Tears Fairy

Chapter 518 Who are they?

Chapter 518 Who are they?

Feng Tianyu didn't know what the man in black was thinking, she just wanted to see after the Zhenfeng Gang resisted the attack of the monks in black.

The Black Friars and their next move is to give up?Or continue to attack tenaciously?

Of course, all of this has to be done by the Zhenfeng Gang!Withstood the fierce attack of the men in black for three days.

Otherwise, Ah Shui can only participate in the battle, and let her smash the dream of the man in black!
Want to capture her Feng Tianyu?
The current wind and rain are not as good as before, and her cultivation has not only advanced to the stage of integration.And her beasts have all woken up from self-seal evolution.

After she and the beast pets armored, even Saturn may not be her opponent.In the ancient battlefield, she is no longer an ordinary strong person.

What's more, she still has her own powerful power of law. In the orange battle zone of this ancient battlefield, where can she go in the outer, middle, and inner circles?

The longer the time dragged on, the more fierce the men in black fought.The Zhenfeng Gang, under Feng Tianyu's secret instruction, began to fight steadily.He tried his best to use the dragging formula to fight with the man in black.

Feng Tianyu and Ah Shui seemed to be at ease in the center of the formation.It made the man in black feel bad.

When the battle was approaching the third day, the leader of the monks in black finally gave the order to retreat in desperation.


The man in black entered the space law room of the leader in black amidst the sound of hula la.

After the black-clothed monk entered the space room, the leader in black tore his hand into the air, and in an instant the man was shot into the torn space.

Feng Tianyu allowed him to leave freely, anyway, she already knew their true colors, and she would deal with them soon.

The best result is to first understand who is going against her.Feng Tianyu thought to herself that she was in the orange war zone, and she had few enemies with others, which was what Feng Tianyu wanted to know the most.

Who are they?

How could anyone in the orange war zone want to capture her?And why did the person who captured her capture her?
After Feng Tianyu watched the man in black tear the space away, she was also accompanied by Ah Shui.Walked in front of everyone in the Zhenfeng Gang.

Feng Tianyu glanced at the somewhat embarrassed Zhenfeng Gang members.Her eyes were warm, and she asked everyone with a concerned expression, "Is anyone of you injured?"

"If we go back to the leader, none of us were injured, but our spiritual power was seriously depleted!"

The vice leader Dongfang Yu Yue came out and said to Feng Tianyu.

After Feng Tianyu nodded, he said to the crowd: "Since everyone's spiritual power is seriously depleted, then everyone should practice to recover first!

Three hours later, let's start again! "

As soon as Feng Tianyu finished speaking, everyone in the Zhenfeng Gang immediately agreed loudly: "Yes! Leader!"

After Feng Tianyu glanced at Ah Shui, he opened his mouth and told him: "Ah Shui protects them! I'll go to the space room to catch up on sleep!"

"Yes, Fifth Young Master!"

As soon as Feng Tianyu's words fell, Ah Shui hurriedly agreed, and as soon as Feng Tianyu finished speaking, he suddenly felt sleepy.

Ah Shui knew that Feng Tianyu's daily cultivation of immortals was inseparable from eating, drinking and sleeping.But now, during the few hours when everyone recovered from cultivation, it was enough for Feng Tianyu to catch up on sleep.

When Feng Tianyu returned to the space house to catch up on sleep, it was also the time when the ruthless adventure group mission returned.

When Ruthless successfully completed the secret mission arranged by Feng Tianyu, the Ruthless Adventure Group finally became stronger.

More than 3000 members of the Ruthless Adventure Group are all Mahayana monks.And every Mahayana junior and middle stage monk in the Ruthless Adventure Group is a jade bone stage monk with a strong body.

When the ruthless adventure group entered the natural city in batches, Saturn discovered them at the first time.

After Feng Tianyu delivered a secret mission to the Ruthless Adventure Group, he used the illusion array to hide it from the eyes of countless great monks.

Feng Tianyu can use the phantom array to hide the eyes of countless people, but she cannot hide the eyes of Saturn.

Feng Tianyu knew that he couldn't hide it from Saturn, but Saturn was smart enough not to ask, Feng Tianyu also pretended that he didn't know and didn't say anything.

Now the Ruthless Adventure Group is back, but Feng Tianyu is still far away in the depths of Zhongwei.

After the changes in Qingyang Mountain shocked everyone in the Ruthless Adventure Group, they were extremely calm again!
This is the style of their five young masters, where there are five young masters, it is the most normal thing to have many miracles.

All the members of the Ruthless Adventure Group are once again proud of being Feng Tianyu's subordinates.

Dong Guoyuan, who was sitting in the natural city, discovered that such a powerful and well-organized force had entered the natural city.

Dongguo Yuanxian is about to meet the Saturn step of the ruthless adventure group.The ruthless adventure group was intercepted.

"You entered the natural city with the power of a large group, have you applied for a report? If not, go out of the city by yourself first! After the application for entering the city is approved, then enter the city!"

The members of the Ruthless Adventure Group are, I am proud, I am proud!

As soon as Dong Guoyuan's voice fell, Wuqing recognized Dong Guoyuan who blocked their return.

So Ruthless came out of the crowd and came to Dong Guoyuan.Ruthlessly bowed his hands politely to Dong Guoyuan and said:
"Senior Dongguo, junior Wuqing is the head of the Ruthless Adventure Group. The Ruthless Adventure Group is the trump card force of the Fifth Young Master Feng.

After successfully completing the mission, the ruthless adventure group is about to return to the station to hand in the mission to the five young masters!Can Senior Dong Guo let me wait? "

When Dong Guoyuan heard Wuqing's words, he doubted for a while, then he suddenly asked Wuqing:
"I haven't seen you in Fengfu, who knows if what you said is true or not?
What do you have to prove that what you say is true?If not, you'd better go out of town and stay outside.

Wait for someone from Fengfu to prove your identity before coming in! "Ruthless was speechless for a while, they were the ruthless adventure group, and only the members of the ruthless adventure group were Jin Tieling.

And Jin Tie Ling can only prove that they are members of the ruthless adventure group.And it is impossible to use this order to prove that they are the people of the Fifth Young Master Feng.

If someone who knew the news changed, they would know that they were Feng Tianyu's personal guards as soon as they heard that they were the ruthless adventure group, so why would they need other proofs to prove their identities?
In a ruthless dilemma, Saturn came to rescue them. Saturn hugged Dong Guoyuan and said:
"Brother Dong Guo, Wu Qing is a follower of the Fifth Young Master Feng, and the Ruthless Adventure Group is also a member of the Fifth Young Master Feng!
Let them go back to repair first, and you and I will have a drink at the restaurant opposite, waiting for Young Master Feng Wu who has returned from a trip! "

"What? The Fifth Young Master Feng has gone out? Why didn't I know? Oh, I said, Brother Tu, fellow Taoist, you are too mean! You didn't protect the Fifth Young Master to go out and travel.

I don't want to hear Dong Guoyuan's voice, but I am very willing to travel far away with the fifth young master Feng! "

Saturn smiled wryly, and ignored Dong Guoyuan who was chattering and complaining about him.He also wanted to travel far away with the five young masters of the wind, okay?

While Dong Guoyuan was complaining, he saw that Saxing went straight to the opposite restaurant, so he hurriedly followed.In the words of Saturn, Ruthless heard the news that Feng Tianyu had traveled and never returned.

Ruthless thought again and again, and decided to go back to rest first, and it would not be too late to pay a visit to Fengfu after the return of the fifth young master.

After Dong Guoyuan chased Saturn into the restaurant, Wuqing also led the Wuqing Adventure Group back to the station.

He knew the real purpose of the fifth young master's trip.So it is the most urgent fact that they take the time to rest.

Because Ruthless knew that after the return of the five young masters, it was the beginning of the mission of the Ruthless Adventure Group.

(End of this chapter)

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