Tears Fairy

Chapter 541 The Hardship of the Lord of Wanli City

Chapter 541 The Hardship of the Lord of Wanli City

Feng Tianyu saw her sister finally regained her composure from the shock.She immediately smiled brightly at her sister with frowning eyebrows.

After Feng Tianqing regained her composure from the shock.She finally let go of all the anxiety she had felt before.

She is in the bright smile of her sister.I also replied to my sister, who laughed like a silver bell.


Feng Tianyu continued to refine alchemy, and after Feng Tianqing had her younger sister's confession, she began to search wantonly in the space of Wanli City Lord!

The space of Wanli City Lord is very large, and there are not only mountains, water, but also medicine gardens inside.There are also stretches of spiritual orchards.

Feng Tianqing transplanted dozens of plants that were not in her own medicine garden from the medicine garden of Wanli City Lord.

In this way, her medicine garden was completely enriched, and many high-quality spiritual fruit trees were selected from the fruit forest and transplanted in her own space.

Feng Tianyu wholeheartedly wanted to improve her alchemy level.And in the space of Wanli City Lord, the most indispensable thing is medicinal materials.

So Feng Tianyu spent a year refining alchemy, and in a year, she refined tens of thousands of pills of different grades.

In the end, Feng Tianyu took all the [-] soul crystals in the medicinal material warehouse into his own warehouse.

Feng Tianyu did not search for those spirit stones that she despised in the spatial warehouse of Wanli City Lord.

After she stepped out of the warehouse where the Lord Wanli collected treasures.She also joined her sister in transplanting the elixir fruit tree.

The spiritual plants in each continent will have products that are scarce in other continents.

Feng Tianqing and Feng Tianyu both completed their scarce spiritual plants from the space of Wanli City Lord.

With the help of Feng Tianqing, Feng Tianyu soon enriched her medicine orchard.

In the few days after Feng Tianyu decided to go out, Feng Tianyu and his sister only paid attention to eating, drinking and having fun.The two sisters lived happily for a few days.

Feng Tianyu is not worried about her elder brother and her followers, because Saturn and Ah Shui are there, as well as the three big monks Dong Guoyuan.

Before Feng Tianyu untied the seal of space.The Wanli City Lord cannot continue to establish a relationship with the space ring.

Therefore, after meeting Saturn, the Wanli City Lord announced that he had retreated.After Wanli City Lord reached an agreement with Saturn.

Ah Shui and Dong Guoyuan supported Feng Tianlei and led more than 6 monks in Fengfu, retreating to the wasteland a hundred miles away from Wanli City.

Feng Tianlei led the monks to build a temporary residence on the wasteland, with the promise of Wanli City Lord.

More than 6 monks can finally cultivate with peace of mind. The purity and concentration of spiritual energy here are three times that of the outer area.

After more than 6 people settled down, they retreated to practice one after another.With the aura practice in the yellow theater, you can condense your spiritual power in the practice, remove the dross, keep the pure and continue to compress or improve your cultivation.

So far, the distance between them and the monks in Zhongwei has been shortened in their hard training.

After Wanli City Lord announced his retreat in the City Lord's Mansion.He began to sacrifice his space ring for a year.

Fear made him face up to his mentality again, and the fear of losing made him start to restore his old cautiousness.

With the passage of time, he completely returned to normal from his previous mentality of being eager for success and going crazy.

The Lord Wanli was no longer in a hurry for success, and after he calmed down, he began to grind his kung fu to re-sacrifice the interspatial ring that had lost contact with him.

Feng Tianyu sealed the space ring of Wanli City Lord with his power beyond this realm.

They are free captives without pressure in the space of Wanli City Lord.But Wanli City Lord is doing his best to work as a water miller.

For everything he has, he can only sink his heart and work hard as a water miller.

The cultivation of Wanli City Lord has reached the limit in the yellow war zone, but he has reached the limit.

He failed when he broke into the yellow independent space, and he failed twice after breaking through twice.

After failing to break through the barrier twice, Wanli City Lord began to make a heavy summary.

In the end, he decided to withdraw from the inner circle to the middle circle. He hoped to find a way to successfully break through after starting anew in the middle circle.

Because, in his two checkpoints, he failed at the last moment.

He thought he must have been improving his cultivation in the yellow war zone.What is the most important key point that has been overlooked!
The owner of Wanli City gave up the good environment in the inner circle, and he went to Zhongwei to build Wanli City. During the 1000 years in Zhongwei, he began to look for his own footprints.

In the process of tracing back the years, every moment of his whim and comprehension.He went to confirm it immediately.

With a casual glance, he caught Feng Tianqing out of curiosity, and then caught Feng Tianyu.

This made him lose the peace that had accumulated for thousands of years, so that he had the crazy idea of ​​searching for the soul of Sister Feng Tianyu.

However, after the strange loss of contact with the space ring and the inability to re-establish the connection, he finally returned to a peaceful and normal state of mind amidst the fear.

A year later, in Wanli City, the owner suddenly looked ecstatic.Others have appeared in his space ring.

When Feng Tianqing and sister Feng Tianqing, who were enjoying themselves in front of his wooden house, appeared in front of him.

He finally found out what was wrong, why did they live so comfortably in his space?

He began to look at the Feng Tianyu and sisters with scrutiny.

He thought secretly that he had lost contact with his space ring.The problem must lie with the two sisters.

He looked at Feng Tianyu who was toasting to him with obscure eyes.Finally, he couldn't bear the anger in his heart and shot at Sister Feng Tianyu.

When Feng Tianqing saw City Lord Wanli grabbing her sister, when she swung her sword to face the difficulties, she couldn't help but exclaimed because of her useless sword: "Sister!"

Feng Tianyu's heart trembled, but she was not afraid. At the moment when her sister swung a sword to freeze, she grabbed her sister and comforted her:
"Sister, don't panic! Let Yu'er fight him!"

Feng Tianqing couldn't help feeling anxious when her younger sister grabbed her and sent her behind her.Zaimei's words of reassurance did not finish.

Feng Tianyu had already made a move with his sword, and the sword picked up mountains and rivers to attack the enraged Wanli City Lord.

She ruthlessly attacked Wanli City Lord with a single sword.

Although City Lord Wanli was certain in his heart, his loss of contact with his interspatial ring must have something to do with Sister Feng Tianyu.

However, in the face of the wind and rain at his fingertips, Wanli City Lord still couldn't change his contempt.

Feng Tianyu's unremarkable sword, when Feng Tianqing saw it, the worry in her eyes became even more serious.

As for Wanli City Lord, the hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth was even more conspicuous.Feng Tianyu sneered in his heart.

snort!If you can maintain this demeanor after a while, I, Feng Tianyu, will obey you from the bottom of my heart.

"younger sister!"

After Feng Tianqing yelled at her sister anxiously, she suddenly recklessly attacked Wanli City Lord with a sword.

Feng Tianyu saw her sister desperately attacking Wanli City Lord.She was startled suddenly, and after a moment of anxiety, a faint light flashed across her pitch-black eyes.


Feng Tianyu lightly opened her vermilion lips to stop her sister, her ordinary sword still maintained the same speed to attack Wanli City Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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