Tears Fairy

Chapter 510

Chapter 510
After Feng Tianyu had a delicious meal with big brother and Saxing in the Baiwei Hall.

Only then did I go to the General Assembly Hall of Fengfu with my elder brother and Saturn.Feng Tianlei announced to the audience: "After Fengfu announced the secret of the strange energy light group to the entire orange theater.

Fengfu will usher in a century of stability.Therefore, Feng Mansion decided to close the mansion for a hundred years.All the monks in Fengfu have been practicing in seclusion for a hundred years in the practice area.

When the time of a hundred years comes, it will be the time for Feng Mansion to break through.Everyone can stay and stay freely, and it is up to them to decide whether to break in or not.

Those who stay will continue to guard Fengfu and maintain the order of the natural city.The practice of breaking through the barriers requires working harder and striving to make progress!

Because strength is one's most powerful guarantee of life. "The results of the meeting announced by Feng Tianlei cheered up everyone in the meeting hall.

Hundred years!
After a hundred years, can they leave the Orange War Zone?This is really fast, but they just follow the gods and people, and they can't help but not believe it.

So they cheered up, it was such an amazing decision.A hundred years of breakthrough, courage is fearless.

With the five young masters of Feng in Fengfu, there is no decision that Fengfu cannot realize.

They are looking forward to the grand event of a century, and even more looking forward to the success of their brave battle in the orange war zone and independent space.

Soaring into the sky is nothing more than that!
After a day and a night in the orange theater, they all knew the secret of the strange energy light group, but they were surprised to discover it.

It was not a day's work for them to compress the strange energy gas in the orange theater to the strange energy light group.

They all entered a long compression time, and when they compressed the gas of strange energy to the success of the group of strange energy light, without exception, it took ten years.

For this reason, Dongguo Mansion is extremely grateful for the gift from Feng Mansion.Dongguo Yuanxiu has returned to the peak of Mahayana Dzogchen.

This time, Dong Guoyuan did not recklessly break through the barrier on his own.After he learned about Fengfu's hundred-year plan.

He resolutely decided to wait for Fengfu for a hundred years, and when Fengfu passed through the customs, he was heading to the yellow war zone together with Fengfu.

He believes in the strength of the Feng family is equivalent to believing in his own strength.When he was going to break through the barrier with Fengfu.

He has to compare it with Saturn to see who kills more crystal beasts and polycrystalline people.

The independent space of the orange theater is dominated by crystal beasts and crystal figures, and each crystal beast appears as an entity.

After being destroyed, the crystal beast or crystal person will instantly turn into a thumb-sized round flashing spar.

Dong Guoyuan, after reaching the peak of his cultivation base, he rushed to Natural City.He decided to take care of the natural city for Fengfu for 100 years.

Only when the natural city is stable can Fengfu be stable.He didn't want any problems in Natural City.Thus affecting Fengfu every single cent.

Saturn rules the entire Fengfu.

Fengfu is closed.

However, Dong Guoyuan's intentional protection made Saturn feel more at ease.

After the Feng Mansion was closed for cultivation, the Natural City prospered, and many monks who were grateful to the Feng Mansion spontaneously went to the Natural City to protect each other.

And all the big and small forces in the orange theater can also be cultivated because of the aura of the ancient battlefield.Explained a lot.

After all, they are all monks. After the monks have self-confidence, they will have less desire for power. Who didn't enter the ancient battlefield in order to ascend to the fairy world?
Who would linger on the forces of the ancient battlefield and forget their original intention?
So we all started to work hard and compress, the gas of strange energy, to the light group of strange energy.

One does not need to concentrate on absorbing and refining.There is no danger for new monks who enter the orange theater in the red theater.

After no monks paid any attention to them, they all found Qingyang Mountain where the Feng family established their residence together.

They have all gained a foothold in Natural City, and the middle and periphery of the orange battle zone has also become peaceful and stable because of the strange energy light group.

In the 30 years since the Ruthless Adventure Group completed the secret mission of Feng Tianyu, the Ruthless Adventure Group has not been able to find a fit monk.

During the mission of the Ruthless Adventure Group, more than 3000 monks all advanced to the Mahayana stage.Wuqing also advanced to the second floor of the early Mahayana stage.

After Feng Tianyu left the seclusion, after Feng Mansion was closed, he continued to practice in seclusion for 20 years. On this day, Feng Tianyu finally felt the opportunity to break through the Great Perfection of Distraction and advance to the stage of integration.

Feng Tianyu quietly left the level, and the moment she left the level, Ah Shui and Saturn appeared in front of her.

Feng Tianyu glanced at the two of them and said: "Ah Shui followed me to Zhongwei to cross the tribulation! Saturn guards Fengfu well!

Fengfu is my life!Take care of me, Saturn! "

Saturn's expression changed, he wanted to protect the fifth young master, but the fifth young master wanted him to protect Fengfu.

Since Fengfu is the fifth young master's solemn statement, Fengfu is her life, he wants to refuse!How can I open my mouth.

Therefore, he only nodded and agreed, "Saturn can die, but Fengfu will never have a little trouble! Five young masters don't worry! Saturn will definitely protect Fengfu!"

Feng Tianyu is very satisfied with Saturn's performance.Fengfu can only feel at ease if she is entrusted to Saturn to protect her.

When Feng Tianyu led Ah Shui to prepare for Tudun, Saxing suddenly bowed down to Ah Shui and said:
"Ah Shui, the fifth young master is asking you to protect him. In front of the fifth young master, all people and things that are not conducive to the fifth young master.

You must deal with it decisively, and don't let Fifth Young Master Feng hurt a hair because of your kindness!
do you understand me?A water! "

Saturn's words before Ah Shui's departure actually shocked Ah Shui's heart three times.

Ah Shui can be busy, but the fifth young master Feng must not be busy. Everyone in the entire theater can be busy, but the fifth young master Feng can't.

Feng Tianyu shook her head, what can she do?But I am grateful for the emphasis on Saturn.She walked out of Saturn's sight in the deep and deep eyes of Saturn.

The moment Feng Tianyu implemented Tudun and left Fengfu, Dong Guoyuan, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes.

However, after he felt the existence of Saturn in his consciousness, he felt at ease again.He thought to himself, with him guarding the natural city, and Saturn guarding the Fengfu.

After the Fengfu has their double protection, it is difficult for the people in the Fengfu to do anything.Dong Guoyuan had no problem thinking about it.

The problem lies with Feng Tianyu who left Fengfu.In the wind and rain industry, the road is long and long.

She wants to go to Zhongwei to overcome the thunder calamity, and only she can understand the deep meaning of it. Ah Shui, who claims to understand wind, sky and rain, doesn't understand it, and Saturn doesn't understand it either.

After Feng Tianyu and Ah Shui escaped for thousands of miles, when they were leaving the west city gate.Because the formation in the natural city is starting.

Feng Tianyu didn't want to disturb the people in Natural City, but Feng Tianyu had no choice but to stop. Feng Tianyu took a look at Ah Shui and said:
"Ah Shui, you go to my space room first, and you will come out when you get out of the natural city!" Feng Tianyu sacrificed his portable space room.

"Yes, Fifth Young Master!"

After Ah Shui agreed, the person immediately turned into a burst of light, and entered the windy and rainy portable space room.

With a thought, Feng Tianyu shielded the space house and put the space house into the creation bead.

In the next instant, Feng Tianyu assimilated into an invisible mist like smoke, and the invisible mist like smoke turned into a thin line.

On the head of the thin thread is an array-breaking needle condensed by the power of law.

The invisible mist, like smoke and mist, quickly passed through the ground of Natural City.After the wind and rain, the invisible fog like smoke and fog came out of the natural city.

When the wind is just right, the invisible mist, like smoke and fog, has been sent thousands of miles away by the northwest wind.

In the wind, the invisible mist like smoke and fog began to fly in a direction.The invisible mist, like smoke and mist, traveled westward all the way.

After flying in the wind for a month, the invisible mist, like smoke and fog, finally reached the Green Mountain in Zhongwei.

(End of this chapter)

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