Tears Fairy

Chapter 504 Secret Mission

Chapter 504 Secret Mission
As soon as Feng Tianyu listened to Lei Yuan, there was the sound of her sister Feng Tianqing walking away from the jade plate.Feng Tianyu immediately stood up with a smile on his face.

When Feng Tianqing stepped into Leiyuan, she had already met her good sister.

The two sisters looked at each other and smiled, under the doting eyes of the elder brother Feng Tianlei.The two sisters have already walked in front of Feng Tianlei hand in hand.

Feng Tianlei happily gave up his seat, and he let his two close sisters sit on the same bench.After he made a cup of tea for Sister Qinger.

He was already sitting on another seat in front of the coffee table.He looked at his two younger sisters lovingly.

"Brother, how did you and Sister Yu'er gain from this retreat?"

Feng Tianqing happily held the spiritual tea that her elder brother handed her, drank a sip of the spiritual tea with a face full of intoxication, and then asked her elder brother intimately.

Feng Tianlei smiled, he gave his little sister Feng Tianyu a doting look, and then said to his second sister Feng Tianqing:
"What's Xiao Yu'er's harvest! Eldest brother has no way of knowing, but elder brother advanced to the fusion stage half a month ago.

And the big brother's smooth breakthrough and advancement all depended on our absorption and refining before, the strange energy light group was saturated, and the red crystal beans given by my sister.

When the eldest brother was promoted, he was not like an ordinary monk, and he was full of troubles and demons! "

When Feng Tianlei talked about his cultivation base, he looked at his little sister Feng Tianyu's doting eyes with his endless gratitude.

Feng Tianyu blinked mischievously at her elder sister Feng Tianqing, and then said seriously to her big brother:

"If it weren't for the big brother who is hardworking and upright in nature, he is worthy of his true colors.

How could it be possible for a big brother not to have a heart demon robbery in the advanced fusion stage!How could the red Jinghua beans given by Yu'er help the big brother.

Therefore, the big brother's human nature is the key, and Yu'er is just icing on the cake. "

Feng Tianyu didn't take any credit, but attributed all the credit to his big brother's character.

Feng Tianlei smiled and continued to argue with his sister.As long as he remembers his sister well.

In his view, verbal gratitude is just air that is easily dispersed by the wind.He turned his eyes and looked at the second sister Feng Tianqing who was as soft as water.

His younger sister, who is weak on the outside but strong on the inside, has always given others the illusion of being weak and powerless.

Often the monks who underestimated her would regret wanting to close their eyeballs as soon as they got in touch with the second sister.

Eyes but no eyes, is the truest psychological portrayal of a monk who fought against his second sister.Feng Tianlei's eyes suddenly brightened while he was thinking.

"Second sister, you're distracted from the late stage peak!"

Feng Tianlei finally noticed Feng Tianqing's breakthrough in cultivation.

"Hehe! Compared with the big brother's big promotion, what is my sister's small promotion?" Feng Tianqing said with a smile to his big brother.

Feng Tianyu touched his nose, it seemed that he had spent the past five years in vain.When he entered the orange war zone, he was at the peak of the middle stage of distraction.

In the five years since she entered the orange war zone, she is still standing still, and she is still in the mid-stage of distraction.

Feng Tianyu was feeling overwhelmed physically and mentally, and met the concerned and inquiring gazes of her eldest brother and second sister.Feng Tianyu smiled bitterly, and explained to her elder brother and second sister:
"Yu'er didn't hide her cultivation, as you can see, Yu'er's five-year pass was for nothing.

Not to mention an inch of merit, but also encountered a bottleneck that many monks would encounter! "Feng Tianyu started talking nonsense at the end.

Otherwise, how would she explain the lie that she had done nothing after five years of seclusion.

"What? Bottleneck?"

The shocking sounds of Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing in the hall were superimposed with the two shocking sounds outside Lei Yuan.

"Third brother! Fourth brother!"

Feng Tianyu happily stood up from the chair, and she happily looked at the third brother Feng Tianyu and the fourth brother Feng Tianxing who came together from the entrance of the hall.

"Sister! Quickly tell fourth brother, what's the matter with the cultivation bottleneck you just mentioned? Who is the cultivation bottleneck?"

Feng Tianxing grasped his younger sister's shoulders with his concerned hands, he looked at his younger sister nervously and asked anxiously.

But it must not be that my sister has encountered a bottleneck in her cultivation!When Feng Tianxing was praying when his heart was fluttering.

"Fourth brother, Yu'er has encountered a bottleneck. The five years of cultivation and retreat, my sister is in vain."

Feng Tianyu's words instantly made his heart ache.

While Feng Tianyu was talking, he saw the sudden flash of pity in the fourth brother's eyes.Her heart tugged again.

It seems that there can be no lies, my prevarication words, but unintentionally hurt my brother's heart.Thinking of this, Feng Tianyu hurriedly smiled at her fourth brother and said:

"Fourth brother, don't worry! It's only five years, this is not a big bottleneck, you see Yu'er's current cultivation level is not low!"

In the wind and rain, he rushed to his brothers and sisters, shaking his cultivation base in the peak stage of the middle stage of distraction.

"Sister is right, five years of closed-door training can be passed with the flick of a finger, this really can't be regarded as a bottleneck in cultivation.

When in Black Rock City, which one of the elders in the clan didn't advance to a small rank, and retreated for decades or even hundreds of years? "

When Feng Tianyu heard Feng Tianyu said that he had encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation, his heart was lifted instantly.

He was worried when he heard his sister comforting his fourth brother.He finally put his heart on the implementation again.

The speed at which my sister advances can no longer be described as fast, it is more realistic to use divine speed.

A 52-year-old peak monk in the middle of distraction, how many people are there in the world?Five years without an inch of merit, there is also accumulation.

Maybe in the next five years it will be a matter of course and suddenly!For the sake of my sister, my heart is transparent.He immediately picked up his sister's voice.

He cited the traditional cultivation history of Black Rock City.If it weren't for Feng Tianyu who was cultivating a monstrous evildoer from the Feng family.

Where can there be a large number of geniuses from the Feng family?

And where is the magical turning point of their family.How could Dad advance to become a god with ordinary cultivation qualifications?
How could my mother advance to the stage of becoming a god under the pressure of the family?
Feng Tianyu's echoing remarks finally relieved Feng Tianlei, Feng Tianqing, and Feng Tianxing brothers and sisters!
Everyone calmly thought, isn't that the case?What kind of bottleneck is five years?They get used to it quickly.

However, I regard the unsatisfactory cultivation between the fingers as the bottleneck time of cultivation.This is something they should think about.

The mentality should be correct.Take a correct look at the next bit of problems.You can't self-block the progress of growth, it's better to have demons!

Feng Tianyu's unintentional panic, on the other hand, served as a warning to brothers and sisters who took it for granted.

"Fifth Young Master, come to see me ruthlessly!"

Just as the brothers and sisters had figured everything out and sat down to drink tea, there was a ruthless voice begging for a visit from outside Lei Yuan.

Feng Tianyu put down his teacup, smiled at his brothers and sisters and said, "Brothers and sisters, Yu'er has a task for Wu Qing to handle.

You continue chatting and drinking tea, Xiao Yuer will go to work first.Ok!In the evening, we will reunite with our brothers and sisters in the Baiwei Hall! "

After Feng Tianyu stood up and made a dinner appointment with his brothers and sisters, he waved to his brothers and sisters, and quickly walked out of the big brother's Leiyuan.

The residence of Wuqing Adventure Group.

Feng Tianyu, in the meeting room of the head of the ruthless group, handed over to ruthless the magic weapon and the copy disk of the geographic map that he had engraved in the past five years.

He also asked the ruthless adventure group to complete the secret mission.Burn it on the spiritual light group with the power of spiritual consciousness.

Feng Tianyu's spiritual power light cluster of the secret mission in her mind immediately flew from the center of her eyebrows to the center of the ruthless eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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