Tears Fairy

Chapter 481 Compressing Qi of Strange Energy

Chapter 481 Compressing Qi of Strange Energy
Saturn looked at Feng Tianyu not far away with a look of shock on his face, but seeing Feng Tianyu already looked good.Feng Tianyu nodded to him affirmatively.

Continue to attract refining, seven-color light spots after the decomposition of strange energy light clusters.Saturn was shocked.

He knew that he could absorb and refine the strange energy light group when he was running the kung fu.Being able to absorb the rich aura of the ancient battlefield proved that he could use the aura of the ancient battlefield to practice in the future.

Since then, his cultivation has only become more solid and stable.You don't have to worry about one day your cultivation base will be vain due to lack of resources.

Saturn, who was shocked in his heart, took a while to suppress the ecstasy in his heart. He finally understood the usefulness of the strange energy light cluster.

The strange energy light group is the key to unlock the rich aura of the ancient battlefield.Only by absorbing and refining the strange energy light group.It can transform and improve the spiritual power of one's original cultivation.

When Saturn was shocked, Feng Tianyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.She only needs to be in an independent space in the future.

Collect a large amount of strange energy gas, and compress it into a strange energy light cluster.In this way, monks in the ancient battlefield can use the aura of the ancient battlefield to cultivate.

In the future, for monks who entered the ancient battle, the blood from looting will be greatly reduced.Unnecessary killing of resources between monks and monks.It will also be reduced a lot.

Feng Tianyu has successfully found it and solved the mystery of the aura of the ancient battlefield.However, the strange energy gas should be compressed into a strange energy light cluster.It became a big problem.

It is impossible for Feng Tianyu to let go of his cultivation progress and compress the Qi of strange energy for all the monks in the ancient battlefield.

Feng Tianyu didn't know about monks in the Mahayana period, or monks in the Dzogchen period in the Mahayana period.Can you compress and refine the Qi of strange energy?

She only had to wait for herself to refine and disintegrate the strange energy light group, and the seven-color light spots covering her body would be covered.Then let Saturn compress the gas of strange energy to see.

If it doesn't work, she has to think of other ways to do it.She herself is not short of cultivation resources, she doesn't need to work hard, what can she exchange for the strange energy light group?
And she can only try her best to seek benefits for the monks in the ancient battlefield.And she must first satisfy the 50 monks in her two cities.

This is not something she can accomplish in a short time.The more than 3000 strange energy light clusters she distributed to everyone before were not compressed that day.

Instead, she added the strange energy light clusters that had been compressed before. She was full of calculations, and she could only compress [-] strange energy light clusters a day.

Feng Tianyu thought for a long time, but did not think of a usable method for a while.I had no choice but to let go of the chaotic thoughts in my heart and enter into the absorption and refining wholeheartedly.

Soon, Feng Tianlei was shocked to find that the rich aura of the ancient battlefield could be refined.He was pleasantly surprised because he had a calm personality.He just suppressed the ecstasy in his heart.

He worked harder to absorb and refine the strange energy light group.Because he understood that the ability to absorb the aura of the ancient battlefield depends on absorbing and refining the strange energy light cluster.

My sister finally made all the impossible possible.He is proud in his heart, because he, Feng Tianlei, is Feng Tianyu's older brother.

The ruthless character is indifferent and indifferent, when he discovered that he could absorb the aura of the ancient battlefield.His cold heart suddenly pounded.His heart was also inexplicably moved in the shock.

There was a burst of fresh warmth in his cold heart.He was moved to think that the aura of this ancient battlefield could be cultivated.

The reason why he can use the aura of the ancient battlefield to cultivate is that he has absorbed and refined the strange energy light group given to him by the five young masters.

There is only one thought in his mind for the cause and effect of all this.He just needs to follow the fifth young master.

He will be able to witness that in his opinion, all unimaginable things become reasonable.Every success of the fifth young master can bring him infinite touch.

He deeply thought that in this ancient field, because of the appearance of the fifth young master.A crucial change has been made.

He witnessed the prosperity of the two cities, and also witnessed the rise of the ruthless adventure group.

Only the fifth young master can do all this, and now the fifth young master has discovered a strange energy light group, which can unravel the miracle that the aura of the ancient battlefield cannot be cultivated.

She is already using her actions to benefit the monks in the ancient battlefield.Wuqing finally thought that although the fifth young master is not a god, she has done things that even a god can't do.

When Ruthless Thought thought of the end, his fluctuating mood finally calmed down.At this time.Suddenly, Feng Tianyu's reminder to everyone came from his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Everyone, don't be shocked and excited because you can absorb the aura of the ancient battlefield. Because all this is due to the strange energy light group.

Everyone keep their minds tight and try to refine as many strange energy light clusters as possible.Because of the strange energy light group, there is definitely more than this effect.

Maybe in the future, we can still witness the strange energy light group, which will give us different surprises. "

Feng Tianyu's timely words made Feng Tianqing who was about to say something, and Xu Binger shut up.They have already known the magic of the strange energy light group from what Feng Tianyu said.

In Feng Tianyu's last words, they knew that the strange energy light group had undisclosed effects.

In this way, no one wants to absorb and refine a strange energy light group.Therefore, they are all more devoted to absorbing and refining the strange energy light group.

The [-] monks of the Ruthless Adventure Group, in the words that wind, rain and rain spread into their sea of ​​consciousness.I have already understood the benefits of the strange energy light group.

This is a great thing related to the cultivation of spiritual energy in the ancient battlefield.There was a dazzling light in their eyes.

After Feng Tianyu absorbed and refined the strange energy light spots on her body.In the next moment, Saturn also absorbed and refined the last light spot covering his body.

When Saturn looked at Feng Tianyu, he saw Feng Tianyu beckoning him to pass.Although Saturn didn't know what Feng Tianyu wanted him for.

But he teleported in front of her in the next instant.He glanced at Feng Tianyu who was looking at him with a jade container in his forehand and asked:
"Fifth Young Master, this is?"

Feng Tianyu gave him a warm smile and said: "Before, I absorbed the strange energy light group that was refined for you.

They are all compressed from the gas of strange energy in this container.I now give you a bottle of Qi of Strange Energy.

See if you can compress it into a blob of strange energy. "While Feng Tianyu was speaking, he had already handed the jade container in his hand to Saturn who was looking curious.

Saturn took the jade container that Feng Tianyu handed him.He glanced at Feng Tianyu, but seeing Feng Tianyu took out another jade container.

Feng Tianyu glanced at Saturn again and said with a smile: "Saturn, let me demonstrate first, you are trying to compress the gas of strange energy."

Saxing nodded and said: "Okay, Fifth Young Master!" Feng Tianyu drew a circle in the air with his finger under Saxing's gaze.

Then, a little in the center of the circle.Immediately afterwards, the bottle mouth of the jade bottle in Feng Tianyu's hand tilted towards the place where Feng Tianyu's drop was in the center.

A burst of strange energy immediately poured into the circle drawn by Feng Tianyu.Saturn is when his eyes touch the breath of strange energy.

Radiate a strange brilliance, this strange energy gas.Isn't it the air of space in an independent space?

Feng Tianyu naturally knows, as long as she reveals her strange energy.Saturn who has entered the independent space must be able to feel it.

Feng Tianyu was amused in his heart, he didn't care about the strange light in Saturn's eyes, and reminded him again: "Saturn, watch out!"

(End of this chapter)

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