I guess those of us little cultivators who are not well-cultivated can't help my sister.

However, it is reasonable for us to be unable to help, as for the process of perfecting the process of refining strange energy light clusters.I don't feel guilty at all.

Anyway, there are two powerful monks Saturn and Honglin standing in front of us. "

"That's right, I very much agree with the second sister's point of view. Let's just look up to Saturn and Honglin!"

Feng Tianyu agrees with the second sister's words very much, after all, their cultivation bases are there.As for Feng Tianqing and Feng Tianyu's words.

However, Feng Tianlei's gloomy face turned from cloudy to clear, and Wuqing, Fang Xiaocui and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the conversation between Feng Tianqing and Feng Tianyu made Saxing and Honglin feel distressed.

Their cultivation base is much stronger than them, but they didn't find anything that they needed to supplement in the process of entering the strange energy light group.

They are also one step away from the mysterious veil of the strange energy light group, and they can't make any progress.

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Hong Lin and Saxing, who were struggling, looked at each other with wry smiles.

In the end, Saturn, who had reached the late stage of Mahayana Dzogchen, said, "Hey, there is no distinction between high and low cultivation levels in exploration. Look at me and Hong Lin, and you will understand after looking at the fifth young master!"

Hong Lin frowned and said, "That's right, your cultivation base is lower than mine and Saturn's, but you forgot that Fifth Young Master's cultivation base is also lower than ours.

but!The five young masters researched and created the procedural steps for refining the strange energy light group.But we can't!

This is an example of cultivation without distinction, and it also proves that Saturn is not lying! "Honglin and Saturn spoke very smoothly.

But their words let everyone understand that Saturn and Honglin didn't return an inch of success.

Everyone who was looking forward to it looked at Saturn and Honglin with disappointment in their hearts.When Saturn and Honglin blushed, they looked at Feng Tianyu who was looking at them calmly.

Feng Tianyu was watching everyone talking with great interest, but suddenly everyone looked at him.

Feng Tianyu instantly changed from a spectator to the focus of everyone's attention.She was suddenly a little embarrassed by the adoring gazes of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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