Tears Fairy

Chapter 52 Void Order

Chapter 52 Void Order

The moment Feng Tianyu split the tortoise shell sacrificed by the leading monk, the golden thunder sword shattered the leading monk's body.

The moment the soul of the leading monk hit the heart with the golden thunder sword!Immediately flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness and fled to the distance.

However, a cloud of gray mist was already waiting above the leading monk, and the escaped soul of the leading monk was immediately trapped by the gray mist!With a thought, Feng Tianyu put the soul of the leading monk into a white jade bottle, and after affixing the prohibition talisman, the gray mist floated out of the white jade bottle and hid in Feng Tianyu's body.

Feng Tianyu took a step away, and quietly returned to the Green Bamboo Guest Court in the Liu Mansion in the south of the city, and entered the practice room of the Guest Court, Feng Tianyu took out a white jade bottle and placed it on the table.

Inside the white jade bottle, the primordial spirit of the leading monk desperately shouted at Feng Tianyu outside the jade bottle: "Do you know who I am? Who are you? Let me go and tell me! You Who sent it?"

"Who am I?" Feng Tianyu asked back.

"Yes, who are you? Why did you ambush me? Do you know who I represent?" the leading monk asked in confusion and hope!
Feng Tianyu suddenly smiled and said: "Who am I? You don't need to know anymore, who are you? I will know soon! If you still want to be reincarnated and give up resistance, I will know what I want to know. Let you go to reincarnation!"

Feng Tianyu looked at the leading monk in the jade bottle and continued: "Don't have delusional thoughts and self-destruction, all delusions are unrealistic in my hands, I will absorb your remnant soul consciousness, what I want to know is still ok knew!"

"Search, I won't resist!" The primordial spirit of the leading monk knew that he was doomed, so he closed his eyes compromisingly. He is a supernatural being, even if he is reincarnated, his aptitude is excellent!And this is the best ending right now, isn't it?He really didn't want his soul to be completely annihilated in this world.

After Feng Tianyu saw the leading monk closing his eyes in a soft and compromising manner, the power of the primordial spirit merged into a trace of gray mist to prevent accidents!The power of the primordial spirit turned into a big hand, covering the head of the leading monk's primordial spirit in the jade bottle, and a stream of messages quickly entered Fengtianyu's primordial spirit.

"Void order?"

After a long time, Feng Tianyu whispered!
Feng Tianyu uses the soul search technique to search for souls!Having received all the memories of the leading monk's life, the Token of the Void is his goal to sneak into Fengfu tonight!The Void Token is an existence related to the fate of the entire Tianyuan Continent.

In his mind, a black jade slip appeared in Feng Tianyu's hands, "Hey! You are really so extraordinary, Hunter? Void Token? Void Secret Realm?"

In Fengfu, 36 elders from Elder's Court and Zunyuan were secretly dispatched to various industrial offices in Fengfu to secretly guard, and 27 Supreme Elders took turns to put up full guard in Fengfu.

Feng Tianyu sorted out all the information he got from the leading monk, and left the training room after heaving a long breath.

Seeing Feng Tianyu coming out, a servant hurried forward and said: "Master, breakfast is already prepared in the living room!"

"Okay, got it, you go down!" Feng Tianyu waved his hand to let the attendants go down.

"Yes, I'll take my leave!" The attendant saluted respectfully, then took three steps back, turned around and left the living room to go outside the courtyard.

"Brother Fengtian, hurry up and eat your breakfast. I'm here specially to invite you to visit the Free Trade Plaza!" Liu Qingqing's cheerful words came in from outside the courtyard.

"Oh, yes!" Feng Tianyu saw his cousin who had already appeared at the gate of the courtyard, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a smile in his eyebrows and eyes went straight to the bottom of his heart!
"Sister Qingqing, have you had breakfast? Do you want to have some more together?" Feng Tianyu took a spoon and filled a small bowl of Lingmi porridge, then looked at Qingqing's cousin and asked with a smile.

"No, I've already eaten! You finish eating quickly!"

"Okay!" Feng Tianyu casually ate a small bowl of Lingmi porridge under Liu Qingqing's urging, and left the gate of Liu Mansion together with Liu Qingqing.

Outside the gate, two spirit horse carriages stopped at the gate, and six guards rode spirit horse beasts accompanying them, Feng Tianyu sighed secretly!He and Liu Qingqing got into the same carriage, but the housekeeper of the Liu Mansion frowned. After the butler waved his hand to the carriage behind, he immediately mounted a spirit horse beast and six guards followed the lady's carriage.

The South District is as lively and noisy as ever. In the bustling city, Feng Tianyu sits in the carriage and talks happily with Liu Qingqing!Liu Qingqing sincerely regards Fengtian as his younger brother, Feng Tianyu knows that Liu Qingqing is his own cousin, and the two of them get along really like siblings!
"Sister Qingqing, you have completed your Qi practice, brother: I will give you these fruits!" Feng Tianyu took out a kit from the storage bag, handed it to Liu Qingqing, and then said with a smile: "The kit is only three feet wide, yes I use it for food collection, there are not many fruits, enough for sister Qingqing to eat for two months!

Liu Qingqing looked at a bag full of tenth-order spiritual berries, and opened her mouth wide enough to hold an egg. She looked at Feng Tianyu in shock and disbelief, shrugged at Feng Tianyu, and said enough She has only had it for two months!

This is a tenth-order spirit berry, not a first- and second-order spirit berry, okay?Liu Qingqing was in a mess, she didn't know the origin of this brother she recognized, but he made her refresh her understanding of him time and time again!

"Sister Qingqing, eat first, brother will share some with you after eating!" Feng Tianyu saw that his cousin was frightened, he secretly smiled narrowly, and then hit more fiercely.

"Brother Fengtian, don't tell me that you still have a lot, be careful that I will rob you!" Liu Qingqing warned Feng Tianyu, who was indifferent!

"Not a lot, only a dozen or twenty bags, promise! Since you like it, I'll give you ten or eight bags, so you don't have to worry about robbing me!" After finishing speaking, another ten bags fell on Liu Qingqing. On the tea table in front of you.

"Oh my god!" Liu Qingqing exclaimed, seeing Feng Tianyu's smirk flashing away, she was startled and at the same time said fiercely on purpose: "I said you are fat, you are still panting, I must rob you today No!" After speaking, he waved and put away the ten kits on the tea table.

"Hahaha... Sister Qingqing still wants to rob Fengtian?" Feng Tianyu jokingly asked with a laugh!

"Hmph! Let's do this first! It's not too late to rob you after my sister and I finish eating!" Liu Qingqing looked at the slightly complacent Feng Tian, ​​and said very weakly.

"Miss, the Free Trade Square is here!" At this moment, the Spirit Horse Beast stopped, and Steward Liu stepped forward to report.

"Okay, got it!"

Feng Tianyu jumped out of the carriage as soon as he lifted the curtain, the butler reached out to catch the opened curtain and let Liu Qingqing get out of the carriage.

Feng Tianyu looked at the water ripple gate of the square and there were still people coming and going. He couldn't help thinking of the first time he went to the street with his fourth brother, and it was also the first time he visited the Free Trade Plaza. I really miss her fourth brother who doted on her!
"Let's go! Let's go in!" Liu Qingqing pulled Feng Tianyu's sleeves and called out, Feng Tianyu who was distracted suddenly came back to his senses and smiled: "Okay, okay!"

The housekeeper shook his head imperceptibly, followed behind Liu Qingqing and Feng Tianyu, and guarded his young lady together with the guards!

The scene in the square is still the same, but it is not the fourth brother who is by my side now!It's my cousin!feeling not bad!It would be even better if the guards didn't follow!However, this is not possible.

"It's cheap, it's cheap! It's cheap! It's cheap! If you pass by, don't miss it! Only this one has no semicolon, hurry up!"

Feng Tianyu paused, looked up to find the reputation, a young man in gray was waving the spiritual weapon in his hand, selling it to the monks passing by!

Seeing this, Feng Tianyu immediately curled his eyebrows into a playful smile!Long time no see, Master Gong Yixiao.

(End of this chapter)

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