Tears Fairy

Chapter 531

Chapter 531: A Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix Valley

Feng Tianyu asked the red-feathered kingfisher in shock, "Seven Colors Unsolvable Formation?"

The red-feathered kingfisher replied: "Yes! The Seven-Color Unsolvable Formation!"

Feng Tianyu was stunned, and all the monks were stunned when they heard the question-and-answer conversation between Feng Tianyu and Hong Lingcui.

Their first step into the yellow war zone, they crashed into the natural seven-color unsolvable array?What a chance encounter!
When they entered the orange war zone from the red war zone, they all learned later that there is no fixed location when entering the orange war zone from the Tongtian Dao of the red independent space.

Entering the orange war zone is four random entry points.Therefore, when they took the first step into the yellow war zone, they crashed into the natural seven-color unsolvable formation.

Only then will they be amazed at how inexplicable and coincidental the probability of their chance encounter is!This is the first test for them to enter the yellow war zone.

In Feng Tianyu's astonishment, the red-feathered kingfisher flew away.The chatting birds also flew away with a chirping sound.

Feng Tianyu woke up from the shock the moment the birds flew away.She happily thought to herself.

If they hadn't met a group of birds chatting, if she hadn't asked the red-feathered kingfisher, how long would they have been trapped here!

After Feng Tianyu was shocked, he regained his composure in an instant.There are countless unknown dangers on the road of cultivating immortality.

The unknown danger they encountered today was just one of countless dangers.

Now that they already know the way to get out of the Phoenix Valley.Then they just do what the red-feathered kingfisher said.

"Saturn, Ah Shui, Dong Guo, each of you will lead [-] monks in the east, south, and west directions, and start a carpet-like search for the seven-color asking stone!"


Saturn, Ah Shui, Dong Guoyuan and the other three took orders to go.

Feng Tianyu continued to order the ruthless of the ruthless adventure group:
"Ruthless, you led the people of the Ruthless Adventure Group to search for the seven-colored asking stone in the north."


Ruthless lead away.

In the end, Feng Tianyu personally led the remaining monks and spread the search with the ancient exploration team from the original place.

The seven-color asking stones are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, and seven-color stones.

They must find a seven-color stone every day and gather seven seven-color stones.Only after seven days did they leave the Valley of Birds and Phoenixes.

The search of more than 6 people was carried out completely by digging three feet into the ground. The first day was when night fell.

Among the more than 1 people led by Saturn, a monk finally found the first red colored stone in a bird's nest in an ancient tree hole.

The task of this day is considered completed, and this first day is not easy.The people who searched for the seven-color asking stone couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

The first day ended with their search for the first Asking Stone.

The next day, under the tense nerves of everyone, the search for the second orange questioning stone was carried out.

As for the difficulty of searching for the seven-color asking stone, we had no choice but to continue the process of the first day with one heart and one mind.

The second orange asking stone is at the time of You in the afternoon.The monks led by Ah Shui found it from the deep water pool under the Qianzhang Stream.

On the second day, finally, I found the second orange questioning stone a little earlier than the first day.

However, this is only earlier, if one of the remaining five questioning stones cannot be found within the time limit, it means that their previous efforts were in vain.

Everyone feels a lot of pressure!

On the third day, the third yellow asking stone was at sunset.The monks led by Feng Tianyu were found in the scattered centers.

On the fourth day, the monks led by Ah Shui found the fourth green asking stone in the scorching sun.

On the fifth day, the fifth cyan asking stone was found in Mang Snake Cave by the monks led by Dong Guoyuan at You o'clock in the afternoon.

On the sixth day, the sixth blue questioning stone was found in the beehive at the bottom of the cliff by members of the Ruthless Adventure Group at the morning hour.

The seventh day was a critical day. After Feng Tianyu and the others arrived on this day, they all raised their spirits and entered the final search with a high degree of concentration.

Time was lost in the intense search by everyone.The day passed amidst everyone's nervousness and disappointment.

The hope of finding the seventh purple questioning stone is starting to look a little slim.However, everyone did not give up searching until the last moment.

The bright moonlight sprinkled silver light all over the place, and more than 6 monks were searching nervously, but everyone's hearts were already in their throats.

Everyone became anxious, and Feng Tianyu couldn't help feeling disappointed, and looked up at the full moon hanging high above the clouds.

The stars twinkled and dotted the vast night sky, and the sight of the windy and rainy black eyes suddenly froze in the starry sky.

There is a purple star that is particularly eye-catching.Feng Tianyu's heart skipped a beat.

"Ah Shui, Saturn, Dong Guoyuan, the purple asking stone is in the starry sky! Speed ​​up and go to the starry sky to pick the stars!"

The sudden sound of Feng Tianyu alarmed countless people, and Ah Shui, Saxing, Dong Guoyuan and the three of them looked at the starry sky under the moonlit night at the moment of Feng Tianyu's sound.

When Feng Tianyu looked at the starry sky, the people quickly flew towards the starry sky.

Ah Shui, Saturn, and Dong Guoyuan flew towards the starry sky at the moment when Feng Tianyu flew towards the starry sky, the three of them used Feng Tianyu's posture to catch up with Feng Tianyu who was flying towards the starry sky at a high speed.

Four people in four directions, in an instant, surrounded the most dazzling purple star in the starry sky.

The four of them approached the purple star in an instant with a four-image formation with great care.Wind, weather and rain are in the four-element formation, still uneasy using the sky net woven by the law of infinity.

Skynet covered this world in an instant with lightning speed.

"Ding ding ding..."

The four of them covered the Skynet, and surrounded the purple stars that were about to fly away from all directions.

Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes flashed with a faint light.She stretched out her small white hand to the purple star, under the addition of the power of the law of infinity.

The purple star never resigned, became very docile and landed on Feng Tianyu's palm, when the purple star fell on Feng Tianyu's palm.

The eyes of the four also fell on the purple star at the same time.In the eyes of the four people, the purple star emitted a bright ultra-purple light in an instant.

In an instant, the stars in the sky disappeared instantly, leaving only the only star in Feng Tianyu's palm.

The purple light flashed seven times in Feng Tianyu's palm, Feng Tianyu smiled, Saturn, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan also put their suspended hearts into practice.

The purple stars that shone with purple light finally returned to their original appearance in seven flashes.An extremely amethyst-bright purple stone glowed quietly, lying quietly in Feng Tianyu's palm.

After Feng Tianyu, Saturn, Ah Shui, and Dong Guo Yuanfei landed on the ground.

"Clap clap clap..."

Applause suddenly sounded!

Under the peaceful and quiet moonlit night, amidst the thunderous applause, there was a burst of cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

When the night is in the middle of the sky, at midnight, the seven asking stones are gathered on Feng Tianyu's palm.Under the moonlight, the streamers of seven colors flow.

The seven-color asking stone, in the flow of seven-color light, the seven-color light began to spread outward from Feng Tianyu's palm.

Under the eager eyes of more than 6 monks, in the passage of time.The seven-color light began to change from a silk thread to a seven-color avenue.

After the formation of the Seven-color Avenue, the Seven-color Avenue began to extend in an orderly manner from the intricate.

When the first white belly appeared on the horizon, the Seven-Color Wayfinding Stone finally opened the passage to the Valley of the Birds Chaofeng.

(End of this chapter)

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