Tears Fairy

Chapter 534

Chapter 534
Feng Tianyu frowned and looked at the gap between the outer and middle circles, her deep black eyes flashed, and the golden thunder sword had already come out of her body in a single thought.

After Saxing, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan got off the dragon carriage, the three of them came out more and more as the convoy drifted away, and they stood silently beside Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu was staring at the dangerous place, and when she saw the three of them approaching, she asked them with a smile:
"Before a person dies, he has to go through the calamity of the ghost domain first.

Saturn, Ah Shui, Dong Guo, tell me, should we put everyone into the space, or let everyone survive the catastrophe? "

Saturn turned around and looked at the more than 6 monks standing in line behind him.He didn't know Feng Tianyu's true intentions for a while, so he thought about it and said to Feng Tianyu:

"Fierce ghosts are rampant in this ghost domain, and there are countless ghost generals and ghost kings. Traveling through this ghost domain is full of dangers, and it is doomed that someone will die and turn into a ghost.

Saturn didn't dare to make a decision on this choice, the choice of Huang Quan and his party lay with the five young masters, and also with the cultivator himself!

If the five young masters are willing to continue to help everyone selflessly, they can make their own choice! "

Ah Shui and Dong Guoyuan agreed with Saturn's words very much, they sincerely clasped their fists to Feng Tianyu and said:
"Ah Shui, Dong Guo Yuan thinks so, and I ask the fifth young master to make his own decision!"

Feng Tianyu just asked this question, and since Saxing answered this way, she nodded with a smile.

She must ensure the safety of the Ancient Exploration Team, the Ruthless Adventure Group, and the Zhenfeng Gang.

And the only way to protect them is to let them hide in her space.It's just that, she doesn't want to assert power over the monks who joined Fengfu.

They are different from the Ruthless Adventure Group, the Zhenfeng Gang, and the Ancient Exploration Team.Therefore, although she wanted to help them.

But it has to be done after they have a choice, because her kindness may also block the unknown blessings and misfortunes of their trip to Huangquan.

Ah Shui was the most considerate, turned around and preached to everyone:

"To enter Zhongwei, you must enter the ghost domain, and walk from the ghost domain to Zhongwei."

Speaking of this, Ah Shui paused for a moment, and pointed to the stone tablet at the entrance of the ghost domain with the word ghost domain written on it.

All the cultivators are people with sharp eyes and ears, and when Feng Tianyu asked Saxing and the other three, they had already understood.

They were extremely grateful to Fifth Young Master Feng for his kindness to them.There was also a choice in Ah Shui's presentation.

After many blessings were born after breaking through the ghost domain, they had to be destined to go.Gains and losses, who can care about the score is not bad.

So they chose to enter the space, save their lives first, and when they enter the middle circle for a long time, they will redouble their efforts to practice, and then experience the natural dangers in the future!

After all, they who have just entered the yellow war zone from the orange war zone are still too weak!They have no self-confidence at all, and they can break through the first natural danger formed by the yellow war zone only in the ten years of the yellow war zone.

Ah Shui watched all the monks follow his direction, and then he continued to say in the eyes of everyone:
"Fifth Young Master Feng is benevolent and willing to help everyone, but she is also worried that her kindness will do bad things and prevent everyone from entering the unknown blessings of Huangquan!

Therefore, Young Master Feng Wu gives everyone the right to choose.Enter the space and ask to enter the space house of the five young masters of the wind.Those who are willing to venture into Huangquan, stay where they are and wait. "

"Fifth Young Master Feng, we beg to take you with us. We don't want to go into the ghost land, so we are willing to ask Fifth Young Master Feng to take you along!"

The choice of the monks is undoubtedly the wisest choice.When the strength is insufficient, it is a matter of narrow escape to survive in a dangerous place.

Their choice is also what Feng Tianyu is willing to see. She hopes that when they follow her footsteps, everyone can live well.

Feng Tianyu sacrificed her portable space house, and amidst their earnest begging, the Ruthless Adventure Group, Zhenfeng Gang, and Ancient Exploration Team have entered Feng Tianyu's portable space under Feng Tianyu's signal. space house.

After Feng Tianyu and more than 6 monks entered her portable space room, the golden thunder sword in her hand pointed at the entrance of the ghost domain.

Feng Tianyu said to Saxing, Ah Shui, Dong Guoyuan and other three people with arrogance and arrogance, pointing at the entrance of Huangquan with a smile:

"Saxing, Ah Shui, Dong Guo, whether the three of you want it or not, you have no right to choose.

You must, you must, you must bravely venture into Huangquan with me!Because I carry the lives of more than 6 monks. "

"Fifth Young Master, you don't need to worry too much about us, we are willing to be with you when Fifth Young Master goes to heaven and earth.

ghost domain!so what?As long as the five young masters break through, we will never back down! "

Saturn, Dong Guoyuan, Ah Shui and the other three said to Feng Tianyu very seriously when Feng Tianyu was behind.

After Feng Tianyu nodded in satisfaction, she chuckled, and she and Jian rushed towards the entrance of the ghost domain.

Saturn, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan entered the ghost domain immediately after Feng Tianyu. Once they entered the gate of the ghost domain, they passed the bridge of Naihe.

The Naihe Bridge bears the two ends of the world and the underworld. On the Naihe Bridge, when Feng Tianyu, who turned into a sword, walked through the Naihe Bridge, she decisively cut off the bondage to the world.

Feng Tianyu flew on the Naihe Bridge with her sword for seven days, but she didn't see Saturn following her, nor did she see Ah Shui and Dong Guoyuan.

She only saw the rolling Yellow River when she flew down the Naihe Bridge.The Yellow River was surging, and she saw monks washing their hands in the Yellow River.

But when the monk stretched his hand into the Yellow River to wash his hands, when he stretched out of the water, he could see the bones but not the flesh.She saw their expressions change from despair to sternness.

Feng Tianyu knew that this was the formation of a ghost.Sure enough, the next moment, countless fierce ghosts who stretched out their hands to see the bones, rushed towards Feng Tianyu with sharp ghost screams.

Li Gui also changed from human form to ghost state. When they rushed towards Feng Tianyu, they had sharp fangs and sharp teeth, and their sharp green armors had drawn out afterimages to attack Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu turned into a sword with his body, thunder and lightning flashed through the dark ghost domain with an unstoppable momentum.

"Boom boom boom..."

After a muffled thunder, there was another loud bang: "Boom..."


After the miserable ghost screams, all the ghosts were turned into ashes in the lightning and thunder of the Golden Thunder Sword.

However, the shrill ghost scream also made Feng Tianyu, who was transformed into a sword, tremble a few times when he heard the sound.

In the golden thunder sword restraining all dark thunder.Feng Tianyu killed thousands of ghosts rushing towards her with a single sword.

"Fifth young master!"

"Fifth young master!"

"Fifth young master!"

Three familiar voices successively, finally rang in Feng Tianyu's ears.

When Feng Tianyu turned his head, he saw Saxing, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan lined up one zhang behind him.

In Feng Tianyu's mind, the person has recovered his body from the golden thunder sword.The Golden Thunder Sword flew into Feng Tianyu's hands after a burst of thunder.

Under the shock of the Golden Thunder Sword, the ghosts floating in the distance did not dare to easily set foot in the area shocked by the power of the Golden Thunder Sword.

After Feng Tianyu returned to her body, her purple eyes flashed and disappeared, and she suddenly smiled at the three of them:
"I've been waiting for you for a long time! It's finally time for you!
how about it?May the nostalgia of Naiheqiao affect your emotions, such as you now! "

"The us now?" The three asked suspiciously, pointing at the tip of their noses.Feng Tianyu nodded and continued to move forward towards them.

When Feng Tianyu saw the green light in Saturn's eyes, the golden thunder sword in his hand had already smashed towards Saturn in a thunderous thunder.


(End of this chapter)

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